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I felt it necessary to post this. Any comments on Jesus cursing a fig tree for not having figs, months before fig season?
Religion, to me, is a voluntary method for expressing your beliefs about the origins of life, the universe, a supreme being that may or may not exist, or any other big question that science/logic can't answer adequately. It doesn't work if it's forced on you; it has to be what you believe in. My $0.02.
For the most part, although I disagree at best and rabidly dislike it at worst, I don't care about others' religious beliefs.
The people who pray at home and don't bring up their religion or anything beyond what they are? They're okay. The people who are openly religious but are also accepting of others? Cool. But once people start trying to convert others and start yelling about hell and stuff (I've had a "friend" who's tried to convert me a few times - not fun), that's when I get pissy.

And when people start doing shit like this to their own fucking child, I will not stand down and let it go because ITS RELIGION LOLS. It's not worth tearing apart families and putting countries into war.

I'm not stupid, I know there are religious people who are great people. It's the horrible people that get to me.
Religion is for people who are pussies and are afraid that they can't know everything about the world

not really most of them only do it because that's how they're raised, but I like making fun of them like that and it provokes the hell out of masculine christians.
I'm technically Catholic but at this point only in name. I disagree with the homosexuality-and-abortion-are-evil thing, and honestly hate the thing the Pope has against condoms, but what really is driving me away from Catholicism is this:

When talking about rape, in two completely unrelated discussions, two nuns told their respective classes that if you get raped, it must be your fault, because you must have done something to encouage them to rape you! (I was present for one of these discussions, and was just like "what in God's name are you talking about? You're supposed to say that rape is never your fault!)

When talking about rape, in two completely unrelated discussions, two nuns told their respective classes that if you get raped, it must be your fault, because you must have done something to encouage them to rape you! (I was present for one of these discussions, and was just like "what in God's name are you talking about? You're supposed to say that rape is never your fault!

Rape apologists disgust me to no end.

At the same time, I realize even most hardcore theists don't think the victim is at fault, but when they do it's just ugh.
^ Correct. Rape is never the victim's fault.

However, not everyone belives that.

One in five people think a woman is partly to blame if it is known she has many sexual partners, while more than a third believe she is responsible to some degree if she has clearly failed to say "no" to the man.

Sick, much?

(not to do with religion, technically, but still relevant)
Well if the victim fails to say "no" to the other.. I don't see why the heck they wouldn't say no... and if they're too drunk to think clearly, then they're kinda asking for trouble..

I don't think it's the victim's fault, but if it ever happened to me, i'd blame myself 100% because I was unable to take care of myself.
while more than a third believe she is responsible to some degree if she has clearly failed to say "no" to the man.

so, what, if the victim is gagged and can't say no it isn't rape?

Is this atheists or people who identify as atheist and label themselves accordingly? I realize I'm way late, but I am interested; I see quite a few people who don't believe in a god but still treat atheism as an identity that they don't apply to themselves.

I believe the question was "do you find religion important in your life?" which is, really, a lot better an indicator than "are you religious, if so which religion".
it is edited to include those people, like my parents, who don't believe or think religion has a place when they were baptised catholics (or similar cases).

a lot of europe has these paper catholics
so, what, if the victim is gagged and can't say no it isn't rape?

I was thinking more "How can you say no when someone's slipped rohypnol (or similar) into your drink?" but that works, too.

Felidire said:
if they're too drunk to think clearly, then they're kinda asking for trouble..

nonono NO. No they're not. People drink alcohol. Some people drink more than they should, and if, say, they get aggressive and start a fight while under the influence, then yeah, they should be more careful. But it's nobody's responsibility to stay sober so people won't rape you. Being drunk absolutely does not give someone else the right to your own body in any way, shape or form. And nobody ever asks for it.
I'm a Christian, but I think that people should be allowed to believe in whatever the hell they want. I don't care what you believe. It's your choice, not mine.

I can totally relate! I am christian, but i dont believe in all that "we are the one true almighty religion" stuff. In fact, my neighbor and good friend is buddhist, and that doesnt bother me. I dont think you go to "hell" for not being christian.
I can totally relate! I am christian, but i dont believe in all that "we are the one true almighty religion" stuff. In fact, my neighbor and good friend is buddhist, and that doesnt bother me. I dont think you go to "hell" for not being christian.

If you don't think being Christian has any relevance as to whether you go to Heaven or Hell why are you Christian?
probably because it fits better with his beliefs and he's a normal christian and thinks that good people in general go to heaven?
all my christian friends think like that anyway :/

it'd be really weird if you got in to heaven purely for being catholic. oh hey hitler what's up? nothin' much, just hanging around.
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