The Kindling Queens Cavern
Trainer stats
Name: Dinah I
DOB: May 27th
Eyes: Crimson Red
Hair: Red
Skin: Tan
Height: 6'2
Weight: 104 lbs.
Money: $356
ASB Awards...
Best Battle, -vs. ライチュウ
Fav.Color: Red + Orange
Fav.Food: Hot Wings
Hobbies: Fire Baton Twirling
Hates/fears: Water
Occupation(s): Qualified Reff, Pokemon Trainer, Art Shop, Running Most Popular RP, Hating on Water
My Virtual Dice Roller: Here!
Item Inventory
Rare Candy
Rare Candy
Battle Stats
Current Record for Least Rounds to Victory...
In 1 on 1 single match: 2 Rounds
In 2 on 2 single match:
In 3 on 3 single match:
In 4 on 4 single match:
In 5 on 5 single match:
In 6 on 6 single match:
In 2 on 2 double match:
In 3 on 3 double match:
In 4 on 4 double match:
In 5 on 5 double match:
In 6 on 6 double match:
In single Pokemon Tag Team match:
In two Pokemon Tag Team match:
In single Pokemon Multi-match:
In two Pokemon Multi-match:
Active Matches
1) -vs. Kai
Battle History
1) -vs. ライチュウ
2) -vs. Blastoise428
3) -vs. Blaziking
4) -+moon-panther vs. Full Metal Cookies+Grass King
5) -vs. Animorph
Active Reffing
1) Dragon vs. Chiropter May be subject to a DRAW
Reff History
1) RandomTyphoon vs. Blaziking 175
2) Kai vs. Zephyrous Castform
3) EeveeSkitty vs. mumei_tensai
4) Black Yoshi 99 vs. greategret
5) Flora and Ashes vs. Full Metal Cookies vs. Involuntary Twitch
6) Pretzel vs. Animorph
7) Involuntary Twitch vs. L'il Dwagie
Current Record for Least Rounds to Victory...
In 1 on 1 single match: 2 Rounds
In 2 on 2 single match:
In 3 on 3 single match:
In 4 on 4 single match:
In 5 on 5 single match:
In 6 on 6 single match:
In 2 on 2 double match:
In 3 on 3 double match:
In 4 on 4 double match:
In 5 on 5 double match:
In 6 on 6 double match:
In single Pokemon Tag Team match:
In two Pokemon Tag Team match:
In single Pokemon Multi-match:
In two Pokemon Multi-match:
Active Matches
1) -vs. Kai
Battle History
1) -vs. ライチュウ
2) -vs. Blastoise428
3) -vs. Blaziking
4) -+moon-panther vs. Full Metal Cookies+Grass King
5) -vs. Animorph
Active Reffing
1) Dragon vs. Chiropter May be subject to a DRAW
Reff History
1) RandomTyphoon vs. Blaziking 175
2) Kai vs. Zephyrous Castform
3) EeveeSkitty vs. mumei_tensai
4) Black Yoshi 99 vs. greategret
5) Flora and Ashes vs. Full Metal Cookies vs. Involuntary Twitch
6) Pretzel vs. Animorph
7) Involuntary Twitch vs. L'il Dwagie
(I'll gain some through ASB and you can request to be one. We'll battle more frequently than with others.)
(If you'd like to have a friendlier relationship through ASB than you'll end up here. Or, if you're already on my friends list and are an ASBer just remind me.)
-Grass King
-Full Metal Cookies
*In Need of Rewards for A.R.K.*
(ARK= Acts of Random Kindness)
-moon-panther (2)
-Negrek (1)
-Grass King (1)
-Full Metal Cookies (1)
My Dearest of Friends

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Naughty
Battle Exp: 0-1-2->Charmeleon->3-4-5->Charizard
Other: Has a severe hate for Water Type Pokemon
Battles: 1, 2

