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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Cousins coming over=Happy. Very Happy. Also, I successfully obtained my friend's Spanish notes. Now I have something to hold hostage ;)
Yay anime conventions! I went to Matsuricon today, bought 2 tshirts.
And now I get to spend the rest of the weekend doing boating shenanigans with my family and one of my friends.
...that hilarious moment when you're on Facebook and you notice it's your friend's birthday, so you go to wish her a happy birthday, and once you do you notice another friend did so exactly the same way you did.

(okay, we are far too alike XD)
I finished my first book report for summer reading. And I'll finish the second one sometime this week....before my Disney trip.

So yeah, a lot to be happy about.
I was listening to the CDs of my not dorky in the slightest, older sister and one of the songs I heard was the 8-bit Legend of Zelda theme. It made my day.
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