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Random Scribblings vr. II

Huzzah, I'm wondrously ecstatic that you've updated this thread that I could possibly begin a musical with my sore throat, and maybe end it, too~ It's fine that you haven't updated your thread in a while.

I adore Dannichu's Random Scribblings, since they're all amusing and wonderful (...elk x3) I'm prone to misread writings, and of course I managed to do that with the adorable Elphie doodle, which at first read as, "I'm a couch." I have no excuse either to why I read it as such (not even insomnia D:). Elphie's hat is really wondrous. I tend to make witch hat look stiff. That window has wondrous perspective for a scribble.

Glinda does probably use lattes to full her happiness, or it'd be a horrible mistake to give her one . I really like the ): smilie for some reason. Haven't I told you I'm fond of your style of eyes, well if I've refrained from mentioning that you need to gain this piece of information.

Your goat atamony is pretty wonderful for someone who often draws other things, but it has a canine-ish look to it. I'm really fond of the pose that the goat has.

Elphie looks confused and is also looking at a latte in a bubble (which must be Mew transformed into one, why else would there be one?) I like her hair, quite a bit.

Oh, I adore that song <333 I wish Elphie would brighten up a bit, though D:

I can tell that you're bored Glinda, by your expression :D
Random Factoid: You know that Spoon is actually a board made from werewood when she reads the phrase, "I'm bored."

A storm is rising, and I'm afraid that I might lose power, so I'll edit this post in short bursts.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I am a goat and I can defy gravity perfectly well, thank you very much. >:(

....Sorry, I couldn't help it. But I love your random doodles, always. I also notice you are getting better at drawing different poses, which is wonderful and you should do more of that because it's interesting. Galinda and Elphie are so cute in those bottom pictures. X3
Goats: Not meant to defy gravity.


One short day in the Emerald Cityyyy~

Top image:

top pic: I am on a coach. c=
upper left pic: WIN. EPIC WIN.
upper right pic: Latte. Laatteee. LAAAAAAATTEEEEEE. :(
middle-right pic: o look a latte
lower left pic: Why did you drag me out here? I don't even have any clothes on. I'm still in my PJs, in case you hadn't noticed...
lower right pic: BOREDDDD.
Pikachu: *steals* D'AWW SO CUTE 8D
Top pic: I like this. Elphie's eyes look a little funny, but meh. Glinda is so frigging CUTE.
Top right pic: *snorflezzz* It's really impossible not to love this.
left pic: Glinda, this is a cat. C-A-T. Say it together now...
lower right pic: -no comment-
lower pic: d'aww.
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... I always thought Mhals was a mole o.o


I thought pachyderms were, like, elephants and stuff (unless that song in Dumbo has lied to me ;;). But I can do a cat-goat if you want :D

And thank you very, very muchly for the comments <3
I didn't mean to cause so much controversy! Maybe I can me a goat, a cat, and a mole all at the same time? I really have no idea, I just wanted to say that. The thing about me being a flying goat, I mean.
Pachyderms is the term for animals with hooves :< Elephants have hooves of a sort and so do camels and giraffes and horses and goats.
Not all animals with hooves, though. Wikipedia tells me that the pachyderms are horses, tapirs, rhinoceroses, elephants, hippopotamuses, peccaries and pigs, but really I don't know anything about this myself so um.

Well Absol and Quilava are two of my most favorite pokemon, but.....what happened to Absol? It has ribs showing, for goodness sake! *sob sob sob* ;-;

Other than that, the Quilava and Houndoom look nice. :3
Hurr, all I know is the line "[something something] technicolour pachyderms" in the Pink Elephants song from Dumbo and the elephant character Pak E. Derm (or something) that there was a trophy of in SSBM.

Oh, I have no idea what I did to that Absol. I seriously screwed up the face.
I always draw Absols with their ribs showing, though; they're all skeletal and bony and I kinda draw them with vaguely the same anatomy as greyhounds. Who are very ribby.

One new picture I'm in the process of colouring.

RENT/Avenue Q crossover? Oh yes.


I bet you totally can't guess who I'm going to be drawing as monsters next :D

(hint: one's pink and the other's green)
I will definitely draw Nicky and Rod at some point because I love them. But, uh, I was clearly lying because I've drawn a bunch of other pictures, none of them as other monster-puppety-things. Oh well.

Musical crossovers. Combinations of the unholy trinity of RENT, Wicked and Avenue Q. Hurr.
I screwed up Elphie's face horribly... and my sister kinda made up the Sucks to be Collins song, so I added to it and threw it in there X3


Aaand this one's for the fabulous Strangy <3
I've been meaning to do this since forever, and I'm so addicted to House and a zillion different pairings, most of which make no sense at all, but House/Wilson makes me so happy :3


^ This is taken almost directly from a Scene in the episode Safe.
(#2 here; skip to 2:21 if you want to see it.... but feel very free to watch all of it and giggle in fangirly joy with me; personally I don't think they're the best, though I adore #4 <3)
Musical crossovers~~
I love Elphie's expression in the top one, and Angel, and Maureen and Joanne and Collins and.. hmm, that's all of them. Well, all of them are great because they are musical crossovers. :D :D

And also, you're really making me want to watch House.
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