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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Tsukimaru picked up his Ultra Ball. "Let's go with a Brave Bird!" he told his Pokemon, and as soon as the attack was done, he threw the still-usable black-and-yellow ball at the Pokemon.
point out that they didn't technically lose their balls,

(((:DDD We didn't get neutered!)))

Ohayou facepalmed as he motioned for Kasumi to pick up his lost ball.
"I'm assuming that this pokemon is similar to a Kecleon, so we won't be able to use normal attacks."

He frowned for a moment, thinking.
"Ok, the Rockets are annoying, Spin, Wash, Heat, Cut, and Kasumi, use Secret Power with Earacor. Frost, slap Zora with a banana use Blizzard on Earacor."

As the gust of snowy wind soared towards Earacor, Ohayou threw his ball into the attack, propelling it forward towards the God.
Infuriated, Lucidia picked up the Ultra Ball and hurled it again.
"Blade," she ordered, "try to keep the others at bay.
"This thing is mine."
"Hmph! May the better get it!" He yelled as he ordered Latias to bring back the Ultra Ball, he chucked it back, and ordered all of his POKéMON out to attack.
*The balls continued to bounce back*

[Also, if o_O doesn't come in here and post by Thursday, then I am taking control of TAW and letting Echo control Earacor until there is a winner between the two. After all, Earacor would have strategies very similar to what Echo would have]
Aria shook her head. She had completely forgotten.

Discourage, she picked up the Ultra Ball and sat down, frustrated. Was there any chance of success now?

((Sorry, didn't quite understand your post before, Icalasari.))
((You mean bananas?))

As a mysterious redhead garbed in purple swooped in and smacked Ohayou with a bigger banana, Taisiya wore an almost insane grin on her face as she watched the Rockets fry from Dmitri's attacks. The two other Poke Balls on her belt flew from her hand, and a Lucario and an emotionless-looking Mismagius materialized.

"This can't be... The Pokemon of the Forest?!" Darya, the Lucario, cried.

"It is. But do not attack ze Pokemon, it vill only deflect you! Attack ze Rockets! Reduce sere numbers!"

Darya looked at Taisiya confusedly, before realizing that she was trying to keep them away from Earacor. An Aura Sphere forming in her paw, she growled it before releasing it at a group of Rockets a distance away. The Mismagius simply blinked at her.

"Oy... Just go and attack..."
"A force field?" asked Tsukimaru. He waited for it to dissipate.

"Blaziken, charge the best Brave Bird you can get without fainting it. When the shield goes down, attack."
(((If so, PM me Earacor's attacks.)))

"DAMN YOU ZORA OF TERMINA!!!" Ohayou yelled. "I see that this is going nowhere, sooooo... moo."

Ohayou looked around, waiting for something to happen between TEW and Earacor.
Giovannia was getting impatient and grabbed a mic. He yelled into it, "Patrick you imbecile! You have yet to attack! I am taking over! Taw, use Swords Dance to increase your attack power and avoid any attacks launched at you!

The Garchomp complied, moving around in a bizarre way to avoid damage. Eric growled as he heard Giovanni command TAW, but then he got an idea. "Pikachu, I need you to spread the message to everybody BUT Echo to distract the Rockets. Meanwhile, I am going to Echo with the rest of the plan."

The small rodent nodded before bolting off
(((Giovannia? XD)))

Ohayou looked at Earacor who began to turn white.
"Quick, Kasumi, Defog TEW!" He yelled over the noise.
Kasumi blew a gust at TEW to make him an easier target.

Why are these humans bothering me? I want them to leave. That false god is the root of all this! I have to get rid of him!
Earacor turned white, and with a roar, fired a Blizzard at TEW.
He then fired a Draco Meteor to follow up the attack.

That Draco Meteor will make Earacor weak!
"Kasumi, Haze!" Ohayou yelled, trying to weaken TEW and repair Earacor.

Ohayou sighed in relief as the black fog reached Earacor and TEW.
Giovanni grinned. "TAW, Dragon Claw on the Draco Meteor"

The Garchomp gave a brief nod and jumped up just as the Haze rolled in. It then slashed the Meteor's in two, causing them to fall all around. The Garchomp then landed in the Haze, and immediately used Swords Dance to recover the lost stats. The Garchomp's red eye then glowed for a brief second, scanning the God. TAW rushed at Earacor and attacked his weak point for massive damage
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