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The LGBT Club

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Hurr, I remember when a friend of mine mentioned, in passing, how weird gay people were and another friend said "Yeah, but you must thing lesbians are hot", to which he responded "No, not really. It's a waste of a good woman. Two, actually.".

He's actually a very cool guy; we just disagree very strongly on a few things XD
These two people walk up to me in gym and ask if I'm gay; I respond "yes."
The next week, in English II, one of those people get put in my literature circle. And luckily, I'm the only guy. Right.
So the discussion of periods is brought up when we're supposed to be talking about Merlin and his comrades; someone says "oh god he doesn't want to hear this." The girl in my gym tells the other two people that I'm gay, and fangirlism attention persists. Yadda yadda, they ask who I think is hot, so I tell them the first person that comes off the top of my head. More fangirlism and "OMG"-ing; they agree with me (obviously). So today that guy I was talking about walks up to me and makes it very clear that he is straight. So apparently he thinks I have a crush on him now, which I don't; I simply think that he is attractive. Difference, and a big one of that.
No more hot guy discussion in literature circles, or just to fatmouths in general.

Also that girl in my gym: when she popped the question she started talking about how I have a lot of lesbian/female bi friends and starts talking crap about them. Right in front of me. I just walked away from her. Next time she states that gays are cool and lesbians are nasty – hell – when anyone states that or it with inverted genders I swear I will make their life a living hell.
Lesbians are the best thing on the planet.

Not so much gays, cause I'm not interested in men. But two women going at it, yes.

whoop shallow

I wish I could be out. Honest to God. No one'd listen though. Or they'd be all 'you're stupid, trans people are retarded, blah blah blah you have boobs.'

What's worse is the 'but you're so pretty!!' approach.
These two people walk up to me in gym and ask if I'm gay; I respond "yes."
The next week, in English II, one of those people get put in my literature circle. And luckily, I'm the only guy. Right.
So the discussion of periods is brought up when we're supposed to be talking about Merlin and his comrades; someone says "oh god he doesn't want to hear this." The girl in my gym tells the other two people that I'm gay, and fangirlism attention persists. Yadda yadda, they ask who I think is hot, so I tell them the first person that comes off the top of my head. More fangirlism and "OMG"-ing; they agree with me (obviously). So today that guy I was talking about walks up to me and makes it very clear that he is straight. So apparently he thinks I have a crush on him now, which I don't; I simply think that he is attractive. Difference, and a big one of that.
No more hot guy discussion in literature circles, or just to fatmouths in general.

Also that girl in my gym: when she popped the question she started talking about how I have a lot of lesbian/female bi friends and starts talking crap about them. Right in front of me. I just walked away from her. Next time she states that gays are cool and lesbians are nasty – hell – when anyone states that or it with inverted genders I swear I will make their life a living hell.
D: That sucks. Unfortunately for most teenagers, thinking someone is attractive automatically means you want their babies. At least you're more mature than that, right? Ehh, sorry.
I talk too loud in the art room so some people kind of know about me. Some chick who isn't even in art class actually had the nerve to go up to the friend I was talking to and be like "UM YEAH IS WHAT THAT ONE KID YOU HANG OUT WITH SAYS TRUE?" so I guess it's getting around, but I don't think a lot of people get it. It's not really as simple as "I'm gay", and I don't think people at my school realize that transpeople aren't always mtf's. It's kind of silly.

And ugh, I hate people who are hypocritical like that. A few years ago I saw these two chicks talking about some website with GAY BOYS KISSING LIEK OMG :O!, and those were some of the same girls who acted completely disgusted when lesbians came up in health class. :\ I wish I had more balls back then. There were many things I wanted to say to that whole class.
The guys I work with like lesbian porn but tormented this girl for liking male gay porn. o.o; So pointless, when it's the same thing. Once this lesbian couple came in and they were both gorgeous. The manager comes over to us and says, "See that? Mm-mm-mm! What a waste."

So yeah. Just stupid.
HEY GUYS. I have a happy story to cheer this place up with! :D

It's not really that thrilling really, but this place is getting far to sad ):

So over a fun drinking game, a friend of mine asks me if I'm straight or bi or whatever. I say I'm gay and she is thrilled beyond belief and starts talking (on and on - drunkenly)about how I should definitely go out with one of our other friends who is also gay. It got a little embarassing, actually, but when you come out to someone and thier reaction is to hook you up with someone, you can't complain.
Everyone else in the room was totally fine with it (and was thankfully sans the "HEY DANNI GO OUT WITH X" thing).
hooray danni! lesbians are silly but I'M GLAD THEY LIKE YOU or something.

I've been feeling sort of "DAMN IT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW" lately and apparently I'm the sort of person you'd never expect to be gay so THANKS FOR MAKING IT HARD UNIVERSE, REALLY.

so I shall probably delay the coming out for a while
HEY GUYS. I have a happy story to cheer this place up with! :D

It's not really that thrilling really, but this place is getting far to sad ):

So over a fun drinking game, a friend of mine asks me if I'm straight or bi or whatever. I say I'm gay and she is thrilled beyond belief and starts talking (on and on - drunkenly)about how I should definitely go out with one of our other friends who is also gay. It got a little embarassing, actually, but when you come out to someone and thier reaction is to hook you up with someone, you can't complain.
Everyone else in the room was totally fine with it (and was thankfully sans the "HEY DANNI GO OUT WITH X" thing).
Aww, that's nice Danni. :D It must've been quite a relief.
Why's there no S for supporters in the title?

Anyways I'm straight, yeh. I'm fine with...gay people of both genders and bi people...just as long as they respect that I'm straight and don't try to hit on me.
You've got an issue if you feel the need to say "I'm nongay, but i'm cool with fags - but I don't want them hitting on me" - you seriously don't need to add that last bit
Yeah, I'm cool with straight people, just as long as they don't hit on me...

srsly, wtf
The only solution is to have no physical contact with people you are not attracted to.
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