Jack_the_PumpkinKing's ASB Profile
Elite Referee
Table of Contents
Active Squad
Referee Formatting
Stored Pokemon
Item Inventory
Battle Record
Active Squad

[Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
Held item: none
Approved 2009-Jun-12
EXP: 1/2 to Ivysaur, 0/4 to Venusaur
EXP: (
Rarity Seven

[King Dodongo] Rhyhorn (M) <Rock Head>
Held item: Protector (
Approved 2009-Jun-12
EXP: 1/4 to Rhydon, 0/1 w/Protector to Rhyperior
EXP: (
Rarity Five
Signature Attribute: Flexibility (
approved 2009-Jul-21)
Signature Attribute: Flexibility
As a small child, King Dodongo watched the other Rhyhorn and their families creaking around slowly, hindered by their inflexible joints and heavy bodies. Determined to become better than those around him, King Dodongo began to exercise and stretch his joints and muscles whenever possible, and as a result, he has become much more flexible than other Rhyhorn.
Effects: King Dodongo’s flexibility allows him to begin with a +1 boost to his Speed. However, his flexible joints are more susceptible to attack than those of other Rhyhorn, so any opponent’s attacks that hit his joints will strike critically. (As far as dice-rolling reffing is concerned, any attack that strikes King Dodongo begins in a critical hit domain one higher than usual, and will hit his joints if the dice roll indicates a critical hit.)

[Barinade] Tentacool (F) <Liquid Ooze>
Held item: none
Approved 2009-Jun-12
EXP: 0/3 to Tentacruel
Rarity Three
Signature Attribute: Shock Resistance (
approved 2009-Aug-09)
Signature Attribute: Shock Resistance
Barinade grew up in a colony of Tentacool living on Kanto’s Route 10, just outside the Power Plant. Electrical emissions from the Plant make their way into the river somewhat often, so the Water Pokemon living there have developed a tolerance to electricity. On the other hand, the electricity they live with stimulates their circulatory systems, making them more vulnerable to poisonous emissions. Of all the Pokemon from the route, Barinade, in particular, relishes the vigor of being shocked, and actively sought the electricity. As her tolerance to electricity began to grow, she found that with practice, she could even channel it through her body to use some rudimentary Electric-type attacks.
Effects: Barinade’s tolerance to electricity lowers the super-effective modifier dealt to her by Electric-type attacks; the modifier drops to halfway between normal effectiveness and super effectiveness. (For example, on Negrek’s scale, the modifier would drop from 1.5 to 1.25. Barinade still suffers all secondary effects.) However, her heightened circulatory activity raises her vulnerability to Poison-type attacks; the modifier goes up to halfway between normal effectiveness and not-very effectiveness. (For example, on Negrek's scale, the modifier would go up from 0.67 to 0.83. Barinade still gets the STAB from Poison-type moves, and is still immune to the Poison condition.) Additionally, if Barinade can make physical contact with a source of electricity (for example, open wires, or a friendly Electric-type Pokemon), she can use certain Electric-type moves: Charge Beam, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, and Thundershock. However, to use these moves she suffers recoil damage equal to 1/4 of the damage done to the opponent (or, for non-damaging moves, 1/4 of the energy cost).

[Phantom Ganon] Ralts (M) <Synchronize>
Held item: Dawn Stone (
Approved 2009-Aug-18
EXP: 2/3 to Kirlia, 0/1 w/Dawn Stone to Gallade
EXP: (
Rarity Two

[Volvagia] Ninetales (F) <Flash Fire>
Held item: none
Approved 2009-Oct-05
Evolved to Ninetales 2009-Dec-15
EXP: (
Rarity Three
Signature Move: Swathe of Flame (
approved 2009-Dec-19)
Signature Attribute: Steel Helmet (
approved 2009-Dec-23)
Signature Move: Swathe of Flame
Volvagia is one of those weird Fire-typed Pokemon with fur. She loves the feel of fire, and, like many Trainers, has wondered why furred Fire Pokemon don’t catch on fire when they attack. After intensive study and training, she found that her fur was not quite entirely fireproof, and that by breathing an extra-intense flame on herself, she could light her fur on fire. This damages and possibly burns other Pokemon that touch her, and it increases her body heat, slightly powering up her Fire attacks. She hasn’t learned how to put out the flame, though, and she unconsciously expends some energy to keep her body heat higher to keep the flame going. The flame can be put out by any Water, Ground, or Rock attack that hits it. Additionally, a strong enough attack of any type will put enough stress on Volvagia that she will be unable to maintain the flame’s heat, making it go out.
After the flame is put out, Volvagia will be furless until the end of the battle, preventing her from using this move again. Her raw skin makes her a little more vulnerable to energy-based attacks, but, weirdly, Water-typed attacks will soothe her skin, reducing their effectiveness.
Type: Fire / Stat: Special / Base Damage: N/A / Accuracy: 95% / Target: Self / Energy: 4% initial, 1% upkeep / Duration: one action to activate
Effects: Volvagia breathes fire on herself, which costs 4% energy. After this point, she becomes swathed in fire, costing her 1% energy upkeep per action but dealing 2% Fire-typed damage to anything that touches her and adding 1% damage to her Fire-typed attacks after all other calculations. In addition, she trades her Flash Fire ability for the ability Flame Body while she is covered in fire. The fire can be put out by Water, Ground, and Rock attacks, as well as any attack with a base power equal to or greater than 120. After the flame is put out, Volvagia is furless and takes 2% more damage from special attacks for four rounds, after which the damage reduces to 1%; but Water attacks, whether special or physical, do normal damage instead of super-effective damage.
Usage Gap: can only be used once per battle (even if Volvagia is called back and sent out again)
Signature Attribute: Steel Helmet
Volvagia’s Trainer found a lightweight metal helmet shaped like a dragon’s head during his travels. Volvagia found that it fits her perfectly, and is so fond of it that she wears it during every battle.
Effects: Volvagia’s head is Steel-type instead of Fire-type. The rest of her body is still Fire-type.

