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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

Name: Jasmine Hawkes

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Tyranitar

Grade: 10

Ability: Sand Stream

Appearance: Jasmine's build is rather tall, but also quite muscular and stocky; she's definitely larger than a lot of other students, due to being a Tyranitar. Her eyes are close to crystal color, being a light grayish blue. She has a light blue rhombus on her chest, from the bottom of her ribs to her hips, and four triangular black markings, two on each side of her chest where her ribs are. She has many spikes on her body, most being on her back; she has three down her back on each side of her spine, and three smaller ones down each shoulder blade. As an extension of her spine, she has a thick tail that ends in a three-pointed star, with something looking rather like a pinecone coming from the star. Her hands and feet have claws instead of nails. Her feet also only have three toes, and are rather large, but her hands are normal other than the claws. Her usual clothes are dull and lightly-colored; often, Jasmine sticks with a beige T-shirt with dark brown markings that match the ones on her chest, and slate-colored pants.

Biography: She was born on the northern side of Oreburgh town, which was closer to Mt. Coronet than the mine. Jasmine also had an older brother who was three years older than her. He tended to like bullying her, and Jasmine avoided rampaging -- mostly -- but was still sometimes punished by her parents for expressing her anger. Even so, she loved going out to spend time in the mine or near Mt. Coronet. The only schools near her were quite small, so after finishing 9th grade, she went to Sunset Falls Academy.

Personality: Jasmine is very stubborn and adamant, hardly letting anyone change her mind. Of course, she doesn't go as far as disrespecting her elders; she is wise around them, most of the time, as long as she doesn't get too hot headed. Even so, she is short tempered and often hiding irritation about something. Jasmine tends to be the quiet, solitary type and usually doesn't form close bonds with anybody. You know that something's going on if she acts very friendly. She is quite serious and hardly ever laughs, unless what she's laughing about is something very odd. Jasmine doesn't mind constant noise but doesn't like sudden, loud bursts at all; this makes her least favorite day of the year any day where someone shoots off fireworks. She likes to spend her time alone and doesn't mind being away from everybody else; however, she tends to be claustrophobic.


Period One: Art
Period Two: German
Period Three: Biology
Period Four: PE
Period Five: Math

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Okay, added everyone, except Twiggy, whom needs to expand a bit. Describe your character, not just his clothes.

Also anyone who's character doesn't have a last name, can you add one please (and tell me when you do, so I can add it)

We'll be starting soon, since about two others have expressed interest in this, and I still need to finish my second form. So if you wanted to join and haven't yet, hurry hurry!
Name: Jadyn Kaye
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Vaporeon
Grade: 11
Ability: Water Absorb
Appearance: Jadyn is a bit on the short side, standing about 5'6" on a good day. He has long, flowing dark blue hair with blond highlights which tends to look rather ragged and messy, which he often ties in a pony tail. He's lithe and scrappy and in rather good shape. As a Vaporeon, naturally he has an affinity towards the water, poolside, beachside or otherwise; and his clothing tends to match. He's usually seen in loose trunks or cargo shorts, a simple T-Shirt, a floral patterned overshirt, a Sharpedo tooth necklace, and flip flops or sandals. The fins on the side of his head have numourous piercings to them and he will wear a variety of charms. His eyes are a very deep blue in which his pupils are barely visible
Biography: Jadyn comes from a middle-low class family from the cooler northern regions, his mother a sassy, bull-headed Glaceon and father a stern, religious Raichu. He has innumorous family issues between them and tends to hold them in very low regard, disappointed by their stances, views and actions. They have aspirations for him to go into law or science as most parents like his do. Because of the constant conflict however, Jadyn spends as much of his free time as he can out of the house. Most of the time he gets off school he will head to the beach to hang out. He often goes out swimming or surfing, and has also recently taken up Tae Kwon Do; both as physical activity and more excuses to be out of the house. School tends to be an escape for him too, and despite disliking classroom settings he's very keen and intelligent; even if he does sometimes have trouble keeping his head up.
Personality: Jadyn is generally fairly outgoing and friendly, keeping connections with a good few people, although he can enjoy solitude from time to time. He has a bit of a pessimistic attitude which he'll cover with shady optimism. He's very ditzy and sarcastic most of the time, but shows a deep compassionate and serious side when needed. Despite his spaciness and the assumptions made of him, he's very intelligent and capable. He's generally calm and collected, keeping his cool in situations that would set others off; but when he does get going he's intensely hot-headed; shades of his parents.
Period One Classes: Dance
Period Two Classes: German
Period Three Classes: Physics
Period Four Classes:
Period Five Classes: Psych
Other: Splash? Nothing really~
Count me in <3

