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My crush likes me back~
My crush likes me back~
I took the initiative and told him I like him. He asked me out on a date. :D He likes me back. oh my god~! I am so happy right now! :D Look at how I overuse this smilie!
My crush likes me back~
My crush likes me back~
I took the initiative and told him I like him. He asked me out on a date. :D He likes me back. oh my god~! I am so happy right now! :D Look at how I overuse this smilie!
Congrats! :3 This is where I have to jump off our boat, though :c Mine knows how I feel and he feels neutral about it. I think. I dunno. I'm kind of hoping he's just been put off of the idea by a girl who tried to go out with him a couple years ago whowasis totally immature and didn't actually care about him as much as having a boyfriend period and that he'll eventually come around and realize I'd be much different, but I guess I shouldn't be counting on it.
But! I do have good news. I get to take care of my IB art class pet betta over Thanksgiving break.
I've been trying to figure out just what kind he is. He's a crowntail, to be sure, but there's a few different kinds of crowntail, since it's basically an umbrella term for a betta with reduced webbing. I'm thinking he's a delta tail, since he's not quite a halfmoon but his tail is too short to be the veiltail you find at pet stores. But it's hard to tell what the original shape was.
Me: *filling out one of those facebook-note-thingamajiggers*
Question: Ever been called a bitch?
Me: *types answer* by myself! *starts typing more*
Jeanine: *looks up from freaking out over a personal problem, notices what I wrote, confiscates the keyboard and types* JEANINE SAYS THAT SHE CAN'T BE *returns keyboard*