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Ramble about your usertitle

Re: Copying Erindor's ideas, apparently (titles)

Mine's a quote from the Pokemon TV show. I should probably change it; it's getting pretty old.

...Anyway, yeah. Usually quotes. What irks me is when people have inside jokes as theirs. ...Heck, inside jokes irk me period, but yeah.

What really stuck out at me as being one of the best is the one Zeta Reticuli had a little while ago (?) that went, "Oh my! Zeta Reticuli sure is awesome!" And it was brilliant.
Re: Copying Erindor's ideas, apparently (titles)

I change it to whatever I want to. My current one comes from this.
Re: Copying Erindor's ideas, apparently (titles)

Mine's usually a title for myself or a quote I particularly like. Others' custom titles don't matter to me at all, though they can be fun to read.
Re: Copying Erindor's ideas, apparently (titles)

It's usually one of those random lines I think up during the day. Or assorted observations.
My usertitle is an obscure Unicode character, 8303 (0x206F), named "NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES". Unicode Demystified: A Practical Programmer's Guide to the Encoding Standard explains that "U+206F NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES returns things to their default state, where the digits in the ASCII block are always drawn as European digits", however it has no visible shape so I use it to simulate an empty title (given that vBulletin won't let me have an actual empty title)

I wanted at first to use the titlespace to make fun of other users' titles (that is, assuming vBulletin didn't truncate "LOL THIS IS A LINE FROM A SONG OR A QUOTE FROM AN ANIME CARTOON YOU SEE IT'S DEEP THEREFORE I'M DEEP TOO YOU UNDERSTAND"), but I love NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES too much to replace it any time soon
I put random stuff in mine. |D Quotes, little bits of songs, jokes between me and moony... Stuff like that.

I need to change mine though, it's getting a bit old.
Mine usually don't mean anything, or don't mean anything to anyone but myself. My current one is just a quote from Futurama, and it isn't funny unless you know the context it's in, so yeah.
Recently, I've been switching between lines I like from songs in RENT and Wicked. The current one's from Defying Gravity and is a little more angry than you'd probably imagine;

"I hope you're happy!
I hope you're happy, too!
I hope you're proud how you can grovel in sumbission
to feed your own ambition!
So though I can't imagine how...
I hope you're happy right now!"

I'll change it when I get bored (which will probably be sooner rather than later X3).
I changed mine because the idea of monopoly fanfic came to me, and I found it amusing.

Does such a thing exist?
Mine's usually a random obscure quote nobody will understand. 8D

This time, it's from the Smash Instant Mashed Potatoes advert from absolutely yonks ago. For mash, get smash! Smoothinox fluffy flora~
^Instant mash is terrible.

Anyway, My UT is currently rather straightforward.
This time, it's from the Smash Instant Mashed Potatoes advert from absolutely yonks ago. For mash, get smash! Smoothinox fluffy flora~
Speaking as a connoisseur of fine potato products, you make me sick. Mash should either be homemade or not made at all. ;_;

My usertitle is a reference to Richard Dawkins's The Blind Watchmaker. I generallly go in for obscure but amusing literary references; failing that, quotes from British comedy shows work just as well.
New avatar, new attitude. Well, not really, I'm still a laid back person, but hey, I can say I'm pissed off.
It changes, but the one right now,Must.Focus.ALL.Energy.On. Lip.NOT.Quiverin' is well, A line from the show that my avvie's from.
Yeah, so random crap.
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