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The GPX+ Fan Club

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it's not THAT bad.
emphasis on THAT
and 'bout 4 surskit have the huge hole thing.
GPX+ said:
Partners: Callisto's Spring Days
90 Children: IceSH's Masquerain, bookist's Masquerain, Carnation's Trickery, aalikane's Surskit, karlo's Surskit, buckwheat2003's Masquerain, milkmanfromthesouth's Surskit, RWMVG1DC's Lyra, turtle199's Surskit, shmack's Surskit, Digital's Surskit, Kurai neko's Surskit, Akuma's Surskit, tehcracker's Surskit, Caprice's Surskit, Thapahiska's Surskit, Ayilli's Longlegs, The PokeMaster's Surskit, yente's Surskit, killjoy's Masquerain, Mephi's Masquerain, Nexus's Masquerain, ChickenOxo's Surskit, Sidailer's Sawski, aiko95's Surskit, Debbie's Rob, bailee101's Sassy, Me0w's Surskit, tenna's soiskit, Lawliepop's Surskit, Neku Sakuraba's Surskit, Lujuria's Masquerain, Lujuria's Surskit, ChocolateFrostedSugarBombs's Surskit, rubin's Egg, BlueBlue's Surskit, Bikky's Surskit, phaned's Surskit, kimpisces's Surskit, Zero K's Puny, Alxndr914's Surskit, Sairye's Harli, Shez's Surskit, Emerald Blaise's Surskit, Red Wolf's Mythe, cake's Surskit, Salix's Surskit, Phoenix304's Surskit, Sowa's Masquerain, Bruder West's Surskit, dgk3593's Masquerain, Taren's Masquerain, NatalieTam's Dream of cute, Miyuko's Surs, sajb's Surskit, sparklesparkle's Josh, roux's Surskit, JoshiesBunny's Surskit, neopetsgirl's Surskit, Fallen's Surskit, Caprice's Surskit, Sunka's Surskit, Stanley Pain's Sanskrit, masrelga's Surskit, Mentlegen's Majora, wfj1996poke's Surskit, Callisto's Surskit, Lady Gretchen's Surskit, Callisto's Surskit, Toasty's Egg, Kai Lucifer's FAIL THE 4TH, Seelina's Surskit, Deep's Surskit, Sparkle's Egg, Callisto's Surskit, Sylwia's Surskit, Azure Seas's Egg, Kai Lucifer's Egg, TCStarwind's Egg, Callisto's Egg, Ragnor's Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg

what sort of name is that for my bred surskit.
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EDIT: welcome to the gawd no one takes my eggs stage kai.

GPX+ said:
Owner: Callisto
Location: Party
Maturity: 0 / 3,840

Heritage -

Father: Kai Lucifer's BREEDER 1
Mother: Kai Lucifer's BREEDER 2
8 Siblings: Callisto's Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Kai Lucifer's Egg, Abandoned Egg, Kai Lucifer's Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg
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Uh, well, I'm sure there'll be one sometime soon. I try to always keep one space open, but I couldn't help picking up that piplup egg.
I think that there's going to be an event in september, so if there are no other events between then and now, you shouldn't have much to worry about.
Oh. So the bidoof is the only August event? I'm pretty sure I heard about another one somewhere...

Commander Wymsy said:
If you didn't notice, all of the Pokémon in the polls are 3rd gen Legendaries that have yet to be released through an event (Latias, Latios and Kyogre are summons, but have never been released through an event). The results of this poll will be used to help determine Legendaries for the event for September (don't worry about August, that's already planned). As with the last poll, I don't need a bunch of replies, merely votes, so this poll is vote only and no replies. That means I don't want a topic about it cropping up either.

This poll will close on September 1st.

No Slowpokes were harmed in the making of this topic.

Unless she means the bidoof event, there'll be another one. And it was CAR = BIDOOF that posted about that one.
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Great, Dragon! I have a male shiny Sandshrew in my Diamond but he's Bashful not Brave.

Still, Yay! I am happy for Dragon :D

I f I want a shiny I really need to get on GPX+ more.

And Sasuke evolved.
And even better, the Sandshrew line's my second favourite Kanto ;w;

Or.. maybe the third or fourth. Hmm.
Lucky. >.< I can't say i'm really trying for one, though. I just kind of get on whenever I feel like it.
^And what might that be?

Oh yeah, hi guys =3
Yeah, I'm back from another period of disappearing without a trace. Somewhat...well I'm going through my friend list right now, don't know if I'll still feel like clicking after I'm done with that.

Oh, and can anyone tell me what the description of a Ditto Egg is? I want to try and get one from the lab, but I don't know what to look for.
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