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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Markha nodded. "I don't really mind. I'll just go along with you guys since I don't want to start a fight on where we go right now. We need all her energy."

And after all this time, her baby was still asleep in her pouch.
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Link blinked, staring at the kitten with utter bewilderment. Had he heard wrong, or was this creature insane, or something?
"Pokemon? What..?"
"I am Taiko the Tycub, one of the Pokemon, like that wolf thing over there." He flicked his tail toward Ibiku. "Sorry for not explaining it earlier. I have never seen anything beyond my own species. Tell me, what is your name, and what creature are you?"
Bara nodded. "Yes. Pokémon. This land," Bara gestured around herself, "Is inhabited far and wide by creatures we call 'Pokémon'. We live near them, raise them as pets, and even battle with them. Pokémon are far more powerful than humans, with powers that are fantastic. That Ratata, however, can't do much more than tackle or bite you. However some can breath fire, shoot water, razor-sharp leaves, and poison you. And even that's scratching the surface. It's dangerous to walk in areas inhabited by Pokémon, such as that cave, without Pokémon. And there are laws prohibiting killing them. However, because we have Pokémon on our team, we should be okay. But if I remember the modern maps my friends, and myself at one point, used, that cave leads to nothing but a power plant. It's basically a dead-end."
Oh. So, basically, Pokemon were very powerful animals. That made sense. Somewhat. Breathing fire and poison sounded like dragons, and Deku creatures could attack with sharp leaves. Hearing that it was dangerous to run into these "Pokemon" without having a "team" made him want to try and fight one, to see if they really were that strong. And because he hadn't fought anything in a while. But harming them even without killing was probably illegal, and some in the group were Pokemon, so that was out.
"Link. I'm a Hylian."

((This is actually right. Hylian is the "elf" race. Hyrulian is anyone who lives in Hyrule. Just felt like saying.))
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"Basically, yeah. But I am a Fire-breathing Tiger!" He demonstrated by creating a small grassfire, then putting it out by stepping on it. "So... I'm bored..."
Vai looked into the grass. "So, the town.." She pushed the hilt of her dagger. "Would the residents be comfortable with this.. group walking in?" And looking absentmindedly at the grass, "How tough are these Pokemon, then?"
"A... power... plant?", Taunos said to himself, quite unfamiliar with what a power plant was. He skipped past the thought.
"Pokemon. I see. Curious creatures. If the cave truly leads nowhere, then the town maybe our best hope. We can ask whoever is around, but Vai is correct. Humans are quite troubled by tauren, at least they were back home. As far as not harming these Pokemon, my powers can shield us from the elements, as well as physical strikes. And I am an able healer.", Taunos said.
He looked back at the tower in town. Taunos sensed many spirits around it, and maybe even inside of it.
"What is the signifigance of the town's tower?", Taunos asked.
Bara looked at the tower. "This tower was built many years ago as a place for humans to bury their dead Pokémon. Both real ghosts and Ghost Pokémon live there. Pokémon vary in strength. I'm not as good as a Pokédex-that's a device humans use to help them fight and learn about Pokémon, by the way-but I remember quite a bit. And if we can find Sand..."
Tails turned to Bara. "Sand?" he asked.

Who cares? Sonic thought, C'mon! C'mon c'mon let's go already! He started to walk towards the town, though it took all his willpower to not break into a run. Tails sighed and started walking too.

"I guess we should head towards the town, if the cave doesn't lead anywhere important." he said, half to himself and half to the group.
Kirby followed the yellow-foxy and his blue friend. As he was trotting along a few feet behind, he noticed a small, pink puff, somewhat resembling him.

The creature, on closer inspection, seemed to have a large curl of hair on top of it's head, and a blue ribbon. Kirby approached the creature, sniffing it a bit before remembering something about not fitting in with the people here. Well, Kirby could surely fit in if these thingys lived here! Without further ado, Kirby opened his mouth wide and inhaled, almost immediately catching his pink look-a-like. Kirby swallowed, and for a few moments felt the fake-Kirby kicking around.

Then, the Jigglypuff (for that's what it was) reappeared several feet away and proceeded to dash away at top speed. Kirby, on the other hand, stood still as he realized he now had a large pink tuft of hair, was smaller than normal, and had a large ribbon affixed to his head. Kirby then dashed off back to the group.

Kiby ran up to the person who was apparently from here, attempting to show her his new disguise.
((Sorry for not replying sooner Evoli! ^.^;;;))

Ibiku was thankful for the food and took it without hesetation from Link's hands. While gulping it down she asked, "So where are you from?"
After waiting a bit for a reply she looked up to see that he was already walking away. A small pokemonish thing was following him, but Ibiku had never seen anything like it before. She followed and eves-dropped on their conversation for a bit. She was utterly confused when Link seemed bewildered by the existance of Pokemon.
"Wait, so you're from a place called Hyrule, but it doesn't have pokemon? That doesn't really make sense... What DO you have??" She questoned curiously. Some bushes rustled nearby...
Taunos turned to see the blue wolf talking with the high elf. He walked over upon hearing what the wolf said.
"Alas, Azeroth has none of these Pokemon, as well. Other worlds are quite curious places, aren't they?", he said, then noticing three members of the group going off, he added, "I suppose we're going now?"
"I guess so," Bara said. "And Sand is my friend from around here. The surviving one at least..." Bara briskly walked towards the town.

OOC: Yeah, major spoiler for Forgiven.
Vai paused. She'd likely be able to blend in with the humans (not that she was fully, herself), but worried about the others. With a last look at the grass, Vai ran after them, her wings slapping against her back.
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