I've come to get my job back. Elite level mock it is.
3 vs. 3
Double battle
Set style
Disqualification: 7 days
Restrictions: No OHKO moves, level 1 pokes only, choices to be PM'd to ref beforehand.
Arena: Lilycove beach
Description: The battle here takes place on the seaside. A long stretch of clean, yellow sand makes up the beach part, and there is a lone wooden pier in the middle extending some fifty or so metres out to sea, which itself is calm (leastways before the battle... =p). Low-tide for now but the water quickly turns deep well before the end of the pier, so plenty of space for land-lubbers and sea creatures alike
ole_schooler OOO

Ability: Oblivious
Level: 1
Health: 59%
Energy: 76%
Status: +2 Special Defense, -1 Speed
Mood: Strong but fading.

Ability: Pressure
Level: 1
Health: 53%
Energy: 71%
Status: +2 Attack, -1 Speed, -1 Accuracy
Mood: Good but weakening.
Bobandbill: OOO

Ability: Water Absorb
Level 1
Health: 60%
Energy: 50%
Status: -1 Speed, Toxipoisoned (1% per action)
Mood: Tired but good.

Ability: Volt Absorb
Level 1
Health: 74%
Energy: 51%
Status: Good, low energy.
Mood: Happy but feeling pain.
Referee Notes
- Rain is in effect for the next round.
As the rain continued to mercilessly pound upon the sands, the four arrayed combatants eyed each other. Both Bright and River tensed up, watching for the moment to make their respective moves, bound by their orders not to move first. The towering Lapras bobibng in the wave was not held by such restrictions, however, and opened her jaws wide, expelling a thick white gust of wind over her opposition. Both of her foes were caught in the conal breath, fur standing on as the chilling attack covered them. While not overly painful, the thick cloud weighed heavily upon their damp bodies, the accumulated water helping to chill them to the bone.
While Oz and River shared a disdainful glance, Bright gleefully offered her own contribution, a bolt of salty water of her own concoction which she spewed at the latter. River was knocked off her feet by the blast, though the pain of her awkward landing was swiftly overpowered by the agony of the water running over her body, her various wounds now numerous enough to let the insidious liquid do its work. Salty water flowed over her wounds, causing her to hiss. Angered by this treatement of his ally, Oz squealed loudly, raising and stomping his tiny feet as forcefully as he could.
Bright watched, perplexed, until a stalagmite forced its way up out of the ground, leaving first the sand and then the water behind as it smashed into the fish pokemon's belly. The force propelled Bright out of the water and through the air, her expression betraying only shock and alarm. As she span back to earth, she noticed that River was growing larger much faster than anything else, as the mammalian had leapt towards her foe. Her bladed horn seemed to blaze with purplish-black energy as she lashed out at the falling chinchou, the blow impacting upon the same spot Oz's assault has just pounded. Bright's fall became much more horizontal as she hurtled back from the force of the blow, landing hard in the tossing sea below.
Glowering at River, Bright turned and loosed another gout of salty water at her foe, the fluid splashing across her fur and seemingly hunting down her open wounds pooling in every cut she had accrued thoughout the fight. River snarled in pain and fury once more, raring to sink her jaws and blades into the impudent Chinchou, however, she had bigger fish to fry. Trying with only mild success to ignore the agony flaring across her flesh, she turned and snarled at the other aquatic beast present, this time the animalistic sound carrying more than just malice. At River's will, a colossal bolt of lightning whipped down from the clustered clouds overhead with a deafening crack, coursing through the sky down to Bree. The Lapras Screeched in pain as the bolt smashed into her, electricity shooting through her jaw and cutting the noise short. Instead, she contented herself and with fixing her eyes angrily on the absol and prepared to counterattack. Except...
Wait, what should she do? She wanted to brine the absol, but she was only supposed to do that if Bright had only done so once, but she'd done it twice.
So, should she hit the swinub? No, River was still up and about, and she should only do that if she'd been taken out. The puzzled Lapras glanced uncertainly at Oz, who was caught up in a dilemma of his own. What was Role Play? He knew what Role meant, he thought, and he loved to play, so...
Oz smiled obediently, understanding blooming. He rolled playful onto his back, then all the way back onto his feet, snorting happily.
Amused by this performance, Bright decided that she had nevertheless waited long enough for the great reptile with her to make a move, and decided to make a commanding decision. That decision was to douse River in another blast of salty pain. River cringed as she spotted the plume of water soaring towards, and roared her rage has the attack met her. The fresh surges of pain overwhelmed the absol, and she shot one last hateful glare at Bright as she fell, ashamed to have fallen to such a wimpy-looking enemy. Bright laughed joyfully as she watched the terrifying mammal fall, the look shot at her not damaging her feeling of triumph. However, Oz was very much awake, and he summoned up the earth itself to remind the happily bobbing fish of that fact. Realisation hit at about the same time as the attack, and though Bright's joy was diminished as she was once again smashed upwards by the attack, she nevertheless felt that she'd done well enough.
Bree watched all of this action with dismay, her joints still crackling with residual electricity, sometimes spasming jarringly. Her own pride was hit, as she herself had contributed little to that small victory, or so she felt, and the slowly worsening poison within her system was doing nothing to cheer her. Sadly, she looked across at Oz, prepared to make the next round count much more, as the black clouds overhead began to fall away, allowing the balmy rays of the sun to grace the battlefield once more.
Ref notes:
-The rain has ended.
-Swinub doesn't learn Role Play
-Bree's commands didn't give her an option for this situation on the second action.
-River's Thunder paralysed bree, and she was fully paralysed on the third action.
ole_schooler XOO

Ability: Oblivious
Health: 56%
Energy: 66%
Status: +2 Special Defense, -2 Speed
Mood: You'll be avenged!

Ability: Pressure
Level: 1
Health: 0%
Energy: 58%
Status: +2 Attack, -2 Speed, -1 Accuracy
Mood: Knocked Out!
Bobandbill: OOO

Ability: Water Absorb
Level 1
Health: 36%
Energy: 47%
Status: -1 Speed, Toxipoisoned (2% per action) , Paralysed (Severe)
Mood: Her spirits are falling almost as fast as that absol.

Ability: Volt Absorb
Level 1
Health: 47%
Energy: 35%
Status: Good, low energy.
Mood: Feeling a little prematurely victorious.
Next round:
ole_schooler sends out.
Attacks are pmed to me.