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The Absence Sheet

Cryptica and I are sisters, and we'll be gone from the 15th to the 20th of August at a sleep-away camp. Can't post in my new ASB battle until that's over D:
I am in fact around and with internet once more, as I'm sure you've all gathered, but projects and a few other things are keeping me busy. Not that this matters for my battles, all three of which appear to be stagnant, but I'm afraid Psymon and Ruffledfeathers are going to have to wait just a little longer. Sorry.
...well, this is stupid.

I can't go to Seattle because I have to help with shopping for the Montana trip. Goddammit.

Supposed to leave at 10:00 AM on Thursday, by the way.
I know I never posted that I was going away... cause I didn't expect it. Anyway, bills are paid, Internet is restored, and I'll be back to work by tomorrow. Sorry to everyone waiting on me. x.x
I Will be taking advantage of the fact that school doesn't start until after labor day this year to go on vacation, from the 25th to the 2nd of September, and will have sporadic if any Internet access throughout.
I'm back at school now, so I have internet access again. I apologize for the way that things ground to a halt a bit over the summer because admininistrative stuff didn't get done on time. I'll be making some changes to, hopefully, see to it that that doesn't happen again if I have to be gone for such a long time.

So, things should run a bit smoother for a while here, although I'm going to be very busy this semester with graduate school applications and finishing a few things up before graduation. I do have several things planned, including the revamp I was talking about earlier and have been working on over the summer. With any luck you'll be seeing that by the league's birthday in October.

As an aside, the metronome generator is fixed now.
Going camping sometime tommorow. Don't know how long; depends on the weather and stuff. Probably until Saturday at least, though.
Back now, and with a ref approval under my belt I will proceed to try not to screw up aid the ASB community as best as I can!
I am going next week for an exam to see if my eyesight is shitty enough to need Lasik ((which it is)) The issue with this is cost. So I might have surgery or maybe not.

Oh and school.

School and surgery does not a free schedule make!
My internet has been fucking up for the past five days, and I doubt we'll get it fixed this week.

I might dissapear for a long time if it gets that bad, so. (So far, the longest it's worked for me at one time is under a half-hour) Oh, plus I'll be gone starting Thursday anyway, so don't expect to see much of me for the next week, too.
blurgle i am sick

expect reffings a liiiittle less frequently from me, although i'll try to get them in under the DQ time if i can

same goes for any actions
Guess it's high time I post here. The art program I entered this year has proven to be a lot more... work-oriented than I had imagined, so I barely have any free time to myself. Feel free to get e-refs if need be, though I'll still do my best to ref when I do have the time.
Parents put up a firewall now that the internet works. They won't give me the code, so I can't get on with my Wii or DSi.

I'll bve on less than half as much as before, I bet, just to warn you. D:
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