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There's not a lot of locations in Iceland beyond Reykjavík, dear. :P Unless you wish to count the technically separate towns that are directly adjacent to Reykjavík. And it would generally be a waste of time to go anywhere other than Reykjavík, since Reykjavík has me, more than half of the rest of the population and just about every location where holding any sort of convention would be sensible.
A bigger forum I frequent actually holds occasional meet-ups for various regions.

I'd go to a TCoDcon most likely.

Will there be drinking involved?
Lots and lots. We could all get wasted together :D

But seriously, you UK kids with cool parents (or non-UK ones with even cooler parents). Keep your calendars free for, uh, sometime in May and then come to London.
I'm up for Iceland. Iceland's cool and I got a friend who lives there who ain't been online in a while. I'd like to find her while I'm there.

Plus there'd be no parental permission involved since I'd pay for it myself. :D

I'd support an Icelandic #tcodcon but I a) do not speak a word of Icelandic and b) am scared shitless by planes.
I don't drink either (can't legally anyway but that doesn't stop most people, does it), but it would be totally awesome to watch everyone else get wasted. Wasted people are funny and watching half of TCoD get stone drunk would be worth it.

um I mean sure! I love all of you guys and it would just be peachy-keen to meet all of you at a con one day!

...no I probably wouldn't go unless I could watch everyone get wasted, because I hate people and talking to them over the internet is generally as close as I care to get when I have a say in things. You're (almost) all awesome as long as I don't actually have to meet you.
Uh, not to be noobish or anything, but what exactly is #tcod?

Iceland would be perfect for me. Now the only that would stop me from going are expenses and the little fact that I have never been on a plane before and thus am a little afraid to.
:D Brilliant.

The problem is that my parents are, well:

And I don't think going to Antartica with a bunch of strangers I met on the internet will make them very happy.

Another problem with having lots of TCoDcons in lots of places is that not many people will show up. The Europeans will probably not go to the US con and vice versa. Then we won't get to meet as many people, which will destroy the whole purpose of this.

Unless we have a travel group, where we start at, say, the North Pole, pass by different cities and members can join when the group passes by. So then we can all be together and travel around to lots of countries, finally stopping at Antartica. We can travel across the whole world!

I can see it now. "'Internet Friends March Across the World' A group of people, calling themselves TCoDians, attempt to travel across the world and visit every single country..."


Thank you. And yes, that'd be epic, even if it'd takes years to finish. I'd join.

I'd support an Icelandic #tcodcon but I a) do not speak a word of Icelandic and b) am scared shitless by planes.

it's ok we can hold hands

also @ comment in response to comment with the flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log on the hole in the bottom of the sea -- did you seriously think that the hole in the bottom of the sea was from family guy or something oh god you poor people (just fyi hole in the bottom sea is a wonderful song I highly recommend it)

I'd support an Icelandic #tcodcon but I a) do not speak a word of Icelandic and b) am scared shitless by planes.
Oh, come on! D: Nobody needs to speak Icelandic! You can speak English to people on the street! Do you think we'd survive with more tourists than natives here if all anybody could speak was a language most people don't even know exists?
There's not a lot of locations in Iceland beyond Reykjavík, dear. :P Unless you wish to count the technically separate towns that are directly adjacent to Reykjavík. And it would generally be a waste of time to go anywhere other than Reykjavík, since Reykjavík has me, more than half of the rest of the population and just about every location where holding any sort of convention would be sensible.

We could hold it on a boat on a river, but I think the marmalade sky might pose something of a problem.

Also man all you guys saying "somewhere between the US and Europe!" really don't get air travel. :( London probably has the lowest average cost per person of any location.

eta: oh hey easyjet flights in may are pretty cheap
Will there be drinking involved?

I most sincerely hope not. Alcohol disgusts me.

I suppose Iceland would be a good idea, but, similarly to Walker, I'm afraid of air travel, as well as being extremely paranoid about being anywhere near a plate margin...
I support TCoDcon in Iceland. It's fair to Butterfree, and it just seems right.
Besides, Iceland is probably beautiful.
The sad thing is that my parents won't likely drop me off with random strangers.
Where WOULD we hold it, though? Butterfree's house? x3
That would be too small, and too personal...
Nah, opal's right, flights to Iceland are horrendously expensive :/
From the UK, it's roughly the same distance to Iceland as it is to southern Italy, but costs about four times as much.

I most sincerely hope not. Alcohol disgusts me.

Pssh, who said you had to drink? You can just carry some of us home :D
Pssh, who said you had to drink? You can just carry some of us home :D

Sounds fun.

So Iceland is theoretically the best location, but financially somewhere in London would probably be best, 'twould seem.
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