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Right or Left Shift

Which Shift do you use?

  • Right Shift

    Votes: 17 23.6%
  • Left Shift

    Votes: 38 52.8%
  • Any of them

    Votes: 13 18.1%

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • what's shift?

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
I always use the left Shift. In fact, the way I type, I keep my left pinky on the left Shift or hovering above it and use it exclusively for Shift. :D Helps when I keep talking about Pokémon, filling my sentences with proper nouns that need capitalization.
Left shift. I was never taught about right shift.

I have never used right shift.
Exclusively left shift. Honestly, I don't believe I've ever used the right one, if not out of force of habit, then because the right shift is TINY on this keyboard. >_>;
I use the right shift a lot. It just seems more comfortable to use it then the left one, for me anyway.
Whichever happens to be more convenient at the moment. I suppose it's usually right shift, but I'm not unable to use left shift or anything.
I tend to use the one that is farther away from whatever key I am typing, primary because I type mostly with my pointer fingers and thumbs. I favour the left shift, however.
Right shift because left shift is hard to get to. I'm left handed and use a laptop, my mouse goes below the left side so my right hand is more open to typing, pressing enter, shift and the arrow keys.

EDIT: Whoops, voted for left. You should be able to change your vote.
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