Name: Mori Arpen

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Mightyena

Grade: 11

Ability: Quick Feet

Appearance: Mori is a very slender fellow, standing at 6 foot tall and only weighing 132lb. No matter how much he eats, he seems unable to gain any more weight. His jet black hair sits of its own accord, though he loves making his fairly long fringe stay off his face, using a little gel to keep it halfway between an emo haircut and a hair-cap.

His snout is an average length, but his ears are 3/4 of the normal size. His eyes are a beautiful vivid blue, which is fairly rare for a Mightyena. Grey fur covers his entire face except for a thin line of black that separates the two sides of his head and runs all the way down to the nose.

Mori is never seen outside his house without a collared shirt and pants that go at least past the knees. His favourite jacket is black with a couple of blue lines on the wrist cuffs and collar, which he always wears popped (not folded down) so it covers his neck.

Mori was born in a small village town in western Sinnoh, his parents having emigrated from Hoenn when his mother was still pregnant with him. A fairly normal childhood and a good primary school life had him in high spirits most of the time. As he got older and graduated from primary, he found out things were to get a lot harder...

Mori had a hard time fitting into his local high school. He was always picked on and excluded from certain activities. The teachers around him rarely stepped in as they thought because he is a Mightyena, he can simply Intimidate them enough to scare them off. The way he escpaed however wasn't by scaring them off, but by running away from them.

Mori made no friends during his time at the local school and has been without them even after his transfer to Sunset Academy. His notice of other students' activities however and the fact that he hasn't been bullied since has changed his attitude from depressed and isolated to a more cheerful and talkative mood. Despite this, he has yet to make friends with anyone.

Personality: Mori is mostly cheerful and loves to crack a joke, albeit he still leans towards the pessimistic side of things. He's gotten used to the loneliness and likes to sit on the grass during lunch and relax, sometimes bringing a book to read. He enjoys being alone, not having to worry about anyone else, but gets times of depression thinking about his lack of a special someone in his life.


Period One: Foods
Period Two: German
Period Three: Biology
Period Four: Computer Programming
Period Five: Law
I have editted my bio post in 5 AM(gmt) but unfortunately my computer died just when I was about to post here and say I did said action.
Okay, everything is up to date and in the first post! We'll be starting when I get back from the movies today, so any late-comers, hurry!
Welcome To Sunset Falls Academy


Ingrid trotted into the massive assembly hall, her long fluffy tail trailing behind her as she went. She was panting slightly, having just helped her father and older brother drag her stuff to her dorm; she hadn't seen any of her dorm mates though. She'd meet them later.

She didn't really see why she needed so much stuff, though. Her family didn't live too far away from the school, and she could go see them whenever she wanted. But her father always insisted on making sure she was 'prepared for every situation'. It was starting to get out of hand. She could understand the clothes and books and things, but was a switchblade really necessary?

Sighing, the Flareon girl looked up, and found herself standing in the doorway of the assembly hall. A tall Leafeon nudged her in the shoulder and smiled, urging her forward. She smiled at him and trotted ahead. She knew him, it was Mr. Morgan, the physics teacher. He was a nice guy, very handsome and polite, and very smart. He headed to the teacher section, and Ingrid sat near the door. The Principal was standing on the large stage, behind a podium, and looked rather bored. He was resting his chin on his hand, his long flame-tipped tail swishing behind him.

Ingrid snorted and looked away from the black Charizard and scanned the assembly hall for anyone she knew.

((Okay guys, we're starting up! Reserves, you can still get your forms in, just hurry! (I need to get one in to, haha...)))
"And hurry it up, Masaru! We don't have all day!"

