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Stupid things you thought were true

My friend told me back when I was a kid if I went into my front yard and stood underneath my tree while I played pokemon yellow and muttered "I love pokemon" enough times, I would go to the pokemon secret garden irl. Needless to say, I was a gullible kid, So I brought yellow for it. In retrospect. I love him for that as without that game i would have been alot less happy as a kid.
Probably a lot of EV trainers (including myself) thought rare candy didn't apply EVs. Serebii now says otherwise.

But, I thought you couldn't get EV's from rare candies. What sort of EV's would they offer, anyway?

EDIT: Oh, wait, you meant that you can get stat boosts from EV's when leveling up with rare candies. I thought that meant you could actually gain EV's.
...in the same generations that used stat experience, you continued to get stat experience at level 100 and then you could box trick it.
I believed my friend when he said Unown could grant wishes(He said he got two of each legendary).

I believed another friend when he told me that talking to the Ruin Maniac when the Unown in your party spell "Cowfar" will get you infinite masterballs, while going to him with Unown spelling "Master" would result in only getting three.

My best friend told me that they were making a new Smah Bros. game with serveral characters including General Grievous, NIGEL MARVEN, OF ALL PEOPLE, and even Arceus (This was when I still thought it was pronounced "ARSE-ius".) And of course, I believed him.

Another friend told me that pokemon lived in the woods behind his house, and that Rayquaza would come down my street in a few minutes. Strange I believed him, even though he had already lied to me about there being dinosaurs in his backyard. (Funny thing is, his dad's a cop, and cops aren't supposed to lie! XD) So, there I was, looking out my front window like a sucker for probably an hour and a half. XD
I thought if your Pokémon fainted, it would be the same as them actually dying and you'd never be able to use them again. I spent many a frantic moment during Red trying to keep Charizard healthy and alive.
I used to think Golbat evolved by trade, and that depositing Pokémon in the computer made them unhappy.
I found the computer part out much later and just from Bulbapedia, but the Golbat part has an interesting story tied to it:
In Gold, I caught a Zubat when I was in Union Cave for the first time. In Kanto, I decided to train my low-level Pokémon to level 20. And then level 30. When my Zubat evolved, I thought something like: "And I can't get the third stage (I knew the name, but I formulated my thougts like this anyway) because it's the fifth addition to Gengar, Alakazam, Machamp and Golem." On level 23, it evolved again.
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some of the RSE sprites (that was my first game gen) made me wonder what was what end.

I thought Dunsparce was a useless horny (as in having horns you perverts!) egg-shaped blob because of a Pokemon card's positioning.
I thought Espeon was the "moon Pokemon" and Mime Jr. evolved with friendship. I also thought my game messed up when the screen wiggled because my Pokemon was poisoned.
Button Trick.
Something weird happened on my Emerald when I was younger, I trained my Rayquayza to lv100, and then it LEVELED UP and I was like :o and then it leveled up AGAIN, and instead of going to lv102, it went down to lv50, but with all its stats, and I was like 0o0
To this day, I still can't tell whether or not that was a dream.
D: I believed the ever so common button-mashing-catches-pokemon. I still do it. Even now. And I KNOW it makes no difference...

When I was really young, I used to think my Pokemon could hear me and if I yelled encouragement like Ash, then they'd win. This also stuck with me, and it's awfully embarrasing when I'm trying to play...my friends are used to me now, though. so it's alright.
But when someones just met me and I'm there like "HANG IN THERE!! You can do it!! Grrr...~!" It kinda worries them...

Not that I usually play Pokemon upon meeting someone, but I did upon meeting my best friend... *chuckles*
Ugh. Believing that if you repeatedly ask the scientist at the window at Mossdeep Space Center how many days the rocket has lifted off (or something like that) that you'll actually be able to meet and possibly catch Jirachi or Deoxys on Day 100... Yeah, I kind of waited until that day. T-T
When I first saw the boxart for Gold, I thought the light blue marking between Ho-Oh's head and neck/body was its eye, and its head was a mouth/beak thing. Of course, I quickly saw how it really was after that.
I think he means he continued to believe the stigma against Rare Candies which may (IDK) have been true in Gen I/II with Stat. EXP
there wasn't a cap on how much Stat. EXP a Pokemon could get (unlike EVs, which have a cap)

Wait a second... when did people start thinking that "stat experience" and "EVs" are two different things?

They're just two names for the same thing. There was no official name for them back in the R/B/Y/G/S/C days (at least not in English; I don't know if the Japanese guides/etc. mentioned them back then or not), so everyone just kind of adopted the first name someone came up with when they figured out how it worked. And then the third-gen games came out and referred to them using the word "effort," so everyone stopped calling them "stat experience" and started calling them "EVs" (effort values.)

Between G/S/C and R/S/E, they added limits on how high your overall stats could get (you can never get enough stat exp./EVs to max out more than two stats at a time now, because once all of your stats' EVs added together hit that limit you'd just stop gaining EVs.) But that was all that changed as far as stat experience/EVs go, so... there's really nothing at all justifying this weird belief that they're two different things.

If I'm not mistaken, all Pokemon in Gen I/II had the potential for 999 in all their stats since there wasn't a cap on how much Stat. EXP a Pokemon could get (unlike EVs, which have a cap). Of course, the Pokemon wouldn't gain any more stat points after it hit Lv. 100 unless you did the PC box glitch, so for the average player it was effectively impossible to hit 999.

This is not true. It's never been possible for any Pokémon to get a 999 in anything. In R/B/Y/G/S/C it was possible for a Pokémon to max out all of their stats, but "max out" doesn't mean "get to 999," it means "get to the highest possible stat for that Pokémon." A Mew's max Attack/Defense/Speed/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def are all 298, so a Mew with maxed-out stats would have 298 in everything (not 999.) After you hit 298 it would be impossible to get a Mew's stats any higher, no matter what you did.
stat exp. maxed out at 2^16-1, stat points were gained based on a silly root equation. you gained stat exp. equal to the opponent's base stats every time experience was gained. it's really that simple.

since level 100s continued to drain experience, they continued to gain stat exp; stat totals were simply not recalculated until level-up.

now, as it happened, boxes didn't store actual stats. hence, box trick.
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I used to think that rare candies automatically made a Pokémon evolve, regardless of their level.

I used to think that Kakuna evolved at level 30-something, since I didn't know that Pokémon couldn't evolve while in daycare.

I used to think that Phanpy, Slugma, and their evolutions were from Hoenn and not Johto.
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