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Stupid things you thought were true: World Version!

I used to think everybody got straight-A's and whoever didn't was beaten. Not exactly strange, but oh well.
Ah yes, I just remembered something.

When I was young, I used to think that a serial killer was someone who ate a lot of cereal. So one day I walked randomly into first grade and stated that I was a "cereal" killer to some random kid, and he asked me what that was, so I stated what I honest to God thought it was. Then apparantly it spread and all the first graders called themselves serial killers, and then the kindergarteners and preschoolers copied it ('cause we were older than them so we were role models, ya know~) until sometime in fourth grade, I think, my mom said that they were people that killed a lot of other people.

Gawd I felt so embarassed Dx
When I was like six, I came up with the idea that life was a dream, and that dying was when the person dreaming you woke up. Which then prompted me to think: no school since I'm a dream! =D ...This idea lasted for the length of my attention span (five minutes).

I believed Santa Clause and Ronald mcDonald are evil. I still belive the second. :P And when a fake Santa Clause came to school for Christmas, I freaked out and wouldn't go to school for a month. Then my teacher came, bribed me with candy, (still six-ish at the time) and eventually got me to come back. Now, if Ronald McDonald had come to school, I probably would have still been home right now. XD
I used to believe that when you grew up, you had to marry your sibling of the opposite gender >.<
And I believed that babies were magically formed after people got married.
And that the doctors had to cut open the mother's stomach to get the baby out.
My friend thinks Ronald McDonald is a child molester. :D
When I was younger I thought every other man was a paedophile because I grew up in Belgium's Dutroux/Fourniret years so I was scared of going outside by myself.
I'm still a bit paranoid even though I know it's dumb :/

holy shit ptsd.
That's actually what had to happen when I was born. xD

Same with me.

And my older sis.

And my younger sis.

I was too big (strange, cause I'm short now...), Julie was breech, and Vicki...I think they were taking a precaution with her. :D
My mother reminded me of these:

When I was four or five, I apparently went on the balcony, thinking that if I jumped off, I would sprout wings and fly XD

Also, my brother once tricked me into eating dirt, making me believe it tasted good or something O.o I was a toddler then, so it might not count, but still...
When I was really little I thought that every state in the US spoke a different language.

If I remember more I'll add them :P
When I think back on it, my six-year old self had really philisophical thoughts. O_o Um, my brother tricked me into drinking Coca Cola (I hate soft drinks by saying it tasted like water. XD

I strongly believed that if you beat a game, you would get the chance to go into it. Thus, my horrible efforts of beating the Water Temple of OOT fame. I was freakin' eight, and trying to beat that thing. I fail at video games. XD
Oh dear, I have a lot.

~I thought babies formed in the stomach.
~Also, moms pee babies.
~But after that, I figured out basic sex. Is it creepy that I was only four?
~I thought my subdivision was my country.
~Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and God were real.
~I was going to be a good Catholic girl.
~The world was a great place to be.
~I was going to be a pop singer.

I was a weird child.
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