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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Logoth Lept forward swinging. He caught one of the centaurs weapons. The creature stumbled attempting to keep it's grip on the axe it was holding. He twirled his sword gaining momentum. He brought it down on his opponent. Cutting the human torso clean off the horse body. The cut had astounding precision. Logoth turned to his left and engaged another.
Sonic and Tails tensed as the centaurs approached. Seeing Taunos begin to go on the offensive, they took that as a signal to attack. Sonic rolled into a ball, revving up and bulleting forward, aiming himself to catch several centaurs' legs from under them, then moving in for swift blows to their heads. Tails took to the sky and armed a bomb, carefully aiming it as to not hit...

Something very blunt and very heavy smacked Tails in the back of his head and knocked him out of the sky, causing the bomb to fly out of his hands and behind him, where it went off with a loud bang. He fell to the ground, but amazingly was able to pull himself up, wobbling a bit, but still very much alive. Then he remembered Taunos' spell...and what would have happened if it wasn't there. He was shaking like a leaf.

"Tails!" Sonic yelled between launching lighting-quick kicks at the centaurs. "Pull yourself together!"

"R...right..." Tails said, taking to the air once again, buzzing around above everyone's heads. He made a point to raise his altitude as he armed another bomb and tossed it into a group of centaurs.
A blast buffetted Geralt, but, unlike bombs he was used to, this one felt more like... getting slapped rather than getting blown to bits. He then noticed a glowing totem on the ground and smiled. The centaur next to him was suddenly out of a pair of legs and Geralt mercilessly stabbed his chest to kill the centaur.

Taunos waved his staff around, and fired a lightning bolt, but this time, it jumped across four centaurs, one after another, and all hurt.

Geralt moved from the corpse onto the four that were just struck by lightning, and slashed his way through, swinging wildly and hitting all of them.

Then, Taunos' felt a sharp prick in his chest. He looked down and saw an arrow.
Looking up, he saw Tails flittering through the air, "Look out, they've got archers!", he shouted.

Another one caught him in the chest, but this one appeared white hot and was appropriately burning hot as well. Taunos quickly tried to find a group of centaur archers, and tried to cut them down with another chain lightning blast, but more and more centaurs seemed to stampede their way in.
Just as Tails heard Taunos' warning, a flash of heat grazed his face, leaving a streak of charred fur in its wake. He winced and reached into his pack again, pulling out a small box and popping it open. A sphere of flames surrounded him. This should at least keep the flaming arrows off me for a while... He looked around for Sonic, who was hidden in the chaos below.

"There's so many of them!" Sonic thought aloud, bobbing and weaving madly. He could dodge their blows easily, but the sheer numbers were keeping him sharply on edge.

((Wow...playing this makes me remember how much my fight scenes sucked. ._.))
Logoth narrowly dodged another axe swipe while thrusting his sword into the centaur's gut. He heard Taunos shout "Archers!" He couldn't see them but he was busy. He bowled over a Centaur and chopped off the head.
((Gah, why do you guys have to post while I'm asleep (in theory)? D:))

Galacta Knight saw a barrage of arrows come at him and instinctively held up his lance. A beam whip shot out of it and turned clockwise in a circle, snapping all of them and leaving them charred. All but one, a flaming arrow, which continued on its present course and struck him in the wing. He stumbled backwards as pain shot down it before yanking the arrow out. A small fire had started where it hit, so he put it out by repeatedly slapping his wing against the ground. It left behind many burnt feathers, most of which had been shaken out or had fallen out.

"All troops," he called, seemingly to no one, "Move out!" Suddenly, the ground began to shake as hundreds of small soldiers in dark purple and blue-green charged at the centaurs.

Torchic gasped as an arrow just grazed her head. Chikorita shook her Treasure Bag loose and rumaged through it before pulling out a small blue orb with her mouth. She held it up and waited for something to happen.

