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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Yes! 1.5 hours of free computer time with out nosy parents! ;)
Someone actually liked something I drew. It was a quicky comic that took 20 minutes to do, but damn it I am happy.
Had a cool extended weekend at a cottage, went 'shopping' yesterday (shopping according to me: buy two or three things at discount prices and feel happy about it) and spent the last two days watching X-Men movies (Wolverine!!)

EDIT: also I saw stars in the sky last night! autumn is coming slowly but surely which is starting to wake up my inspiration from its usual summer hibernation.
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i was practicing missingno. and glitch city glitches in my copy of blue and i completely forgot that my best friend's name makes level 128 Mewtwo appear. <3 oh god I cannot wait to shock her beyond belief
Job hunting job hunting job hunting sucks.

On the other hand, holy shit. Once I get a job, I can move to that nice little flat that's a five-minute walk from the beach that I have my eye on. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. <3 <3 <3

I was hating the idea of moving to Bournemouth and leaving everybody behind (the hostel kicked me out now that I no longer need to stay in Wales for my education), but holy fucking oh my god. I love the big city. There were fireworks last night (for no fucking reason by the way! <3) and practically the whole city showed up to watch them and my god, there was so much diversity! Sure, there were the chavs there, but I mean, there were just people playing guitar in the middle of the main road, and a guy covered from head-to-toe in tats and there was even a sword-eater there. And holy shit I'm having lunch with her on Wednesday. Holy shit, cities are amazing and I love them and <3<3<3

Basically. Basically! This place is so big and there are interesting people, and I'll be able to live on my own without my druggy-mum and two younger siblings squished into a two-room council-flat (I'm on the couch), and oh my god, I'm finally looking forward to the future.

Again: <3<3<3

Edit: Shit yeah! I almost forgot! Once I have my own place and am totally independent et all, I'll be able to not only afford counseling about the whole trans thing, but I'll also be able to go through with whatever I feel I need without fear of [being strangled in my sleep because my hostel door had no lock/get kicked out of my mother's flat/have the local rottweiler set on me].
Life is looking up and I'm so so so fucking excited. Seriously, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Once I can go through with it, I know for a fact that I'll just burst into an uncontrollable wreck of happy crying. :'D
Looking at various roleplays on Gaia and laughing at how terrible some are.

(protip: if your character is calling someone a "bastered," take care to spell it correctly so you can get the proper effect *giggles*)
My friend came over and we made duct tape wallets...again. We make them all the time, and I'm almost outta duct tape now!
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