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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Mawile made me a banner with a Shuckle plushie on it! (inside joke, see the Silent Game)
So my transgender friend asked if I would try to pass as male with them in public so they wouldn't feel alone and so I borrowed one of their binders and did and we successfully got taken for guys :D And and now they're all happy and I feel accomplished also it was kind of exciting :D
Hm...I would have a hard time passing as a guy.
Kinda related: Does anyone know anything about padding? I need to pass as female for a crossplay I'm planning on doing.
I am getting far too much joy from my ringtone ehehe. Moony keeps texting me so it keeps going off and it makes me giggle.

Lungs and livers and bladders and hearts!
You'll always save a bundle
When you buy our GeneCo parts!
Spleens and intestines and spines and brains!
All at warehouse prices,
But our quality's the same!
How does KCC take six years????????

Because fifth/sixth grader me (and any-grade other than almost-twelth-grader-me) sucked.

(hell, I still suck sometimes; I have yet to beat KHI, yet I've beat KHII about...five times now? Don't even get me started on CoM)
Went to the water park today and saw a couple of friends from my old school, a friend who's leaving my current school, and the friends that I actually planned to go with. It was pretty awesome.
Because fifth/sixth grader me (and any-grade other than almost-twelth-grader-me) sucked.

(hell, I still suck sometimes; I have yet to beat KHI, yet I've beat KHII about...five times now? Don't even get me started on CoM)

I still haven't beaten that old Frogger game for the Game Boy I got for my seventh birthday.

Trust me, I know how frustrating it is

Also, I am going to be performing in a public space, reciting a monologue about trees that grow penises.

My parents are going to be there.

I cannot wait to humiliate them.
One of my many BFFs is coming over this weekend! Hopefully it won't be a disaster like last time :(
After my Mom managed to throw my Pokemon Black game in the garbage I went out and used an EB Games card I got for my birthday on White. I have some unfinished business, as I never got to even beat Black.
So my bff was over last night and we were talking about the depressing story of her friendship. I know the story - her middle school life sucked because her friends kinda turned on her and treated her like crap (laughing at everything she said and just generally being bitchy), and she didn't expect high school to be much better. Then, the second day of band camp, I went up to her at a water break and started talking. Of course, at the time I didn't know who she was or anything... literally the only reason I ever talked to the girl that is now my best and closest friend is because her hair reminded me of my former crush's. And I was like "Must talk to her. Is she anything like my former crush?" She wasn't. She was annoying and clung to me like her life depended on it after the initial conversations. But I never had the heart to tell her off, and over the course of many months it turned from her not leaving me alone to me not wanting to be left alone. Now she's part of a little posse (which also includes me, her boyfriend, and a few other friends) so she finally has somewhere to fit in after years of never fitting in anywhere.

Anyway, so we're in the middle of talking about this when she suddenly gets up from the futon and pretty much attacks me, awkwardly hugging me while I was still lying down, and goes "Thank you for actually being nice to me! <333" and I was just like ... <3

the knowledge that I've affected her life as thoroughly as I have...

it made my entire existence. <333
15 now. Can't wait to finally use my 3DS and copy of OoT later today.

Just had the realization I joined this forum when I was 11. And I've been roaming around the internet a year before that. 5 YEARS OF INTERWEBZ WHAT IS THIS "NORMAL" YOU SPEAK OF?
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