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The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

Well, today I finished training my Pokes on Platinum, defeated the upgraded E4, and battled Red. Picked up a Charmander from Oak, and now I'm really not sure what I should do.

Oh, and Voltorb Flip has grown on me. A lot.


Toto(Feraligatr) lv80
Ho-oh lv72
Snorlax lv72
Gengar lv72
Strike(Scizor) lv73
Steelix lv72

Guess I'll go capture Kyogre or something.
I just beat the game (well, got all 16 badges, I'm too lazy to train for Red) with an annoying team, so I decided to restart. I'm currently in Cianwood trying to level up my Pokemon, since most of them are around 25 right now. Soul silver for the win :D
Finally got off my butt and saw the only reason I played as Ethan/Hibiki/Gold/Whatever. Silver/Kokoro/???/Whatever striping you. I love me some Huntershipping.[/pervyyaoifangirl]

Yes, I am a creepy person. Why do you ask?
I have made it to Clair! And am failing epically at trying to defeat her, so I'm working on my party a bit:

Swinub Lvl 21 Exp. Share
Powder Snow, Hail, Endure, Mub Bomb

Eevee lvl 32 Quick Claw
Bite, Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack

Noctowl Lvl 32 Sitrus Berry
Confusion, Air Slash, Roost, Fly

Ampharos Lvl 33 Black Belt
Focus Punch, Strength, Thunder Shock, Thunder Punch

Feraligator Lvl 33 Never Melt Ice
Hydro Cannon, Crunch, Surf, Ice Fang

Graveler Lvl 34 Cheri Berry
Rock Blast, Earthquake, Rock Throw, Rollout
Just beat Red:

Quagsire Lv 59
Moltres Lv 63
Articuno Lv 78
Mewtwo Lv 75
Zapdos Lv 71
HM Slave Lv 9

Yes I used a lot of legendaries. I'm in a hurry to beat the game and restart before May 5th when they stop distributing the Yellow Forest.
I restarted my file, because my old team was getting pretty boring. I caught a Pikachu in the Yellow Forest and I plan on using it. If I had gotten the Surfing Pikachu that would've been fantastic, but I don't want to spend that much time.

So here's how my potential team will look:
Meganium (Haven't used Meganium yet in SS)
Raichu (Might as well use one while the Yellow Forest event is going on)
Togetic / Xatu (Togetic has PHENOMENAL type coverage, good defenses, and decent special attack. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to evolve it until after the E4. Xatu is another option, though I'm probably going to go with Togetic unless someone can convince me otherwise)
Ninetales (I do believe that it would be my first time using a Vulpix, maybe since Blue, but I don't know if I even used it then...)
Undecided water type (I'm thinking trading a breeded starter for a Staryu over the GTS, but I'm still undecided)
Dragonite (GTS trade for a breeded starter, and I'll get myself a Dratini really fast, and it will level up quickly)

My first time using 6 Pokemon in a long time...that should be exciting. Normally I stick with 5 but whatever.
Togetic / Xatu (Togetic has PHENOMENAL type coverage, good defenses, and decent special attack. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to evolve it until after the E4. Xatu is another option, though I'm probably going to go with Togetic unless someone can convince me otherwise)

Do NOT use Xatu. I'm serious. It doesn't get a good Psychic type attack until waaay after the E4, or just before if you keep at as a Natu for the entire game. I'm not saying that Xatu is necessarily bad but, as someone who has used Xatu already, I think that it will just be annoying.
Slowly training and heading to Pewter city, refusing to use my Rare Candies, which are now in the teens.

Flare, Typhlosion, LV. 47
Cor, Dragonair, LV. 42
Schism, Pupitar, LV. 43
Voltage, Electabuzz, LV. 42
Nightwing, Murkrow, LV. 43
Artillery, Magmar, LV. 38
I caught Groudon a few days ago with the first Pokéball I threw, which was a Heavy Ball. I'd got its health down, but then it used Rest; so I reduced its health more and caught it while it was still sleeping. Hee.

