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Stupid things you thought were true

When I was little I thought Mew evolved into Mewtwo and then into MegaMewtwo (Mewtwo with the armour from the movie)

When I had LeafGreen(my first Pokemon game BTW) I thought that some Pokemon had location evolutions because I had cancelled my Seel's evolution without realising it, and when I leveled it up in the Seafoam Islands it evolved. I also thought Golbat evolved though trading.
I thought steel was weak to water.

It made perfect sense! Steel rusts from water. With all those resistances, steel does need more weaknesses than it really has, so why not a weakness to water?

It complicates things when steelix is attacked by a water attack. Result: "It's Super Effective!"

Also, I pronounce arceus ar-SAY-us. is this wrong?
I used to think that it went Slowpoke-Slowbro-Slowking. X(
I used to think that, too. I one day caught a Slowbro and made it hold a King's Rock, then traded it to my SoulSilver game, and bam. NOTHING HAPPENED. I was sad. D:
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I used to think that, if you gave a pokemon the right hold item and sent it to pal park, it would evolve after you caught it (ex. send seadra with dragon scale to pal park, evolves into kingdra after caught.)
It complicates things when steelix is attacked by a water attack. Result: "It's Super Effective!"

Also, I pronounce arceus ar-SAY-us. is this wrong?
Arceus is pronounced ARK-ee-us, but you can pronounce it however you want. No one's gonna kill you over it.


Only because the people making the English-language version of the anime didn't want a Pokémon to have a name that sounded like "arse." It's actually supposed to have an S sound in there, not a K sound.

Aha! Knew it.
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About the only Pokémon-related rumors I actually believed back in the day were the old "Mew-under-the-truck" thing (until I skipped HM01 and used a traded Lickitung or something for Cut, then came back with Surf and Strength later) and "Magikarps learn Surf at Level 99" (until I actually trained one to level 99 with Missingno'ed Rare Candies.)

Also, back when we were first getting Gold/Silver info, for some reason I thought that Snubbull (or Snubble, as everyone spelled it at the time) was Dark-type and that Togepi evolved into Ho-Oh. I guess I figured it was going to be the Gold/Silver equivalent of Magikarp.

Arceus is pronounced ARK-ee-us

Only because the people making the English-language version of the anime didn't want a Pokémon to have a name that sounded like "arse." It's actually supposed to have an S sound in there, not a K sound.
I thought...

Farfetch'D -> Doduo -> Dodrio

Other than that, I can't really remember anything else. But I'm sure there are some...
I thought the "purified protected space" in Lavender Town was a trap.

And... until recently I though Lucario was Fighting/Psychic 0_o
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When I first started playing the Pokémon games, I used to think that the game automatically saved when a Pokémon evolved. Oh, and I used to think that Rock-types were more likely to get burns, on account of that always happening when my Torchic used Ember over and over again on Roxanne's Geodude. |D

I also believed that Pikablu and the PokéGods existed in Red and Blue. Aaaand that you could make Dragonite evolve into Yoshi (that's what one of my friends told me when I was younger).

...And I used to believe that you could make yourself a Gym Leader in Ruby/Sapphire if you beat the Elite Four 100 times. Again, another one of my friends told me this. And that Team Rocket would appear if you talked to your mom enough times, in the same game.


Yeah, I think I believed just about everything. *snort*
The one that sticks on my mind somehow is when I thought filling up the step count app meant Prof. Rowan gave you a free Bonsly. Ergo, the first 99999 steps on my Pearl after getting that were completely wasted.

Other stuff: That B mashing made catching easier, that changing the Pokeball you used since last time gave you a better chance, that Lucario was a legend... Oh man. Too many to count. Thank God I found bulbapedia since then, their information is ALWAYS good. (That is what they always say about wikis, right?)
That Groundon and Kyogre were Ground-Fire and Water-Ice
Ninetales was part Ghost
That you needed Jirachi so you could wish your fossils to life
That Slacking healed every other turn
My poppop said that I couldn't go outside so I thought that meant pokemon were real then I got bit by something and I yelled Rattata!!! Rattata!!!
-That Gyarados was Water/Dragon and Lugia Water/Flying. Of course, once I caught them, I found out they weren't.
-That Electric didn't affect Rock. Thanks a lot, Brock. Of course, using on Aerodactyl proved otherwise (I think?)
-That Latios and Latios were evolutions or baby forms of Lugia (I was six or seven at the time, and they looked kinda similar)
-That it was pronounced Ray-kwah-zuh. Of course, in retrospect, the actual pronunciation becomes obvious
-That something special would happen (I don't know what, though) if you had Tropius, Chimecho, and Absol, just because they seemed so rare
-The whole ride the rocket to the moon and get Deoxys rumor
Just remembered some more odd things I thought about Pokémon way back before Red/Blue came out in English... and a couple more pre-Gold/Silver ones.

Back before Red/Blue came out in English and there was virtually no reliable Pokémon info on the Internet, I found pictures of the first 150 Pokémon along with their beta English names (like Skulkraken instead of Gyarados, Tonguetyd instead of Lickitung, and Kung Foo instead of Machoke.) Since I only knew the actual types of a handful that had appeared in the Nintendo Power mini-guides, I tried to guess their types... sometimes I got them right, but other times they were waaaay off.

* I thought the Nidorans (and their evolved forms) were Normal-type.
* I thought pretty much every non-Flying-type that can fly/levitate was a Flying-type. Apparently I took the type "Flying" literally back then instead of realizing that it's actually the Pokémon equivalent of a wind/air type. This led to me listing Beedrill and Venomoth as Bug/Poison/Flying, Koffing as Poison/Flying, and Mewtwo as Psychic/Flying.
* I thought Dratini and Dragonair were Dragon/Water, while Dragonite was plain Dragon because there's no way it could fly with those tiny wings.
* I thought that pretty much all the Normal/Flying types were just Flying, and Doduo/Dodrio were just Normal.
* I thought that pretty much all of the Rock/Ground types were just Rock, except Onix for some reason.
* I thought Porygon was Psychic or Rock type. I didn't know it was a computer-based Pokémon at the time, so I thought it was just made of weird crystals.
* I thought Psyduck, Golduck, and Staryu were part Psychic.
* I thought Butterfree was part Psychic, too... probably because I had played a badly half-translated Japanese Blue ROM and found out that they learned Confusion. So Beedrill and Venomoth weren't the only bugs that I gave triple types to.
* I thought Sandshrew learned Dig by leveling up, because I had forgotten that I gave the Dig TM to my Sandshrew in the Blue ROM.
* I bought Red as my first version because I thought that Bellsprout was in Red, because when playing the Japanese Blue ROM I ran into Oddishes but no Bellsprouts in the grass around Cerulean City. I didn't know that English Blue was basically the same game as Japanese Green yet back then, and thought that Green was the special third version that we didn't get.

* Before Gold/Silver came out (and for a little while after it came out in Japanese), I thought Heracross was the evolved form of Pinsir. Made sense at the time, what with Scyther getting an evolved form and Pinsir/Heracross both being beetles...
* When first playing through Gold, I thought the Quick Claw was just a constant Speed boost rather than a random chance thing, and was amazed when one of Jasmine's Magnemites was faster than one of my Pokémon that was holding it.
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ゼニガメ26;407246 said:
Thanks a lot, Brock.

I'm INNOCENT! I HAVEN'T DONE IT! ISWEAR! Wait... what didn't I do?

((I know you mean my in game namsake but reference was too good to pass up))
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