[Morpha] Staryu (X) <Illuminate>
Held item: Water Stone (
Approved 2009-Dec-25
EXP: 0/1 w/Water Stone to Starmie
Rarity Two

[Bongo-Bongo] Duskull (M) <Levitate>
Held item: Reaper Cloth (
Approved 2010-Dec-26
EXP: 0/4 to Dusclops, 0/1 w/Reaper Cloth to Dusknoir
Rarity Three

[Twinrova] Togepi (F) <Serene Grace>
Held item: Shiny Stone (
Approved 2009-Dec-25
EXP: 1/6 Happiness points to Togetic, 0/1 w/Shiny Stone to Togekiss
Happiness points: (
Rarity Three

[Ganondorf] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire>
Held item: none
Approved 2009-Dec-25
EXP: 0/3 to Houndoom
Rarity Five
Referee Formatting
For the refs who don't want to reformat my (admittedly hefty) Active Squad section, here's a smaller version:
• [Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
• [King Dodongo] Rhyhorn (M) <Rock Head> @Protector (Signature Attribute: Flexibility:
• [Barinade] Tentacool (F) <Liquid Ooze> (Signature Attribute: Shock Resistance:
• [Phantom Ganon] Ralts (M) <Synchronize> @Dawn Stone
• [Volvagia] Ninetales (F) <Flash Fire> (Signature Move: Swathe of Flame:
http://bit.ly/asbswatheofflame, Signature Attribute: Steel Helmet:
• [Morpha] Staryu (F) <Illuminate> @Water Stone
• [Bongo-Bongo] Duskull (M) <Levitate> @Reaper Cloth
• [Twinrova] Togepi (F) <Serene Grace> @Shiny Stone
• [Ganondorf] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire>
Stored Pokemon
Duskull (M) <Levitate> (
Item Inventory
Protector (
approved 2009-Aug-18)
Attached to [King Dodongo] Rhyhorn (M)
Dawn Stone (
approved 2009-Aug-18)
Attached to [Phantom Ganon] Ralts (M)
Reaper Cloth (
given 2009-Dec-25)
Attached to [Bongo-Bongo] Duskull (M)
Water Stone (
given 2009-Dec-25)
Attached to [Morpha] Staryu (X)
Isshu Voucher:
Mijumaru Oshawott (
reserved 2010-Sep-22)
Isshu Voucher: Monozu (
reserved 2010-Sep-22)
Reaper Cloth (
given 2010-Dec-26)
Icicle Plate (
given 2011-Jan-29)
Shiny Stone (
given 2011-Jan-29)
Attached to [Twinrova] Togepi (F)
Rare Candy (
given 2011-Jan-29)
Battle Record
002 Wins (
1 -
002 Wins by DQ (
1 -
002 Losses (
1 -
000 Losses by DQ
000 Draws
006 Total completed
000 In progress
001 Waiting for a ref (
000 Challenges waiting for an opponent
002 Total not yet completed
002 Challenges dropped from the board (
1 -
2009-Jun-12: $45,
2009-Jun-12: $10,
buying team
2009-Jun-15: $16,
2009-Jun-21: $19,
2009-Jun-27: $22,
2009-Jul-03: $25,
2009-Jul-10: $28,
2009-Jul-18: $31,
2009-Jul-25: $40,
allowance and paycheck
2009-Aug-04: $46,
2009-Aug-10: $52,
2009-Aug-17: $61,
allowance and paycheck
2009-Aug-18: $29,
buying Ralts, Protector, Dawn Stone
2009-Aug-25: $43,
allowance and e-reffing
2009-Aug-31: $46,
2009-Sep-04: $51,
battle completion
2009-Sep-08: $64,
allowance and paycheck
2009-Sep-22: $75,
allowance and winnings
2009-Oct-05: $81,
allowance, paycheck, and buying Vulpix and Fire Stone
2009-Oct-12: $94,
allowance and paycheck
2009-Oct-18: $107,
allowance and paycheck
2009-Nov-01: $133,
2009-Nov-23: $143,
tournament winnings
2009-Dec-05: $148,
battle completion
2009-Dec-13: $64,
Xmas shopping
2009-Dec-15: $72,
battle winnings
2009-Dec-20: $80,
battle winnings
2009-Dec-23: $110,
2010-Sep-22: $116,
2010-Sep-22: $101,
buying Unova vouchers
2010-Dec-18: $107,
2010-Dec-26: $110,
2010-Dec-27: $80,
late Xmas presents
2010-Dec-31: $98,
2011-Jan-03: $101,
2011-Jan-05: $119,
2011-Jan-05: $137,
approved at Advanced level
approved at Elite level
00 Battles in progress (00 rounds reffed)
02 Battles e-reffing (03 rounds reffed)
02 Battles completed (12 rounds reffed)
Kindling Queen vs. Kai:
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six
Round Seven
just kind of died, I guess
Grass King vs. Whivit (emergency reffing):
Round Three
completed by DQ
Metallica Fanboy vs. Zaiella:
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
completed by DQ
Kratos Aurion vs. blazheirio889:
Round One
completed by e-reffings
Crazy Linoone vs. Meowth vs. Little Bluberry Bomb (e-reffing):
Round Four
Round Five
Byrus vs. Kratos Aurion (e-reffing):
Round Five
surprisingly nothing right now