I'm trying to remember to continue going to Daisy at the right time to get a Pokémon massaged so I can get Blue's phone number. Also, I caught Zapdos a while back and gained a Pikachu, then Lt. Surge's number. This is important because Surge is amazing. Indeed.
YAAAAY. I got a Pikachu with Volt Tackle and Flail. Unfortunately, it doesn't have Thunder Wave, but I think I'll get by without it.

EDIT: Hmmm. I appear to be at another issue with my team. I'm trying to decide if I want a Togetic, or a Dunsparce. Dragonite could use Fly really well, so that wouldn't be a problem, and Dunsparce could have great Ground and Rock type coverage. Togepi evolves by happiness too, which is irritating for me.
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Alright, so I've beaten the Elite 4. I didn't really have much trouble, despite being rather underlevelled - my highest leveled Pokemon was 43, I believe? I forget. But with some type-abusing and a bit of hax, I got through just fine.
For the few who actually care: Bruno was probably the easiest. I just gave my Victreebel an Occa Berry, and SD'd thrice on Hitmontop, since for some reason all it did was Dig and Counter. Proceed to sweep.
As for Lance, I knocked his Gyarados out with my Ampharos, then proceeded to sweep his entire team with my EV trained, Choice Scarfed Octillery.

Team is as follows (the levels are now horrible unbalanced aaa):

Lvl 44: Krakatoa (F) Typhlosion
Lvl 44: Nepenthes (M) Victreebel
Lvl 41: Uephota (F) Dragonair
Lvl 39: Umbriel (M) Umbreon
Lvl 43: Cephalogod (M) Octillery
Lvl 41: Taranis (F) Ampharos
I recently started over on HeartGold due to a sudden urge to get a Cyndaquil. After trading all the important and borrowed Pokémon [back] over to Platinum, I figured out how to delete the save data and restarted. Even though the first Cyndaquil had a great nature, Modest, I reset because it didn't seem like the character I was naming it after. So I then got a Quirky one, and wanted something better than a neutral nature. I rest again and finally got a Naughty one. :3

I didn't post last night because it was late, but this is my one Pokémon "team:"

Deidara (M) Lv 9
Naughty nature. Likes to fight.
Tackle | Leer | Smokescreen
I just finished capturing Ho-oh and it was awesome. Fighting the Kimono girls was awesome, the cutscene before Ho-oh appears was awesome, and Ho-oh's battle music was awesome. I was going to just keep Ho-oh in the PC until I got around to trading it to Pt, but now I think I'll use it for the Elite 4 and Kanto.

My current party(all Lv. 34)
Polio/ Poliwirl(M)
Since Deidara's in the Pokéwalker and I won't take him out until at least tomorrow, (Yes! I figured it out!) I might as well post status now.

I'm currently just leaving Violet City; I almost got to the first trainer on the route before I went back to put Deidara in the Pokéwalker.

Deidara (M) Lv 17
Naughty nature. Likes to fight.
Quick Attack | Leer | Smokescreen | Ember

Just a Pokémon I keep in the PC for when I need to Fly.

I'm also planning on getting a Seel later in the game so I can evolve it and get help with the Dragon gym.
Time for HG status updates! 8D I have such a nerdy name scheme for this one.

ID no. 06163
Pokedex 7
Time: 2:16

[Scout] Cyndaquil (M)
Naive / Lv8 / Blaze
-Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen

[Sniper] Horsea (M)
Mild / Lv8 / Sniper
-Bubble, Brine, Smokescreen, Leer

weeee beginning
So, I realized that I haven't updated with progress of my new, third file of Soulsilver. So, here it is.

