Karkat Vantas
Virile God-Snake Tower of Masculinity
1 Out at a Time
DQ: 14 days (2 weeks)
Restriction: No OHKO's, No Recovery Moves, no chills, no substitute. No Earthquake, Magnitude, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb or moves that use the ground of stones for power. Only basic or baby stage Pokemon allowed.
Damage Caps: 50%
Arena: The Plateau is a basically a large circular platform with the circumference of the circle lined by 20 feet high spikes. There is no ceiling but instead a glowing force field that will lightly bounce back whichever Pokemon smacks into it. The circle itself is 20 feet in diameter and littered with rocks therefore an earthquake, rock slide, etc. would make the arena topple over and instantly finish the battle with the person who used one of those moves declared the loser.
Team Elecii

Soran - M - Run Away
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Yawn ~ Protect ~ Taunt
Status: A bit anxious, but otherwise feeling fine.
Team Lucky 7

Fedex - M - Vital Spirit
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Fake Out/Future Sight ~ Toxic/Double Team ~ Aurora Beam/Avalanche
Status: Ready to fight.
A helicopter landed in a rocky pit somewhere in the world of Pokemon, and three trainers stepped out. Lucky 7 went to the east of the battlefield, Elecii went to the west, and their eternally grouchy referee Karkat went to the north. He took out a remote control and pressed a button on it, and the warm hum of static filled the air. 7 picked up a rock and threw it towards the sky. It bounced against the force field and landed on Karkat's head. He rubbed the lump on his head. "Good going, dumbass! Now send out your mons before I disqualify you."
Elecii released a small brown fox with a creamy collar. It let out a small squeal and wagged its tail. 7, after some hesitation, sent out a red bird carrying what appeared to be a bag. The two trainers whispered commands to their fighters, and Karkat raised a flag. "Round one!"
Soran sighed. He wanted the battle to start with a bang, and all he got to do this action was yawn? He breathed in and thought about going to sleep, in a nice, warm bed, snuggling up with a Flareon, warmed by the tepid comfort of its fur, comf--
Ow! Soran was snapped out of his dreams by a quick slap to the face. Soran opened his eyes to see that Fedex had ran up and smacked him in the face while he was daydreaming. [4h, 5e] Fedex laughed at the imprint his wing had made in Soran's face... it looked like he got hit by a surfboard! Soran rolled his eyes. It's not as if the attack would have any effect anyway; a kooky opponent like Fedex probably wouldn't even want to go to sleep!
Fedex ceased his laughter and readied a blob of toxic goop in his throat. Digested candy and stomach acid launched out of his mouth in a disgusting purple ball. [5e] Soran saw the incoming attack and quickly set up a translucent green barrier. [4e] The sloppy purple orb harmlessly bounced off against the protective shield and fell to the floor.
Fedex stomped his foot. Why didn't the little fox get all sick? Aaaargh! He calmed down and coughed out some rainbow-colored fog, which grew incredibly cold. Suddenly, the multicolored fog condensed into an orb. It went through every color of the spectrum; red to orange to yellow all the way up to purple, and shot like a laser beam at the fox. [4e] Soran was knocked back by the freezing beam. A chill went through his body as he attempted to get up. He took a moment, then... what was he supposed to do? Use "Taunt"? Soran looked at his trainer with a look of confusion on his face. After all, he is quite sure that there was never a way for Eevee to learn Taunt, and never will be. Quite frankly, he finds the notion to be quite absurd.
Karkat facepalmed and raised his flag with his other hand. "Round over!"
Team Elecii
Soran - M - Run Away
Health: 88%
Energy: 96%
Used: *flinch* ~ Protect ~ nothing
Status: "What kind of order is Tent, anyway?" Cold and confused. -1 Attack.
Team Lucky 7
Fedex - M - Vital Spirit
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Used: Fake Out ~ Toxic ~ Aurora Beam
Status: Laughing at his opponent's confusion.
Team Elecii

Soran - M - Run Away
Health: 88%
Energy: 96%
Used: *flinch* ~ Protect ~ nothing
Status: "What kind of order is Tent, anyway?" Cold and confused. -1 Attack.
Team Lucky 7

Fedex - M - Vital Spirit
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Used: Fake Out ~ Toxic ~ Aurora Beam
Status: Laughing at his opponent's confusion.
Arena Notes:
Completely unchanged!
Ref Notes:
Yawn would be ineffective thanks to Fedex's ability. It failed anyway thanks to Fake Out.
Aurora Beam dropped Soran's attack.
As was pointed out during the match, Eevee doesn't learn Taunt.
Be careful where you're throwing those stones, eh?
Elecii attacks first next round, followed by Lucky.
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