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Rotom: Legendary, or not?

Is Rotom a legendary?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 17.3%
  • No

    Votes: 91 82.7%

  • Total voters
They screw up semi-frequently and tend to omit things. It's not awful, but I wouldn't rely on it for anything.

The fact that when it started saying (in its Pokedex I think) that certain Pokemon have "formes" and not "forms", the major fansites spread the news and now (almost) everyone uses the word "forme" seems to indicate that the fandom doesn't think too badly of it.

Rotom's battle music could be a minor software glitch or a logic error. I doubt it's significant
Um, speaking of formes, quite a few fans, from my knowledge, speculate that the new shadowed Pokémon are a forme of Rotom. Very few Pokémon have formes, and most of them (ratio-wise) seem to be legendary.

Electronic devices, though, don't exactly seems like a legendary subject, as compared to other subjects, such as time and space.

I'm more conviced that Rotom is a non-legendary, and I like thinking of it as a non-legendary <3
I don't think it's any more of a legendary than Snorlax, to be honest.

Though I used to think Snorlax actually was a legendary, back in th' day X3
There's enough proof for me in this thread to agree with "or not".

But if it's known for creating havoc, and it's found in an abandoned building's TV (as opposed to Sunyshore or somewhere like that), maybe it's endangered and trying to avoid any contact. Iono.

On the other hand, those Snorlax and Sudowoodo seemed pretty arrogant, recklessly blocking paths like they owned the place. Reminds me of the Onett police force, it does.
Rotom's average out to be about base 73, which definitely is not around legendaries.

Phione doesn't really count as a legend.

Phione IS a legend, and averages out to be 80. Rotom's is pretty close to that.

However, with that said, it is my firm believe that Rotom is not legendary until we are told other wise by nintendo or gamefreak. I just like pointing out things.
Why don't you just write to the creators. Maybe that will clear it up. I for one support the fact the Rotom is NOT a legendary.
*sighs* So you're saying that Happiny, Sudowoodo, Togepi, Eevee, and all of the starters are legendaries?

You can catch more Happiny, Sudowoodo, and Togepi in the wild. And I think he understands the fact that it is just a rare pokemon now anyways.
Oh, someone told me that it could, I was trying but they hadn't made an egg yet...
You can catch more Happiny, Sudowoodo, and Togepi in the wild. And I think he understands the fact that it is just a rare pokemon now anyways.
Yes, you're right, I said that a few posts back...
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