Thank you very, very much :3 Especially for the detailed crit, Spoon, I'll work on that soon as I can~
The AJ characters are very cool, but it takes a while to get over the loss of Edgey et al D:
M'kay, Glacedon asked me how I shade things, so I figured I'd put a step-by-step thing here if anyone else cared.
I'm gonna use my sketch of Bubbles the Gyrados for this, because I've been meaning to colour her for a while and it saves me drawing out a while new picture. Plus blue and yellow are two of my favourite colours to shade with anyways.
So here she is, all sketchy and confused:
First thing to do is ink her, so I don't smudge all over the place when I try and colour her in. I use an average fineliner for this (one of the blue-green Berol ones I can buy in the school library for 30p) and, in a technique almost entirely stolen from FMC, make the line thicker in places where there are more shadows. Like this:
For the colouring, I
use a really nice set of 36 pencils I got from WH Smith's for £5.99 (look how short that pink is and revel in how I draw Galinda too much). There's an excellent selection of colours, so
I pick out the ones I'm gonna use before I start, and then use the darkest ones on the darkest parts (99% of the time, I shade with a top-left light source, so I start at the bottom-right). And she ends up like this:
Next, pick the middle colour and colour in most of the rest. God, I'm bad at describing this, aren't I? Uh, basically so she ends up like this:
And then use the lightest colour to colour over everything. This makes the whole picture look brighter and less scribbly. If you're colouring in something very shiny, leave the very lightest bit white, but I tend not to do that.
And then I go over the whole thing with a white pencil, which makes everything look smoother (you can't see it so well here because the colours are so light, but the darker the colours, the better it looks) and do the finishing things like signing, dating and editing in the almighty MS Paint to get rid of the doodles on the page I didn't colour :3
And there we go :3 I hope that wasn't too confusing, but yes. That's how I colour/shade stuff. It doesn't take nearly as long as this process makes it sound, though. ^^'