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Naive
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Arcanine
Other: She's got a big yapper and is proud of it
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Hardy
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Houndoom
Body Mod: Big Bones
-Fafneer's body is taller and longer than the average Houndoom as well as meager and old. His legs are lean and long as is his neck, tail and horns. In height he is 5'4.3 and he is 87.6lbs. which is underweight.
Effects: With his meager body his Defense is permanently down by 3 points and his Sp. Defense is down by 2. His Speed on the other hand is maxed out by the additional 6 points due to his light body and long legs. These stat modifications cannot be lost or transferred by any means. His overgrown horns prove good defense to physical attacks only when used to block by reducing damage by 1/2 for attacks with base power of 6 and down before applying weakness, resistance etc. Blocking base power of 7 and higher will only prevent 1/4 of the damage. Blocking comes only under command.
Sig. Move: Ashy Equalizer
-Having once been trained to fight and kill Pokemon after Pokemon, Fafneer had to practice endurance. Having won every battle, he'd have to remain fighting others in weaker conditions. To make up for it, Fafneer tried to find a way to make an advantage for himself. He already was able to concentrate fire energy within him in large quantities but could not release it in as great a power it was through moves like Fire Blast. Instead of his mouth, he released it through his body but not in a concentrated wave of heat, a wave of dark flames. The darkness of it originates from being a Dark Type. To trigger it he had to think darkly and force a devious pressure upon the flames that would carry his status and conditions to his opponents like injecting infected DNA. This would allow new fighters to start as roughly as he.
Fafneer concentrates on darker thoughts as he begins to store up energy before he bucks aimlessly releasing a nasty snarl as well as a rush of fire reaching outwards 360 degrees around him not including Pokemon currently elevated or underground. The fire is so dark it is nearly black. Upon contact the Pokemon's stats are matched with every single one of Fafneer's including health, energy, increased or decreased stats not including his pemanent ones, and severe conditions like paralysis. Fafneer is then forced to execute his next 3 actions last.
The move will only work if his health is 50% or lower and is an energy consuming technique used rarely in battle to avoid instant fatigue. Fafneer cannot use it more than once in a battle unless he is withdrawn and sent back into battle at least 5 Rounds later.
Fire Type|Special|100% Accuracy|Power: varies|Stats: varies|Target: Multi|Energy Cost: 99-76% drop in Health=28% Energy, 75-51% drop in Health=23% Energy, 50-26% drop in Health=18% Energy, 25-1% drop in Health=13% Energy|Usage Gap: Once for every time sent out of Pokeball
Other: Meager and old
Christmas Gift
Battles: 1, 2

Ability: Simple
Nature: Gentle
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Camerupt
Other: Dopey and loving
Christmas Gift
Battles: 1

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Hasty
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Rapidash
Other: Likes kicking things
B-day Gift

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Sassy
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Ninetales
Other: Likes to dress up
B-day Gift

Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Serious
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Macargo
Other: A real hothead with an explosive temper
B-day Gift

Ability: Battle Armor
Battle Exp:
Body Mod: Nervous Sweat
Before Kabuto was revived into the present, he was laid in the crevices of an underwater dormant volcano that coincidentally during the day of hatching, had erupted. The heat waves created from the ever so slowly reawakening beast of lava had rearranged some of Kabuto's genes during incubation creating his strange traits.
As Kabuto matured he realized that during times of intimidation and fear [triggered by the Ability Intimidate and any moves inducing fear such as Scary Face, Roar, etc.] as well as frustration and anger [repeated failure in battle and moves inducing anger and annoyance such as Taunt], his body would respond in violent flares of heat causing him to feel as if his insides were on fire. This made him rise in temperature not just on the inside but on the outside as well.
Effects: When Kabuto is in this state and an opponent uses a contact attack against him, that opponent gains a mild burn that deals it 3% damage every other round. However, the heat also damages Kabuto, and he takes 3% every other round as well The heat from his body has a 5% chance of inducing these mild burns for his own physical attacks with the same damage pattern. When in this state his STAB is ineffective. With this severe increase in body temperature, Kabuto's weakness to Grass goes down one level. Kabuto is relieved of this state when returned to his Pokeball, or during a change in weather to rain for his body cools off allowing Kabuto to calm down. He cannot enter this state while rain is in effect either. When swimming he has one round with the effect be it he stays at the surface otherwise underwater swims result in an immediate cool off. Growing weak and using energy is not a factor of eliminating this state because his fear and/or anger will increase as he grows desperate to survive.
Stored Pokemon
(ARK= Acts of Random Kindness)
-moon-panther (2)
-Negrek (1)
-Grass King (1)
-Full Metal Cookies (1)
My Dearest of Friends

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Naughty
Battle Exp: 0-1-2->Charmeleon->3-4-5->Charizard
Other: Has a severe hate for Water Type Pokemon
Battles: 1, 2

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Naive
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Arcanine
Other: She's got a big yapper and is proud of it

