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The "Fwee" Thread III

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(Seriously, though, I'm really excited. We're going to at least seven invitationals all over Indiana (our home state), Ohio, and Michigan. And, we're going to an invitational in Illinois, and I might see some of my old friends back from when I used to live there! If you couple all this with the fact that we have a great chance to go back to Nats this year, and Nats are in Orlando, and we have everyone from last year coming back (bar four seniors) PLUS about 15 new members...

It will be awesome. :D :D :D :D)
According to the only English on the packaging, they're called Hiyokomame. The pictures lead me to believe they're either a game where you try and pick them all up, or for teaching you to use chopsticks, but I can't read Japanese Vo_oV
Little Seth is back from the hospital!

Also my dad says that I'll be able to play games on the weekends, so I'll be on here today and tomorrow.
Okay, I'm going to try to learn elvish (Middle-Earth). Not sure how successful I'll be (probably not very), but it should be fun.

Dear ******,

Tevenyel! Hria cuile and stop being a perv!

...Le hannon

EDIT: 450 posts!
Them happy pills are actually pretty good so far.
Maybe this will be a good year.

Then again, I said that last year... and the beginning of this year. So we'll see how it goes!
Senior year is starting pretty great it would seem. Plenty of newfound freedom, plenty of new opportunities, epic teachers, epic classes, epic friends...epic.

Watching Monster's Inc with my cousin for no particular reason.

Also, Champions Online, that is all.
I've become unsick and my nose finally stopped running!
I'm on a huge BBC high at the moment because Torchwood and now Doctor Who are on and I just found this video with previews of programmes that will be airing in the near(ish) future and I am nearly crying with joy. EVERYTHING LOOKS SO GOOD. LIFE IS WONDERFUL.

Went to the State Fair yesterday...

I learned Sweet Corn ice cream with blueberry topping is actually really freaking good.
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