So, I realized that I haven't updated with progress of my new, third file of Soulsilver. So, here it is.
Poshul (F) [Run Away] Lv. 24
I decided to use Dunsparce because I needed some rock and ground type coverage, and Dunsparce can learn a lot of those moves.
Dratini (F) [Shed Skin] Lv. 25
Slam|Leer|Thunder Wave|Dragon Rage
:D Right now she kinda sucks, but eventually I will evolve her and she will kick ass. She's going to cover a lot of types, I hope, especially with access to Thunderpunch and Fire Punch.
Vulpix (M) [Flash Fire] Lv. 28
Flamethrower|Confuse Ray|Quick Attack|Will-O-Wisp
>:D This one is really fun to use, with both Confuse Ray and Will-O-Wisp. Plus Flamethrower is pretty powerful. I won't be able to use him for a while because of the water route and stuff, which is why he is slightly higher leveled. I'm keeping him unevolved until he learns Extrasensory at Level 44.
Zappa (F) [Static] Lv. 26
Volt Tackle|Headbutt|Thunderbolt|Double Team
I'm so glad I got a Pikachu with Volt Tackle from the Pokewalker. She is really kicking ass. I evolved her right after getting Thunderbolt.
Guile (M) [Overgrow] Lv. 25
Headbutt|Razor Leaf|Magical Leaf|PoisonPowder
My starter, of course. Not much to say here, except that I forgot that I actually liked the Chikorita line.
Staryu (-) [Natural Cure] Lv. 22
Water Gun|Surf|Recover|Ice Beam
Just got it a couple hours ago through the GTS. And then I spent over an hour at the Game Corner getting it Ice Beam. I plan on evolving it before or after Lv. 28, depending on whether or not I want Confuse Ray or Bubblebeam.
I got Dratini, Vulpix, and Staryu through the GTS so that they would level up faster, making them a little less of a hassle for me. I bred my Bayleef for Chikorita and put those up for trade asking for those three Pokemon and boy, did they get taken fast. I just finished fighting Morty, and working up Pokethlon points so that I can get a Fire Stone and Water Stone for later.