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The "Fwee" Thread

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Yesterday I was feeling very depressed. Until I watched the "Define Dancing" scene from WALL-E.

Seriously, if this movie doesn't make you at least smile, you have no soul.

I almost pissed myself at the theater during that scene, it made me laugh so hard. :x

Anyway, today I found out that I got a 100 on my English II Gateway and a 98 on my Biology one. That's enough, together with my exams tomorrow and Friday, to bring my F (in both classes) up to something good! :D
...and, at 6:14am, I finish my essay *fanfare*

I've just got to write the conclusion and introduction for my other one, write an essay plan for an essay I've already done (and I have no idea what the essay plan's supposed to even look like), and get them printed off and handed in by 1:00pm today, and I'm done and can look forward to an essay-free Christmas.

Life, ladies and gentleman, is good.

Okay, now bed. For a few hours, at least.
...I don't fucking believe it. My ex actually emailed me back.

I sent him an email in September responding to him asking if we could still be friends (We probably would have gotten back together if he hadn't moved halfway across the country to live with his aunt). I sent him an email back with an enthusiastic "yes". He never responded. I was depressed for a long time, convinced I would never hear from him again. Until now. I got an email from him, wishing me Merry Christmas and asking what happened and why I never responded. Apparently my email never reached him. o_O

I'm happy because our breakup was mostly caused by a period of mutual depression and a few nasty misunderstandings and overreactions. Neither one of us were really in the right in the situation, so it's nice to finally have things patched up, even if it doesn't equal a relationship. After all, we were best friends long before we were ever romantically involved. It also gives me hope that he'll back up his promise to come visit sometime. :D
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It's a snow day today! Woot! And there's isn't even snowing at all, or snow on the ground. It's a Decemberween miracle, Charlie Brown! :D
Yay! I'm in the finals of a silly Youtube pokemon tournament! I lost the first match because I used an untested team, but once I switched to good ol' Sandstall, I've pretty much been owning. I hope I win! :D
Im hoooooooome and I get to see my family who I missed terribly and its CHRISTMAS soon so all we did today was sit together and watch bad Christmas movies. :D
I found Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney at my local Gamestop today! Plus, I've made sure my boyfriend knows to get it for me for Christmas!
I bought a Mother 3 cart off eBay. It came in the post today!
When I go back to school I can bring this and let my friends play it :D
Guess who got to go stand on a stage and recite a monologue from Alcestis? And never has to do it again. And also apparently has talent for that kind of thing.

that'd be me.
One: I ordered Pokémon Yellow off of Amazon! :D

Two: I went to my sister's town today in Animal Crossing: Wild World, and she has Benedict. I realized that he was the same one I had in my town a year ago (but I restarted, so he left and didn't come back until now)! :DDDD

I could tell because for his birthday in 2007, I still had my first town, "Town" (self explanatory). I gave him the song "I Love You" (also self explanatory), but he didn't put it in his house for a while. When I went to his house today, guess what was playing.

:DDD YES! *sings*
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