Poshul (F) [Run Away] Lv. 24
I decided to use Dunsparce because I needed some rock and ground type coverage, and Dunsparce can learn a lot of those moves.
Dratini (F) [Shed Skin] Lv. 25
Slam|Leer|Thunder Wave|Dragon Rage
:D Right now she kinda sucks, but eventually I will evolve her and she will kick ass. She's going to cover a lot of types, I hope, especially with access to Thunderpunch and Fire Punch.
Vulpix (M) [Flash Fire] Lv. 28
Flamethrower|Confuse Ray|Quick Attack|Will-O-Wisp
>:D This one is really fun to use, with both Confuse Ray and Will-O-Wisp. Plus Flamethrower is pretty powerful. I won't be able to use him for a while because of the water route and stuff, which is why he is slightly higher leveled. I'm keeping him unevolved until he learns Extrasensory at Level 44.
Zappa (F) [Static] Lv. 26
Volt Tackle|Headbutt|Thunderbolt|Double Team
I'm so glad I got a Pikachu with Volt Tackle from the Pokewalker. She is really kicking ass. I evolved her right after getting Thunderbolt.
Guile (M) [Overgrow] Lv. 25
Headbutt|Razor Leaf|Magical Leaf|PoisonPowder
My starter, of course. Not much to say here, except that I forgot that I actually liked the Chikorita line.
Staryu (-) [Natural Cure] Lv. 22
Water Gun|Surf|Recover|Ice Beam
Just got it a couple hours ago through the GTS. And then I spent over an hour at the Game Corner getting it Ice Beam. I plan on evolving it before or after Lv. 28, depending on whether or not I want Confuse Ray or Bubblebeam.

I got Dratini, Vulpix, and Staryu through the GTS so that they would level up faster, making them a little less of a hassle for me. I bred my Bayleef for Chikorita and put those up for trade asking for those three Pokemon and boy, did they get taken fast. I just finished fighting Morty, and working up Pokethlon points so that I can get a Fire Stone and Water Stone for later.
So here's how my potential team will look:

Togetic / Xatu (Togetic has PHENOMENAL type coverage, good defenses, and decent special attack. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to evolve it until after the E4. Xatu is another option, though I'm probably going to go with Togetic unless someone can convince me otherwise)
Undecided water type (I'm thinking trading a breeded starter for a Staryu over the GTS, but I'm still undecided)
1)lolwhy? To Togekiss, you mean? You just need a Shiny Stone.
2) There are a lot of good water types. Kingdra, Lanturn, Slowking, and Starmie are all good choices.

YAAAAY. I got a Pikachu with Volt Tackle and Flail. Unfortunately, it doesn't have Thunder Wave, but I think I'll get by without it.

EDIT: Hmmm. I appear to be at another issue with my team. I'm trying to decide if I want a Togetic, or a Dunsparce. Dragonite could use Fly really well, so that wouldn't be a problem, and Dunsparce could have great Ground and Rock type coverage. Togepi evolves by happiness too, which is irritating for me.
Why? I evolved my Togepi at level 20, it doesn't take much for it to get happy. Not to mention Togekiss is one of the coolest Pokes in the game, imo.

Anyway, I'm sailing along pretty smoothly in Silver. Not having played the originals, it's pretty exciting and all exploring new regions with new pokemon and what not. The soundtrack is pretty crap though. I've heard some of the original tracks, and I can safely say that the remixes suck. :/

I'm around Ecrtreak City I think, the city where you save the Kimono Girl. Most of my pokemon are around level twenty at the moment.
My Pokemon:

Lv. 25 Bayleef
Lv. 22 Kangkhaskan (lol spelling)
Lv. 20 Zubat
Lv. 23 Noctowl
Lv. 24 Senret
Lv. 22 Flaffy
Lv. 22 Pineco
Lv. 22 Slowpoke
Lv. 19 Slopoke
Lv. 21 Togetic
Lv. 18 Staryu
Lv. 15 Girafarig

Just got my Giraffe. And lol, my reason behind two Slopokes is at first I wanted Slowking, then I wanted Slowbro, but I couldn't decide. So I'm just gonna use both. :/

And I prolly wont use Senret and Staryu too much, since I'll have so many other similar types (Slowbro/king, Kingdra, Chinchou, Girafarig, etc.)
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