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The LGBT Club

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You've got an issue if you feel the need to say "I'm nongay, but i'm cool with fags - but I don't want them hitting on me" - you seriously don't need to add that last bit
. . . To be fair I said I was cool with them being gay if the respected the fact I didn't want to be hit on. Which implies that they know I don't want them hitting on me. But ya know what? I should stop talking.
What happens when a guy hits on you do you punch him in the throat to prove your manliness or what

No actually, I walk away and avoid them as much as I can.
I like boys and girls and others and it annoys me anyway when a member of any of these groups whom I don't know tries to hit on me. I'm not sure why "I'm unattracted to your entire sex" is relevant; really, "I'm not attracted to you" is all that matters.
So in PE today I was talking with a friend when the subject of politics came up (because I can't leave politics out of anything. Seriously). So we talked about the American presidential race and I had to tell my friend all about Palin. She quickly grew to despise her, like any other normal human being.
But then I mentioned her stance on gay rights, things like marriage and adoption and such, and she looked kind of doubtful. So I asked her what was wrong and she told me she was for marriage and things but adoption?
'No fucking way. It's like the worst thing that could happen to the kid.'
And then she went on to tell me how her Aunt is a psychiatrist and says that children growing up with homosexual parents become homosexual, bla bla bla. I told her I didn't believe that but didn't get the chance to persue the matter because the bell went and we had to clean the gym.

And now I'm a bit upset because I don't understand this attitude. All studies made so-far show that the overwhelming majority of children raised by two dads or two mums turn out to be perfectly heterosexual.
I don't get it.

No actually, I walk away and avoid them as much as I can.
If a buddy hits on you once you avoid them as much as possible? That's, erm, not very nice.
It makes me lol when people who are all I HAET GAYS get uppity about children adopted into homosexual households turnin' gay. Because I mean then we don't have any problems, all our gays are in one big happy family, they won't bother anyone! Seems like success to me.

I should carve my pumpkin with a big ~GAY~ sign.

Or make VP's signature into a pumpkin pattern, that'd get me lots of friends.
If a buddy hits on you once you avoid them as much as possible? That's, erm, not very nice.

I didn't say buddy. I'll explain again. If they KNOW I'm unconfortable with it, then I'll avoid them. However if they don't know, then I'll explain it to them and hope they respect my wishes, undersand?
Just the fact that you'd assume every gay man in the world is going to hit on you is the problems. Also, if some gay guy does happen to chat you up, no need to freak. Just say politely that you're straight and be flattered that someone finds you atractive. No need to be all "GAY GERMS AHH STAY AWAY."

Mr. Putin's Live Journal: Damn, that sucks. D: My friend's friend thinks the same. It just makes my mind boggle. I don't talk to her much.
I like boys and girls and others and it annoys me anyway when a member of any of these groups whom I don't know tries to hit on me. I'm not sure why "I'm unattracted to your entire sex" is relevant; really, "I'm not attracted to you" is all that matters.
I didn't say buddy. I'll explain again. If they KNOW I'm unconfortable with it, then I'll avoid them. However if they don't know, then I'll explain it to them and hope they respect my wishes, undersand?
So suddenly it's worse that someone of the same gender hits on you that you're not attracted to than someone of the opposite gender hitting on you when you're not attracted to them? What? Why the fuck can't you just say, "Sorry, I'm not interested," rather than going on some diatribe about how you're NOT GAY and you don't want other guys to hit on you?
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Because then they will think he's gay and get all their fag buddies together to rape him.
you know what I don't get

I know a girl who's all "equal rights, adoption, marriage, woo!" but she thinks homosexuality is a choice.

what the fuck?
i love how everyone that says homosexuality is a choice ends up to be straight.

edit: and the faggots go "no, no it's not"
but it is apparently.
How did i not see this club *definite joins*

this summer, i came to the conclusion that i was bi, but when school started, i then thought that something still felt wrong, and being completely gay felt much better.

Note: That was just the short version, don't think i'm just fickle like that XD
I remember we had to write this page on who we would take and where we would take them if we got the chance to hang out with a celebrity for one day. My friend jokes around, and starts writing it about George W. Bush and how she would take him to a gay pride parade. Of course, assistant principal and teacher complain, and she is forced to rewrite it.

When the end of the year standardized course tests come around, we get the same exact question for an essay.
Of course, I write about George W. Bush and how I would take him to a gay pride parade. Also, I aced the essay. 8)
So...just had this talk with my mom. I told her I would vote no on Prop 8, and she got all up in arms about my decision. (Note: I'm having a mock vote in American Government tomorrow, and we were talking about it.) Then she said I was just voting that way to "look cool." Never mind the fact that no other student will ever know of my vote, or anyone else for that matter. She said that my friends were influencing me and that basically I cannot have my own opinion, I should listen more in church (ironic) and other such bullshit.

Now, I asked her why she was so against gays. Her reason? Not because the Bible says, no. Because of ONE experience she had when she was young when some asshole she was dating asked to her marry him and his boyfriend. O.o Because it's not likely some guy has asked a girl to marry him and his girlfriend. >>

Prop 8 is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. Not giving someone the right to marry in the first place is silly enough, but giving them the right, allowing people to get marry and then rescinding their rights is, and there's no other word for it, cruel.

And the fact that the opposed people call their campaign "Protect marriage" sounds beyond stupid. You sound like anti-divorce protestors for God's sake. Call youselves the "We don't think everyone should have rights" group and leave it at that.
I remember looking at their website in G.L.A.S.S. once. They say things like "protect children" and "protect families" too. It's sickening.

Not to mention they sell shirts for little kids, which is not something I can forgive. (No On Prop 8 doesn't.)
Just how much support is there for Prop 8? I will be very very angry if it gets passed, and that's all I can really say. :\

I'm getting seriously pissed off at a certain friend of mine who likes to call me 'woman' and 'house bitch' just because he knows it's a sensitive subject for me and it's something he can always annoy me with. I know that kind of thing comes with being out, but that is seriously fucking immature and I really didn't expect it from a friend of mine. And apparently he's making his Facebook status say things like "If you have a woman's body I'm going to call you 'she'" when I don't even go on Facebook and wouldn't have even seen it if someone hadn't told me about it. Some people just aren't worth being out to, I swear to God. :\
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So this is your friend?
Though honestly, I haven't had a big problem with those kind of people in a while. Except today I had to deliver these election poll things to a bunch of teachers as a part of newspaper class. This one classroom was full of complete bitches who made fun of me last year. The second I walked in the classroom, they all started laughing.
Of course, being oblivious as I am, I don't even realize what they're laughing about until I hear one person say to the person sitting in front of him, "Cam is so gay!" After that I just realized they're complete idiots who need to be ignored.

edit: and as for how much support it has: a quick google search on "yes on 8" returned http://protectmarriage.com
honestly doesn't the constitution of all things guarantee equality of all people? if marriage and domestic partnerships apply to two different groups, no matter how equal they are, it's segregation all over again.
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:\ How silly. I don't think I'm ever going to understand why it's such a big deal to these people in the first place.

Oh, I talked it over and apparently the thing about his Facebook status was a misunderstanding - I shouldn't have just believed what my friend said. I feel bad about being so mad at him now, even though he still does pick on me in ways I don't appreciate. He's not that much of an asshole.
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