Sure, I can try again. I'm happy to keep trying until I get it right, really - practice makes perfect and all that.
By the way, is there a limit on how many battles a ref can take at a time?
2 vs. 2
Single Battle.
DQ: 4 days.
Restrictions: No weather-altering moves, no chills, no OHKO moves, and no direct recovery moves.
Caps: 50%
Arena: Forest.
Description: A large forest filled with trees. Walking on the ground is a challenge because of trees being so close together. Nimble, quick Pokemon would call this place home.
Pre-Round Notes
Why they thought walking in this forest was a good idea, they'll never know, but eventually they happen upon something that could almost be called a clearing, compared to the rest of the forest. Deciding to rest here for a while, they decide to battle - that's a trainer's job, after all, to battle anywhere and everywhere. A short conversation leads to Squornshellous Beta being chosen as the ref, the other two taking their positions and preparing to begin the battle. On the ref's command, the competitors hurl their Pokéballs forward, one forming into a Gallade and the other into a Jumpluff.
Team Mitsuzo-kun

Rosie (Female)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I get the first action, but what happens on two and three? Sleep Powder if he tries to... Snatch... Substitute? Then if he tries to Snatch it again I swap it with... Seed Bomb? No, that's not right...
Commands: Substitute / Sleep Powder ~ Sleep Powder / Substitute / Seed Bomb / Swords Dance ~ Toxic / Substitute / Seed Bomb / Swords Dance
Team 3m0d0ll

Ability: Steadfast
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I don't understand it either. Guess it makes it easier on me though.
Commands: Thunderbolt / Encore ~ Psychic / Encore ~ Ice Punch / Encore
Round 1 Begin!
Jumpluff being by far the faster of the pair, Rosie moves first. Shaking her cotton-bud limbs violently, she dislodges thousands upon thousands of tiny seeds which, concentrating hard, she fills with her own energy, causing them to band together into a rough Jumpluff-shape. The creation looks around and seems pleased, then rushes straight in front of the original, bound to protect its creator. Meanwhile, Gallade is charging up electrical energy in his body, which he suddenly releases in one violent blast. He is somewhat disheartened to realise that the cotton-bud duplicate took the full force of the attack, though.
The Jumpluff, having given up puzzling over her commands for the rest of the round, decides to just use a move and hope for the best. Shaking her cotton-buds hard, several seeds are dislodged, where they roll innocently over to Gallade, who looks at them curiously... seconds before they explode violently, throwing the Gallade several feet back and slamming him into a tree. Becoming angry now, he wrenches himself free of the tree, then gathers his psychic energies, launching a full-frontal assault at the Jumpluff's mind. He is thwarted by the Substitute, however, whose mind seems to be everywhere that he tries to attack. Growling in anger, he focusses the brunt of his attack on the duplicate, which screams in agony and then falls apart, dissolving into the seeds that made it up. Seeing the irritation vanish, Gallade smiles, an expression which causes Rosie deep unease.
Adopting the same tactic as the previous action, Rosie decides on Toxic, to which end she mixes a potent mix of toxins in her body, spitting the foul mix over her opponent, who seems quite disgusted. As the goo sinks in and begins attacking his body from the inside, the Gallade smiles in a way much more comforting than his previous one, confusing Rosie somewhat. He then begins clapping, much to the Jumpluff's surprise, and commenting on what an
excellent attack it was, how he would just
love to see it again. This seems to go to Rosie's head somewhat, since she grins and makes a mental note that that is the attack of choice.
Gallade is pleased that his Encore seems to have worked so well, but notices that the Toxic is taking its toll on him, causing him mild nausea. He knows it's only going to get worse.
Round 1 End!
Team Mitsuzo-kun

Rosie (Female)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Health: 80%
Energy: 80%
Status: I know, I know, it was a nice attack, wasn't it? Encored, two more actions.
Attacks Used: Substitute (20%) ~ Seed Bomb ~ Toxic
Team 3m0d0ll

Ability: Steadfast
Health: 87%
Energy: 85%
Status: Hah, so easy to fool. Badly Poisoned (2% this round, 3% next)
Attacks Used: Thunderbolt ~ Psychic ~ Encore
Damage / Energy Calculations
Substitute - 20% health (Rosie), 10% energy.
Thunderbolt - 15% damage (critical hit), 5% energy (Accuracy roll 79, needed 100 to miss)
Seed Bomb - 11% damage, 5% energy (Accuracy roll 54, needed 100 to miss)
Psychic - 12% damage, 6% energy (Accuracy roll 99, needed 100 to miss)
Toxic - 5% energy (Accuracy roll 16, needed 86 or over to miss)
Encore - 4% energy (Accuracy roll 88, needed 100 to miss)
- Mitsuzo-kun, please don't use more than three conditionals in an action, it confuses your Pokémon. She settled for using a random command.
- The Substitute was destroyed on the second action.
- Jumpluff having an unspecified ability, I just went with random. Not that either of them matters in a non-Sunny-Day environment.
- I used
this to calculate damage and energy, lalala you know this by now... I knocked off 2% energy for Encore though, it doesn't seem like clapping and talking would need that much energy even if there was a mild hypnotic suggestion behind it. Which is how I imagine Encore.
- Look! I got images to show remaining Pokémon in 2v2 or greater battles!
for a conscious Pokémon and
for an unconscious one!
Arena Notes
One tree has a small hole in it where Gallade's back-spike was wedged in. There is a fluffy mess on the floor where the Substitute collapsed.
Next Round
- 3m0d0ll Attacks
- Mitsuzo-kun Attacks
- I ref