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The "Fwee" Thread III

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YES! Come on giant yellow letters informing all readers to DEAL WITH IT.

Yes it's made of epic sauce with a side of win.

And thunderstorms, yay!~
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My BFF found her phone charger! now we can text again!
I gots a laptop of my ownnn!!! OMG!!!! My very first computer that fully belongs to me and no one else I am freaking out yesyesyesyes YAAAAY~! Sure the speakers don't work cuz it says no drivers for them are installed. Sure I can't find said drivers online ANYWHERE. Sure there are purple lines going across the screen cuz the video card is dying. I don't care. It is mine. I love it. I shall name it...Qwertyuiop <3
Played Wii Bowling yesterday when my little eight-year-old cousin was over. Every time I failed at throwing the ball she told me "You're supposed to swing, silly!" and every time I messed up she was like, "Too bad, try again!"

ALso I apparently got into Pottermore.
I was really worried about getting my wisdom teeth removed, but it went without a hitch. Granted my mouth is numb and it's great fun to eat, but hey, I'm not in any pain and I'm going to be able to relax the whole day. :)
I'm sure you'll all be excited to know that I've been present on these forums for eight years since sometime last week.
Wow, Surskitty, that's quite a run! Happy anniversary!

Felicia Day makes all of my problems obsolete. Catching up on my long-abandoned Guild fandom. Then probably some MLP.

Today she beat up Brock. In one try. I'm so proud.
As I hear my mother crying through the floorboards, I sing loudly to myself as I pack my things for my move to my father's house. I couldn't be more fucking happy. I sincerely hope that this is for real. I'm stuffing as much as I can into the suitcase.

Harry Potter series, Absolute Kingdom Come graphic novel, 2nd Gen iPod shuffle, laptop, charger, DS, charger, Pokemon games, flashlight, borrowed book, shitload of clothes, Twilight, for the lulz, all of my colognes and travel kit, shampoo, key, flash drive, gah this is great... I just don't want to forget anything
When the drum major comes over to your trumpet sectional and says to everyone to be louder than you, when both flute section leaders ask if they can borrow your voice to instruct their section on how to properly yell back commands, when one of the instructors says "I like you." after passing in front of you as you are screaming commands, when tha tuba player three lines in front of you and one line to your right twice turns around and gives you a slightly terrified look, when a friend says that you were the only person he could hear, when another friend complains that you've driven him hoarse because he was struggling to out-yell you, when your best friend complains that she was struggling to out-yell you (despite not even being able to hear you from where she was), when you flinch every time you yell because of the sheer volume of your screaming, when the band director calls you the marcher of the morning because "when she gets tired, she is a psychopath. You can hear her from the band room!", you know that you're awesome. xD
I have a new laptop~

It is awesomesauce.

EDIT: Oh! And I FINALLY beat Megaman Battle network 4: Blue Moon
Nonsense took like four years or something...
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