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The Absence Sheet

So it's probably about time I posted here - my activity is pretty sparse lately given I'm preparing for a move at the end of the year. Preparations, followed by actually moving, are and will be eating up my free time for what seems like quite awhile. Apologies I haven't posted on this sooner..
The imminent English release of BW has lured me back from my 9-month or so hiatus/sabbatical/whatever you want to call it. Not reffing again yet (as I prefer to get back in the swing of things first... a cursory glance to the important threads around here implies that some of the mechanics of ASB may be tinkered with soon, is that correct?), but as I understand it there isn't any formal procedure for me to rejoin beyond just becoming active again, so here I am.
The first half of this semester is already very busy for me, and I've been preparing to release the new ASB system on the league's birthday (October 4th). So, while I've been doing a fair amount of ASB work lately, most of it is behind-the-scenes. I'll still be on every couple days or so to do routine updating, but there will be few reffings for the next couple of weeks, and I may disappear entirely for a bit if I fall really behind on revamp things that need to be done.

School. Volunteering. Band. Friends. Significant Others((What? He's lying! No one would ever date me!)). Family.

Might be absent several days or a whole week. Maybe a month or two most.
My internet access might be little to none for the next week to month, but might not. Just a heads-up.

EDIT: Lucky me, it won't be.
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In about three hours, I'll be going to stay with a friend for the weekend. There's a slim chance I'll be able to get online, but I probably won't be on for more than a few minutes, so... I'll be back either Sunday evening or Monday.
Oh hai, I volunteer now, have a new game I am obsessed with to beat, and thus, can't get on much. That is why I was absent liek a wekk. It might continue.

In fact, I almost had to punch myself to actually shut the game off to post here.
Ah, the first NaNoWriMo absence post of the year.

Yep, I'm doing that whole stupid novel-writing thing again, and that coupled with some particularly tough assignments means that I'm going to have next to no time for ASB. I just got the next round of Mawile vs. Blazie up, and I fully intend to get to my other two battles before the month is out, but come November 1st it's going to be pretty damn difficult to find the energy to ref, let alone the time. Approval stuff (and I do also intend to catch up on that this weekend) and issuing commands for battles (though I've already practically lost two of them, so I doubt there's much more for me to do on those fronts) will also likely be delayed. Adios until December!
Since I am pretty much borrowing laptops since my laptop charger was destroyed by my rabbit, I will not be as active anymore. I will try and come on when I can, but it is quite hard to get a free laptop atm.
For some reason, for the last few days, I couldn't access the forum at all. I even thought this was happening to everybody.

Well, obviously, now it's back, so, I'll catch up on everything later today.
So I should've posted this earlier, but my motherboard got fried a week ago. I've since gotten a new computer, but I haven't had the time to transfer necessary files so I can't ref until I do.
I apologize for taking so long with the reffings even after NaNo has ended, but this is my last week or so of classes and I am currently floundering under a metric shitton of projects and studying. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get most of it out of the way by this weekend, and all rounds I'm currently reffing are started (I've got the calculations and setup done, anyway), but the actual writing bit may not happen until as early as this Friday or as late as Tuesday (or Monday if I can weasel out of that last evening class and I'm feeling up to it after the inevitable nap).
My reffings are going to very late, because I have a MASSIVE test this week. It'll be done by next Friday at the earliest. Sorry.
So, I got activer now, but, I have some traveling to (be made to) do, probably starting tomorrow.

Should be back in a week or so.
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