((That Orb is a Petrify Orb. In PMD2 it affects all foes on the same floor (the "floor" bit isn't relevant to this) by giving them the Petrified status, which makes them completely immobile until attacked.))
Vai leapt at a centaur, daggers outstretched, with Valkyrie at her side. It seemed to freeze a second, before her daggers sunk into his? its' side, and the centaur reared back. "Valkyrie! Do something!" She yelled, and the other girl pulled a thin branch of rowan wood out of the air. Valkyrie ran at another paused centaur, letting the moonfire whip fly.
A small shine expanded out. Much of the fight was enveloped in it, and afterward, most of the centaurs were stuck in time, so it seemed. Taunos then noticed how one of the centaurs regained motion when Vai and her companion struck them.
"Hold on a second.", he said, pulling out his fire totem.
Taunos walked into the middle of a crowd of them and laid it down, a fire nova totem now. He ran back, and after a few seconds, a ring of flames engulfed the peftrified centaurs. Many of them staggered back or just died. A trove of small soldiers around Galacta Knight dealt with the rest.
Geralt jumped in as well, and hacked away, beheading more than a few in the process.
However, as the last centaurs struggled on, Taunos heard something behind the sounds of battle. More pitter-patter, and the distinctive pluck of bows.
"Look out!", he shouted, a wave of arrows descended upon the group.
He turned away to shield himself.
Geralt swung his sword in front of him in such a way that he could slice a good deal of the arrows before they hit him.
Then, the other centaurs seemed to step aside, a large one came in.
"They brought a champion," Taunos said," a khan."
The centaur khan stomped the ground, killing most of Galacta Knight's soldiers. Some more axe-wielding centaurs came in, fighting with even more ferocity and zeal than before.
Logoth was about to decapitate another Centaur when it suddently froze. He looked up and all of the centaurs where frozen. Then Taunos cast another spell, most died. But the rest Logoth had no intetion of letting them escape. He Stopped his fancy foot work and began simply to slice. He carved ath through the remaining Centaurs. When he thought that all of them were dead he turned his back to see how the others were doing, when he got ran over from behind. Logoth's sword fleww away from him and he shouted
"Damn it!" He lept to his feet, searching for his dagger.
Galacta Knight saw more arrows rain down and once again summoned his beam whip, turning most of the arrows in front of him to ashes. The few remaining were sliced in half by Chikorita's Razor Leaf.

He looked back to the centaurs to find that a larger one, a "khan" Taunos called it, had stepped forword and stomped on most of his Meta-Knights, crushing them. "Retreat! All troops, retreat!" All remaining troops... he thought bitterly. Those pathetic worms, can all they do is die? The few that had barely made it out scampered past Galacta Knight and returned to where they came from. I hope the one that played charades with me had a particularly gruesome death.

Torchic looked up at the centaur khan. Deciding she should test it, she leaped up and spewed flaming breath in its face, still a good distance away.

((Hey - Flamethrower is a long-range/projectile move. D:))
Sly dropped Logoth's dagger. A centaur was charging him. Not a good thing. He side stepped holding his cane out. The Centaur's axe caught, and he was tugged away. He wheeled himselfonto the Centaur's back. THIS is more like it!He felt something hit his cane, but he held onto it, and shrugged it off.

He pulled out a timed smoke bomb, which, thankfully, was sticky (Sly would have to thank Bentley next time he saw him) , and tossed it onto the Centaurs head, giving him a sharp crack on the head before jumping off.

Obi-Wan reacted quickly, pulling his lightsaber from his hilt. At this point, it's use the lightsaber, or be trampled. He thought. He stood his ground as a centaur charged him. At the last second, he acivated his lightsaber, sidestepped, and cut the brute in half. Unfortuantley, he was clotheslined by Sly's cane the next second.
((Skymin, is it allright for Blaze to have brought with her the Sol Emeralds? Just wondering, as it will change hos Blaze attacks.))
"Good to know." Spire said, "Let's see how they like immolation."

