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There is no joy quite like that of getting a 104 on an assignment....and I got 104% on my math midterm~ :D
There is no joy quite like that of getting a 104 on an assignment.![]()
Going to see it in 2.5 hours! :DAHHHHHH Harry Potter in less than three hours! :D And, DRESSING UP! afjskdjksjdskjs time - speed - up
It was incredible!!! I wasn't able to attend the midnight premiere like I wanted, but my friends and I made the best of it and went to the matinee at 10. And it was made even better for me by the fact that my sisters tried to outdo my (totally emo, so Idk why they'd want to outdo it) outfit and they ended up looking horribly tacky while still trying to make fun of me. And then they got put down by one of their friends and all I could say was "take that." Last night was great.I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yesterday. It was my first time at a midnight release! I was excited, and happy. It was a really good movie too, I loved it. I wore a witch's hat with stars to it and some guy asked me to take a picture with it on! Ahaha. I felt like some cosplayer, it was awesome. Can't wait until Part II. Then I'm going like... FULL OUT Harry Potter outfit. I'm going to bring out my witchiest outfit yet, and the hat will make a comeback.
My school is full of flirts.
Makes it hard to tell if someone likes you.
However, they're all hot :D
My school is full of sluts...
Which makes it pretty easy to get some XD.
It's a joke................ I wouldn't touch any of them. EWWWW.
On a fweer note, I just got the new MCR album. It's slightly amazing.