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Open Rift in the Dimensions

And now Taunos was talking to and about the spirits here. He actually did have a point. Spirits always seemed to know practically everything in Hyrule. So here was something he could do! It bothered Link that, so far, he hadn't been much of a help with anything. It didn't look like they'd need to fight anything anytime soon, or anything else he was good at.
He walked away, leaning against the side of a nearby building. Since they'd arrived here, he could sense the spirits nearby, and while they did seem upset for obvious reasons, they still probably would not mind talking. Or rather, listening..
He pulled the Ocarina out of his pack and started to play, very softly. At first, nothing happened. But after a little bit about halfway through the song, fuzzy silvery shapes appeared in front of him, separating to form many strange-looking creatures; a fox-like animal with many tails, what appeared to be a strange dragon with a flaming tail, and other creatures that looked completely unfamiliar. Some immediately started floating closer to Taunos, looking curious.
Well, he did say we should talk to them, right? And they can tell us a lot, probably.
Link stopped playing and sat cross-legged on the ground, then began murmuring softly to the fox-like spirit creature.
Dark Samus watched Manfred lead them through the portal whilst Trace was making the finishing touches to the portal. "Give results." He said through the portal.
"Ha!" Sonic replied to Bara, "Good luck catching me! Back in my world, that fat bastard Eggman's been trying for years. Never even came close! Though he's gotten Tails a few times..."

Tails shot Sonic a look. Sonic gave a teasing look back as they both continued to look around.

"There's an exit to the south," Tails pointed out, "If that actually leads to somewhere, it could lead us closer to the decay. But should we go for that, or try to find information about what's been going on here first?"
Taunos watched as Ibiku started going mad, apparently from the spirits hovering around the whole town, their voices, more specifically. A quiet melody then rang across Taunos's ears. He turned to see the high elf playing an ocarina. Spirits floated towards Taunos, and others went towards the elf. Taunos walked over to him.
"Can you see into the world of spirits as well?", Taunos asked of the high elf.
Trace finished setting up the portal, "It is working suffiecently, if it fails we shall be stuck." He stood up and saw that Manfred had already stepped through. Trace sighed. He walked through and got everyone else to follow through.
Hmph. Good luck to them, whatever lives inside that unknown world. Now, to sort out these other villains.
Oreta blinked. He didn't really understand the networking of portals, but then again why did he care? Sighing inwardly from slight exasperation and drowsiness, he followed Trace.
"I am mostly human, so these balls will most likely not be able to capture me. Unless they are made to catch humans," Vai added as an afterthought. "And, well, what is here, except for potentially mobbing townspeople? We should try the route to the south."
Link jumped slightly, looking confused for a moment as if he'd been in a trace. He nodded.
"Yes, everyone in Hyrule can."
The Ninetales spirit did something that resembled giggling and whipped one of its tails at his head playfully, which simply moved through it, being a spirit.
"Interesting. It's something that takes a bit of training back home in Azeroth.", Taunos replied, "Yes, other worlds really are curious places."
He turned towards Vai, who was wondering just what there was in this town. Taunos smiled and said, "And I suppose seeing spirits and other creatures invisible to most mortals isn't a common talent in your world as well, Vai?"
"Hmm...maybe I could get a better look around." Tails said. With that, he spun his tails and took off into the air, shading his eyes from the sun with his hand and looking about. After a few minutes, he gently lowered himself to the ground, looking rather tired.

"Well...the path to the south...leads to a long bridge...which seems to lead...to the ocean," he panted. He took a moment to catch his breath. "Also, the sky gets much, much darker, so if we're to find out more about the decay, that would definitely be the best direction to go."
"Well, some of the priests and mages can see them, but most spirits in our world are meant to be killed. So, no." Vai answered.
She blinked at Tails. "You can fly by spinning your tails? Well, at least we have another one of us who can fly... We should try this path, then. Nothing can really attack us on this bridge, unless your Pokemon can swim and fly."
((Well, Vai, they can. =D))
Trace stepped out of the portal, he saw the universe for himself. It was beautiful, amazing and soon to be ruled by them. Ice caps covered the area, snow and ice had frozen the mountains and waterfalls, he couldn't feel the cold but his armour started to play up. He saw a factory? No, a labour camp up ahead and beside it, a group of buildings. That is where they must go. But it would be dangerous in this landscape suddenly he saw something come out of the distance, something watching them, hiding. He walked over to it...
"Well, they actually can," replied Taiko. "They can do all sorts of things! But most of the time, unless captured in red and white orbs, called Pokeballs, I think, and owned by what is called a Pokemon Trainer, they usually don't fight. Now, I said usually, so don't let your guard down."
"Poke...balls?" Vai snorted.
"Well, in my world some monsters can be trained too," she mused. "And most are.. unusual at best."


Ibiku slummped to the ground. Even attacking the voices wouldn't make them go away. She began to whimper as she drug her head into the dirt.
"Gya!... Please go away...Awayawayawayawayawayaway......." She whined.
The sound of music snapped Ibiku out of her self-pity state. She scanned the area and saw Link playing some kind of instrument. The voices melted away and she felt herself drawn to the tune. She jogged over and sat down next to Link.
"Where did you learn that song?..." Ibiku mumbled contently. It was affecting her in such an odd way. Sure, she loved music, but it never did this to her before. The elf confused her so much.
Link looked very happy. It was good that at least one person here appreciated music, though since it was magic, maybe it didn't really count.
"It's from home.. sort of."
He looked at the ocarina for a moment, and laughed.
"It's only supposed to affect spirits. Are you dead?"
He leaned back against the side of the building and started to play the song again, eyes closed. It was nice here, quiet and peaceful. Staying here wouldn't be so bad, really.
"Well, we know where we need to go," Sonic said, "Now let's go!"

Tails sighed, but he nodded. "Yeah, so I guess it's settled. We go south, closer to the decay." And away from this creepy, creepy tower... he thought to himself.

"Wahoo!" Sonic said, losing all self control and sprinting forward. He was only going a moderate speed...for him. The dust he kicked up made Tails cough.

"Hey, wait for us!" Tails said. He turned to the others. "Don't worry about keeping up with him. It's pointless anyway. He'll be back."
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