He opened fire on the centaurs. giant chunks of superheated magma arced at the centaurs. Anything that they struck caught fire. Anything that they struck happened to be the centaurs

"Crude, but effective," Ravage said, "But can you do this?"

The symbiont pointed his tail at one of the centaurs. The next second, a green laser shot out of the weapon and struck one of the beast's axe, along with the arm that was holding it. Both disintegrated.

Bonecrusher, meanwhile, opened fire on them with his energy cannon, and aimed close to, but not at them. This was mostly to scare them, as he doubted they'd seen something like him in their universe.

"Maybe we should take care of that bigger one," Spire said, pointing at the Kahn, "Let's see how it likes a touch of frost."

His cannon changed color from orange and brown to violet and brown. Spire aimed his cannon at the Kahn and fired out a triple-beam of ice at it.
((Good question. Mewtwo. Sonic didn't bring his Chaos Emeralds, so I'd say no. We'll touch up on that issue when we get to Sonic's world. Just have her use her fighting skills/fire attacks for now))
Logoth couldn't find his dagger. So the next Centaur to attack him he had no weapon. The axe came at his chest, His thick armor stopped the axe. In fact the axe completely cracked. Logoth grabbed the man-horses neck, wrestling it to the ground. He twisted the head listening to the sickining crack of the centaur's neck.
Flames licked the centaur khan in the face. However, almost counter-productively, after that it was hit by three beams of ice.
Geralt turned and jumped on his back, about to slice the centaur's back open, but was thrown off.
The khan looked down and charged straight at Torchic, filled with killing intent.
Taunos was about to scoop up his earth totem and figure a way to stop it, but an axe whizzed by his head and another glanced off one of his horns. He fended them off with his staff, but found himself short on mana. Knocking one down, he beseeched various earth spirits and symbolically stomped the earth. The ground around him shook and threw the other two centaurs next to him off. He smashed both of their heads in. Taunos looked around and noticed that seemed to be the last of them.
"That was... unexpected."

"What?" Spire said, "How many there were?"

"No," Ravage said, "How quickly they gave up. Even after the large one has gone down, more should charge in to finish us off. So why aren't there any?"

"Most likely to test us," Bonecrusher said, "Doubtless that someone was hanging back; watching the battle and reporting it to the master. That's a common war tactic."
Chikorita, seeing the centaur khan's charge, quickly dug through her already-off Treasure Bag. She picked up what appeared to be a seed in her mouth and thrust it at Torchic, who caught it in her beak and crunched it. A red sphere enveloped Torchic as it took her up, placing her some distance behind Chikorita.

Galacta Knight held his lance up as a glowing blue energy ball formed on its tip. Suddenly, the blue orb disappeared, and he rocketed off towards towards the centaur at an incredible speed, aiming for its head.
Valkyrie yelled a few words and the air in front of her compressed, dully clunking as the arrows bounced off. She felt the drop in energy right away, and jumped behind Vai, who dealt a few more blows to the centaurs around her before an axe caught her arm. She nearly dropped her dagger.
"Son of a bitch," she muttered, and looked to Valkyrie. "Can you heal?" Valkyrie nodded sharply, fending a centaur off with the rowan branch. She pointed her hand back at Vai, muttering. The cut sealed up, and Vai nodded her thanks before jumping forwards again.
Tails cautiously lowered himself to the ground. Though centaur bodies were strewn everywhere, everyone in the group seemed to have escaped relatively unharmed. He landed and clutched his head, the panic of battle making him forget how much it had been throbbing in pain from the blow of the axe. He disabled his fire shield and went to find Sonic.

Sonic skidded to a halt and uncurled himself. "Well, that was fun..." he muttered, dusting himself off as best he could. He met up with Tails and the two regrouped with the others.

These centaurs were very different from the noble creatures I'd read about in the books... Tails thought to himself.
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