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The GPX+ Fan Club

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My Riolu evolved C: Now I have a Lucario! Now I'm going to try for another female Eevee, evolve her to a Vappy, and get breeding the two.
My Pichu hatched. Fwee~
Now to just get her to max happiness and evolve her...
Got a Lapras egg recently, but it won't be hatching soon.
Hatched and then evolved a murkrow and a skitty today. Also picked up what I believe to be a shellos, a magnemite, and a sableye.
whee palkia needs only 1000 more maturity :D

Also, I now have a Male Ralts. I should have got that Dawn Stone when I had the chance. Rats.
Missed a Shelter Dratini.

By the way, thankies Sike Saner for giving my Zizagoon full. Fwee I can hatch him/her.
I...haven't really been active on GPX+ for a long time. In fact, the last batch I picked up hasn't even hatched yet. Not even the Poochyena. Oh well. I've been busy =/
I really want my Cyndaquil, Larvitar, and maybe Vulpix to hatch soon, though I know they (especially Larvitar) will take forever =/
Oh well.
*shakefist* damn you! I saw the little man once but it was after I had pressed the refresh button :C

But my current party is pretty cool.


ETA: Oh, and from my Eevee egg dex page:

Times obtained: 15

The event starts tomorrow :D
I think I'll clear a space for Raikou, fill it in again if I don't get it. I don't want Suicune or Entei much. :/
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