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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Violet and Blue have been click'd =D

So...you can't get another egg till your youngest dragon is at least level 30?
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*pokes Dawnwish/Melodic Harmony* Have you read Ingo..?

And edRashtekaresket became a child while I was away >_> Yay?
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

About 30% towards lv. 28. About 1% until I die of my low impatience level.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

DRAGON AM I ACCEPTED? xD let me guess, I don't need to be.

Why do so many people have female air western dragons?
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Speaking of random crap, on the front page we only have two Earth dragons, my Glade and Invader Palkia's Terra. >:3

And this is from the people who posted codes, so thar..?

EDIT: And Kali has Kali. :DDDD And Melodic Harmony/Dawnwish has ElVira. Nevar mind >_>
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Y'know what? Speaking of Kali, just as I clicked on her, she became an Adult! :D
She was a Teenager when I clicked on her. I always get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time that happens.

Oh, and Violet's Lv. 29 at 58%~
Mad countdown a go-go!
...And I'm still at a three-way-tie for which dragon I want now. ;-;
Either Fire Western, Earth Lizardus, or Water Eastern, but I think I might get the Fire Western...
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^I have a fire western :D I'm not sure which dragon I'll want, either air furdragon, water lizardus, or earth western EASTERN. I'm leaning towards earth eastern. I don't like dinos or wyverns.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

moon-panther has an Earth Lizardus named Havoc. He's adorable.

I want a fire dino next. C: hopefully male so I can name him Mustang to go with Elric and Heiderich.
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