A jet-black Ninetales girl walked in, hips swaying and making her long, silky tails swish behind her. She nonchalantly flipped a bit of her bright blue, wavy hair out of her face as she walked into the assembly hall. Her brother could do the work. Azzy would give him the beating of a lifetime if he didn't. Not to mention what her mother would do...

She smirked just thinking about it.

Sasha didn't need nudging from any teachers. Of course, that didn't stop them from doing it. But it didn't matter. She couldn't bitch at them and get herself kicked out, now could she?

She took a seat next to a Flareon girl, avoiding the gaze of the teachers, and looked at her. "'Sup."
"Another year of boredom, eh Tiny?"

"Diego...school isn't that bad...I...Like school..."

A tall Houndoom with a word leather jacket saunters into the hall, followed by a even larger Rhyperior with a jersey and bandanna. he tips his glasses down his nose and scans the hall, noting the Principal at the podium. He nods his head toward the Charizard in a sign of respect for a friend of Maes's. He then spots the sight of a red fire fox and smirks.


Tiny's soft warning fell on deaf ears as the Houndoom creeps up behind Ingrid, waiting a few beats before placing his hand son her shoulder and blowing in her ear.

"Guess who hotstuff~"

Tiny sighs as he slowly cross over. He knew that though those two were together, Ingrid might mistake him as someone else and hurt him. Badly.

I tried to warn him....
Larry grinned as he entered the Academy, and looked around. He was a little excited, and his tail flame was gaining size with every moment because of said reason.

He had nothing but a backpack filled with food, some books about chemistry, a few medicines and some comic books.

Larry had a white shirt with 'I-(heart)-cookies' imprinted on it, with long sleeves, and long green pants.

Larry panted a little. The excitement surely took him some energy, and it was only then when he realized that he jumped with every step he made.

He looked around again, not sure what he was looking for. He noticed a red blob on the other end of the hall, but that didn't really interest him.

He started walking down the hall, hoping to find someone else or his dorm.
Ingrid looked over when someone sat next to her, nodding at the Ninetails. She waved a little, and smiled.


It was then she felt someone touch her shoulder and hiss something into her ear. Jumping, the Flareon squealed and stood up, whipping around and swinging a fist in a powerful Superpower attack, landing the blow in her 'attacker's jaw. It was only after she made the hit that she saw who it was.

"Oh. Deigo. Sorry."

Hallelujah, meanwhile, had wandered into the assembly hall, scanning over the crowd with his long neck for a seat. Finding one, an isle seat, not bad, he sat down and pulled a small notebook from his pocket, and a pen from behind his ear, and started to doodle.
"Late, Late, Late Late Late Late"
Jadyn burst through the front door of the academy, darting down the packed halls nearly taking down no less than 7 students. He had gotten up early to leave home and sit by the water before school; it was easy for him to lose the time out there.
Skidding to a halt just before the twin doors of the assembly hall, his exceptionally bulky bag containing all his dorm supplies swung precariously, nearly knocking him clean off balances and coming dangerously close to clipping a Monferno smack in the gut.
"Sorry mate!" he quickly exclaimed before quickly ducking into the hall not paying much mind, as he quietly snuck himself into an empty seat. He glanced at his watch.
"Right... *Pant* Should be-" he took a moment to glare at the clock on the wall. "...Right on time." He sighed and slumped down, shaking his wrist and double checking the seemingly fast display.
Wow, so many people. I didn't think the place would be this crowded...I hate people...

The thoughts of a young, slender male Mightyena as he slipped through the rush of students making their way into the hall.

He finally made it through and started scanning the rows of seats, looking for where he was supposed to sit. He got to the third row from the back and spotted his chair. "Mori Arpen" was written on a label stuck to the back of the chair. He removed the label, scrunched it up and looked up at the principal briefly. Nothing was happening with him, so he looked down and started fiddling with the scrunched up label.

He was kinda glad no one sat next to him, though he knew the people who's seats surrounded him would have to come eventually. He looked up and around to see what everyone else was doing. It was kinda saddening to see girlfriends, boyfriends and even friends in general talking and laughing and hugging each other. He decided it was best to go back to fiddling with his label and wait for the principal to address them.
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