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The "Fwee" Thread

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I was EV training Togetic and was kinda messing around, so I used Metronome and got to see a bidoof KOed by Togetic's Judgement. That move looked awesome!:sunglasses:
Since I had an hour to myself after school because my township hates us Naz kids, I took twenty minutes to make up a Powerpoint and send it to my friend to make up for not being able to do my part in our group project.

Though I have yet to figure out why when I said I was in pain last Wednesday night, she thought it was self-inflicted. *shrugs*
I had an, um.... Fwirr, today (fwirr=fwee+grr). At tyhe beginnig of the day, I was all depressed becaause I forgot to bring a VERY special note to school. Then, later, I realized it had been in my backpack all along. :3This note was so important because I got invited to this special science and math summer camp (special in a good way, you had to be smart to get in), and the note contained paperwork that HAD to be returned today or there was no way I'd get to go. I REALLY wanted to go to said camp, and I was very depressed when I thought I lost it, very happy when I found it.
I hatched a Jolly, shiny Gligar! I'm naming her Bonnie... That was the name of the little girl in Gone With The Wind, right?
Kirby 64 arrived today. And not only is it in perfect working order (much unlike the last three games I bought on the Internet) but it was a bloody steal :D
My one-afternoon-and-three-days-weekend started today (although it's because I didn't go to a 2-day field trip to Lisbon (which is the capital of Portugal (which is where I live)) but no matter that).
ffff I'm tweaking out on Energy Drinks right now and feel awesome xD; I really should be going to bed but you know what I DON'T CARE :D
W00T! My teacher approved my fetish project for my psych class, and I'm over half-way done with it. ^o^
I'm going to Great Wolf Lodge with my friend and sister! ON NEJI'S BIRTHDAY! /crazyNarutofan <3

I also got a canvas! :D And Mom said if I practice enough, I can get a painting into the gallery xDDDD
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Beat Platinum today, whooo~

Well, the whole Elite 4 part. >.>; Turned the game off after the credits rolled by.
Last night I went to what had to be the most ridiculously hilariously awesome play in the history of ever.

Everybody ought to have a maid~
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