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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Hmm... no event for me :(

Anyway, what's the chance of a shiny on GPX+? It seems higher than in the game, since I've seen a lot...
Hint for in game, breeding an international parents, :P.

Chances may be higher for shiny on there, could be like 1/2048 or something.
Not sure, and, GPX+ is being a jerk to me today...won't load AT ALL, so, can someone check if there's a thunderstone in the shop?
Nope, no Thunderstone. Try tomorrow.

And just like in my game, I'm trying to hatch my Eevee. Except on GPX+, I don't hatch five and then turn off if none of them are female and have a timid nature. xD
Apologies to anyone that I may have upset by whining about my lack of success with an egg; I now have a bitchin' Ho-oh.
Congrats, everyone who got an event Pokémon! And good luck next time for everyone in my boat. <3

Sigh. My Giratina is going to take aaages to hatch.
Me too! It's over halfway now! :DDD

No event egg, but I am thinking about getting some different Pokemon.

Like Ralts.

EDIT: And an Anorith that I thought was a Larvitar.

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