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The "Fwee" thread II

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Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II


Yeah. It doesn't seem like I'm about to die from autoimmune disorders anytime soon, thankfully.

(It would be nicer if I can get my eyesight back to normal, but that's beside the point.)
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

Just reinstalled Zoo Tycoon 2 and its expansion packs. I forgot how fun this game is.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I didn't run him off! May have killed any potential budding romance, but he still talks to me so I'm happy. :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

So, I've had a good week. At least by my standards. It consisted of me and a few karate friends having a contest to see who could take the most pain (Which ended with bruises and swearing all around. :D), talking to friends, getting stuck a couple miles into the mountains-which is funner then you think when you have firearms and stuff to shoot on hand-, oh and another thing. The goddamn Ozzy Osbourne concert in Tacoma Saturday (So tommorow, god I need to cure my nocturnality. <_<). Yeah. Life is good.....
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I'm back, I'm back, I'm BACK!!!!! So glad to be back! Finally, finally, finally!!! :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I walked home with a couple of good-looking curly-haired blonde boys and in my little adolescent mine I imagine a wicked awesome love triangle happening. Sure, I'm probably just being silly, but still. A pretty freaking awesome day.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

Stuff just happened that reaffirmed my faith in people.

Okay, it starts out kinda bad; somebody in a theater group I'm in started a page basically slamming a bunch of people in said group. We were all kinda mad about it, and we were informed that whoever started it would get kicked out of the play plus a possible suspension/expulsion.

The person responsible confessed and apologized...and everyone forgave him and are even upset that he can't be in the play anymore! I was actually expecting people to be mad at him, but we're all pretty close and forgiving.

It made me smile, seeing how forgiving we are :)
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I text messaged my crush for an hour. TEENAGE DREAM

and now I've started recording some of my music and I'm all like "I'm making an album hell yeah" which is great. I've run into the problem that three of my songs have the same ending chord progression (what can I say, it's a cool chord progression!) but I can change that and in any case, I'm proud of myself for actually giving this a try. I've already written six songs. I want to get to ten so I could have enough to fill an EP. I don't plan on selling this or anything; I just want to make something for once.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

and now I've started recording some of my music and I'm all like "I'm making an album hell yeah" which is great. I've run into the problem that three of my songs have the same ending chord progression (what can I say, it's a cool chord progression!) but I can change that and in any case, I'm proud of myself for actually giving this a try. I've already written six songs. I want to get to ten so I could have enough to fill an EP. I don't plan on selling this or anything; I just want to make something for once.
:D What kind of music is it?
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

:D What kind of music is it?

The ones I've recorded are a waltz and a big band piece, done only with piano. I have planned this one piece that's mostly synths and I don't know what to call it, and bollywood-influenced metal written for this one friend of mine. :D I really want to make a wide variety of music and explore lots of different genres. Even though my microphone's quality is poor (so my electric piano sounds even more obviously electric), it's fun and at least I can share it with people. Maybe if I finish I'll post it on TCoD for you all to rip to shreds. :D

Also, so far this year I've read two books. One of them was this big book on the history of ABBA (Bright Lights, Dark Shadows) and the other one was this rather small book (Language Myths). Normally I read no books on my own because I'm lazy and tired, so this development makes me happy. And I've almost finished Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," which is boring yet eye-opening.

Yesterday, I had an hour-long text conversation with my crush after like, not talking to him at all this week. Texts cost me money, so I rarely text anyone, but I was bored out of my mind yesterday and decide to indulge myself a little.

EDIT: OKAY I'm stopping after this but omg I love "Stolen Babies" (the band) so much. And Diablo Swing Orchestra and why didn't anybody tell me bands like this existed.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I realised that as of this month I've been at TCoD for six years, not as Phantom, but Charizard2K.
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