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Rotom: Legendary, or not?

Is Rotom a legendary?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 17.3%
  • No

    Votes: 91 82.7%

  • Total voters
I hate to add more to a thread that should already be over, but not only is Rotom allowed in the Battle Tower, but a non-boss trainer uses it.

In case you hadn't gathered, Rotom is non-legendary without a doubt.
I hate to add more to a thread that should already be over, but not only is Rotom allowed in the Battle Tower, but a non-boss trainer uses it.

In case you hadn't gathered, Rotom is non-legendary without a doubt.

Really, who? I never recall that at all. Can you VS Seeker them?
I hate to add more to a thread that should already be over, but not only is Rotom allowed in the Battle Tower, but a non-boss trainer uses it.

You mean in the battle tower a non-boss uses it? Because I've ran into random trainers with Entei, Cresselia, the Regis, and so on oh god x-x
I hate to add more to a thread that should already be over, but not only is Rotom allowed in the Battle Tower, but a non-boss trainer uses it.

In case you hadn't gathered, Rotom is non-legendary without a doubt.

Also I have had a partner in the battle tower with a Latias.
Lol epic bumpage.

Manaphy can breed and....just read through the rest of the thread, I guess.
In general legendaries cannot breed, and it isn't anything particularly special, I wouldn't class it as a legendary myself.
I thought the room in Platinum where you change its forms made it pretty obvious that it's like Mewtwo in that it's an artificialy made Pokemon. >.> So no, it isn't legendary.
No. It's just not... AWESOME enough to be a legendary.
Look at the legendaries. They are either AMAZING or ADORABLE~!
Rotom- little and ugly.
Therefore, not a legendary to me.
(but I got the Secret Key anyway... *shot*)
No. It's just not... AWESOME enough to be a legendary.

It can turn into a lawnmower. A fucking lawnmower. And you call it not awesome?

Ahem. Point being, Rotom doesn't have the stats to be a legendary, and you can breed it to create more Rotoms. Manaphy, on the other hand, has way higher stats, and, although you can breed it, the eggs hatch into Phione and you can't make more Manaphys by breeding Manaphy.
Rotom is awesome just the way he is. Sure he's little, but certainly not UGLY. Look at that smile.
Mmm... I'm not sure. I like to think of Rotom s a legendary, but I know that everything about it is just too normal for that to be true. I personally like to think that Rotom is a pseudo-legendary, or something.
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