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How on earth have you managed to avoid letting your parents see you're on a forum? o_O
They have little to no interest in what I'm doing.

Plus they've barely grasped what the Internet is. I'd like to see the day when they'd know a forum if it danced up to them naked and started throwing cheese at them.
Heck Yes.

Ummm, could we hold it on the flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea?

You seriously understood that? God, its near impossible to understand Peter's singing sometimes...

Maybe we could all go to Antarctica so everyone would have to travel majorly. We'd practically have a whole continent to ourselves.

And we would spread the Con out over the entire thing...and maybe decide to live there and turn it into our own country.

:D Brilliant.

The problem is that my parents are, well:

I don't even tell them I use forums (and by extension, what a forum is (they're technophobes XD)) because I know they'd leap straight to "everyone on the Internet apart from you is a paedophile omg omg omg" mode.

And I don't think going to Antartica with a bunch of strangers I met on the internet will make them very happy.

Another problem with having lots of TCoDcons in lots of places is that not many people will show up. The Europeans will probably not go to the US con and vice versa. Then we won't get to meet as many people, which will destroy the whole purpose of this.

Unless we have a travel group, where we start at, say, the North Pole, pass by different cities and members can join when the group passes by. So then we can all be together and travel around to lots of countries, finally stopping at Antartica. We can travel across the whole world!

I can see it now. "'Internet Friends March Across the World' A group of people, calling themselves TCoDians, attempt to travel across the world and visit every single country..."

I can see it now. "'Internet Friends March Across the World' A group of people, calling themselves TCoDians, attempt to travel across the world and visit every single country..."



I would love a TCoDcon. Of course, my parents would kill me if I tried this, but oh well.
1. Mebbeh. Depends on my parents/if it is held when I am living on my own
2. Make it where the most members are located
can we make it #tcodcon instead

I'd approve, but G8tr still has me banned. That hurts, man.

As for a REAL con, I have NEVER attended any sort of convention in my life, so sure, why the hell not. Mostly so I can meet Zhorken, Eevee, and opal.
I'd go only for the fact that being an asshole in real life is much more fun than being an asshole on the internet.

The only other reason I'd go if I wasn't invited in the first place. See above.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to go. Sure, I could just say I want to go to London or whatever, but I have two autistic brothers, and my mom doesn't think they could go on a plane ride. Sure, a car ride is fine, but I don't like really long car rides within the state, much less outside it. The point is that I'd prefer the summer either way, even if the weather's bad.
Nice idea, but it wouldn't be practical for me, considering that the nearest members to me are in Australia.

I'm so cut off from the rest of this forum. D:
approving of #tcodcon

Sorry I don't know many of you non-#tcodgoers well enough. ]:

also I'd have to say if there were going to be any sort of practicality involved, we'd need two on either side of the US and maybe two in Europe. But that would be.. impractical also. so.
How are all European TCoDians closer to eachother than North American TCoDians? @_@ You live in the same country. We live in the same continent.
I'm betting it's how most of the Europeans here are British, and how Europe, generally speaking, has a much higher population density than most of the US, but then, I could be wrong.

Anyway, to be quite frank, holding a CoDcon in Antarctica would be bloody stupid. There is no reason on Earth to go there, and upon getting there, there would be nothing to do (except bother penguins and researchers and try to stay warm). I would like to make it publicly know too that I detest cold weather.

But, yes. It might make sense to have two, or even three, CoDcons. #tcod goers, mostly, but. One somewhere in the UK or England, and one or two in America- possibly one near St. Louis, or one around Nashville or somewhere and one somewhere on the west coast (in Northern California or Oregon, I'd imagine). Just based on the nearly bimodal distribution of population in the US that means that the geographical center of the country is pretty much just cropland and ranches, and the fact that most people living on the west side of the country live in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, California or Arizona. (Admittedly, the center of the east is pretty rural, too, but I somehow imagine it as being less so than the plains states.)

Who am I kidding, though? I honestly doubt anything'll ever really happen on any sort of a large scale.
I'd go if it were in London~ Oh yes, I'm going to England in like two years, so if it were in two years and in London, well I'd SO be there. (I convinced my mom to pay for the trip, hurrah~! She told me I deserved it, because she paid for a trip similar to this for my sister, so now it's my turn. We need to SAVE SAVE SAVE dammit. That's why it'll take two years. And yes, I know, it is a lot of money. )

Of course, it would also be a bit more convient for me within the US, but eh. I'd go if it were in London, I've always wanted to go to England anyway.

And I lovelovelove Linoone's idea. It is AWESOMENOCITY.
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Anyway, to be quite frank, holding a CoDcon in Antarctica would be bloody stupid. There is no reason on Earth to go there, and upon getting there, there would be nothing to do (except bother penguins and researchers and try to stay warm). I would like to make it publicly know too that I detest cold weather.

I somehow think they were joking.
I'd go if it were in London~ Oh yes, I'm going to England in like two years, so if it were in two years and in London, well I'd SO be there. (I convinced my mom to pay for the trip, hurrah~! She told me I deserved it, because she paid for a trip similar to this for my sister, so now it's my turn. We need to SAVE SAVE SAVE dammit. That's why it'll take two years. And yes, I know, it is a lot of money. )

Of course, it would also be a bit more convient for me within the US, but eh. I'd go if it were in London, I've always wanted to go to England anyway.

And I lovelovelove Linoone's idea. It is AWESOMENOCITY.
Why not hold it in Arylettopia? =D
I somehow think they were joking.
Have you learned nothing?

Whenever Mike seems to be joking, 99.9% of the time he's deadly serious >=)
1. Even better than anything I've ever imagined.
2a. Somewhere between America and England, for example somewhere you wouldn't have to plane as far to go. There are some of us from England, and some from the US/Canada, so it'd be troubling to fly somewhere just for a con...
2b. The time would be one where both English and American people are awake, but that would be hard to figure out.
2a. Somewhere between America and England, for example somewhere you wouldn't have to plane as far to go. There are some of us from England, and some from the US/Canada, so it'd be troubling to fly somewhere just for a con...

Between America and England...in the Atlantic Ocean? o.O Omg TCoD cruise! :D
Well, I'd show up if I could. Wouldn't be a very official TCoDcon without me, would it?

It should so be in Iceland. D: It's between America and Europe, and with all the economic crap, exchange rates are making it a lot cheaper to go to Iceland than it used to be. Plus, I wouldn't need to fly anywhere. :P
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