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Hardy
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Houndoom
Body Mod: Big Bones
-Fafneer's body is taller and longer than the average Houndoom as well as meager and old. His legs are lean and long as is his neck, tail and horns. In height he is 5'4.3 and he is 87.6lbs. which is underweight.
Effects: With his meager body his Defense is permanently down by 3 points and his Sp. Defense is down by 2. His Speed on the other hand is maxed out by the additional 6 points due to his light body and long legs. These stat modifications cannot be lost or transferred by any means. His overgrown horns prove good defense to physical attacks only when used to block by reducing damage by 1/2 for attacks with base power of 6 and down before applying weakness, resistance etc. Blocking base power of 7 and higher will only prevent 1/4 of the damage. Blocking comes only under command.
Sig. Move: Ashy Equalizer
-Having once been trained to fight and kill Pokemon after Pokemon, Fafneer had to practice endurance. Having won every battle, he'd have to remain fighting others in weaker conditions. To make up for it, Fafneer tried to find a way to make an advantage for himself. He already was able to concentrate fire energy within him in large quantities but could not release it in as great a power it was through moves like Fire Blast. Instead of his mouth, he released it through his body but not in a concentrated wave of heat, a wave of dark flames. The darkness of it originates from being a Dark Type. To trigger it he had to think darkly and force a devious pressure upon the flames that would carry his status and conditions to his opponents like injecting infected DNA. This would allow new fighters to start as roughly as he.
Fafneer concentrates on darker thoughts as he begins to store up energy before he bucks aimlessly releasing a nasty snarl as well as a rush of fire reaching outwards 360 degrees around him not including Pokemon currently elevated or underground. The fire is so dark it is nearly black. Upon contact the Pokemon's stats are matched with every single one of Fafneer's including health, energy, increased or decreased stats not including his pemanent ones, and severe conditions like paralysis. Fafneer is then forced to execute his next 3 actions last.
The move will only work if his health is 50% or lower and is an energy consuming technique used rarely in battle to avoid instant fatigue. Fafneer cannot use it more than once in a battle unless he is withdrawn and sent back into battle at least 5 Rounds later.
Fire Type|Special|100% Accuracy|Power: varies|Stats: varies|Target: Multi|Energy Cost: 99-76% drop in Health=28% Energy, 75-51% drop in Health=23% Energy, 50-26% drop in Health=18% Energy, 25-1% drop in Health=13% Energy|Usage Gap: Once for every time sent out of Pokeball
Other: Meager and old
Christmas Gift
Battles: 1, 2

Ability: Simple
Nature: Gentle
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Camerupt
Other: Dopey and loving
Christmas Gift
Battles: 1

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Hasty
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Rapidash
Other: Likes kicking things
B-day Gift

Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Sassy
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Ninetales
Other: Likes to dress up
B-day Gift

Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Serious
Battle Exp: 0-1-2-3->Macargo
Other: A real hothead with an explosive temper
B-day Gift

Ability: Battle Armor
Battle Exp:
Body Mod: Nervous Sweat
Before Kabuto was revived into the present, he was laid in the crevices of an underwater dormant volcano that coincidentally during the day of hatching, had erupted. The heat waves created from the ever so slowly reawakening beast of lava had rearranged some of Kabuto's genes during incubation creating his strange traits.
As Kabuto matured he realized that during times of intimidation and fear [triggered by the Ability Intimidate and any moves inducing fear such as Scary Face, Roar, etc.] as well as frustration and anger [repeated failure in battle and moves inducing anger and annoyance such as Taunt], his body would respond in violent flares of heat causing him to feel as if his insides were on fire. This made him rise in temperature not just on the inside but on the outside as well.
Effects: When Kabuto is in this state and an opponent uses a contact attack against him, that opponent gains a mild burn that deals it 3% damage every other round. However, the heat also damages Kabuto, and he takes 3% every other round as well The heat from his body has a 5% chance of inducing these mild burns for his own physical attacks with the same damage pattern. When in this state his STAB is ineffective. With this severe increase in body temperature, Kabuto's weakness to Grass goes down one level. Kabuto is relieved of this state when returned to his Pokeball, or during a change in weather to rain for his body cools off allowing Kabuto to calm down. He cannot enter this state while rain is in effect either. When swimming he has one round with the effect be it he stays at the surface otherwise underwater swims result in an immediate cool off. Growing weak and using energy is not a factor of eliminating this state because his fear and/or anger will increase as he grows desperate to survive.
Stored Pokemon
*Upcoming Additions*
[M] Eevee: Adaptability, [M] Magby/Beebe: Flame Body, [F] Cyndaquil: Blaze, [F] Torkoal: White Smoke, [F]Torchic: Blaze, [M] Chimchar: Blaze, [F] Houndour/Harlequin: Flash Fire
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