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Open The Waning of Humans

Maraxus was, despite his size, avoiding confrontation with all sailors. He'd alwasy have Xhan make sure that there weren't any auars he should be awre of. He checked the ID of the guy he had taken the clothes from. He had idiodically wrtieen his cabin number on the back. Hopefully, if he locked the door, he'd be safe there. He finally reached the cabin, and opened it with the man's key. He had stowed the man somewhere safe, in a stprage room. It was fairly toasty in there, and he'd bring him food and water... And another set of his clothes. He'd have to make him swear beforehand that he'd never tel anyone though.
Maraxus slumped on a bed, when he realized this was a two-person room. He slapped his forehead, feeling stupid. "If it helps, we can search the room for the other guy's wallet."
"Wouldn't that be stealing?"
"We just need to see a picture of him so we can know what he looks like. Then We'll go out, find him, alone, of course, and put him with his friend!"
Maraxus thought about it for a moment. "That would work, actually. Unless he carries his wallet with him everywhere."
"Do your pants have pockets?"
"Then it has to be here somewhere." Xhan and Maraxus got those smiles again.
Thoughts where creeping into her head now, thoughts that she never wanted to think about. I need to get out of here.....But how? I'll get caught, I know that for sure, and I would probably die.....And what about my father? He can't take care of himself... these where the thoughts creeping in Athena's head. She shook her head, dismissing them. She felt like a traped bird since the legendaries took over. Jasmine looked at her now and let a small drepressing, Vulpix meow. Athena looked down at her and sighed. "Jasmine, what should I do? I can't leave my father alone, he can't defend him self easily any more, not since mom passed away......" she said to her. At that moment, Rock walked in and yawned. Athena smiled weakly at this. "Had a nice run?" she said jokingly, trying to be her old cheerful self that she knew may never come out again. Rock looked at her and snorted.
Gerin was ont the route. Derish was close on his heels. He was horified that he would be discovered. He was highly alert. Derish was much looser. They steadily made their way south. He saw several pokemon folowing him. He began to move at a quicker pace.
Maraxus walked behind the Captain. The wheels in his head started turning. "Captain?" Luckily, the Captain was busy with today's crossword. He simply acknowledged Maraxus with a grunt. "What time are we meant to make port in Cerulean?" The Captain looked up from his crossword, staring at the ocean ahead.
"Cerulean?" He turned in his chair. "You must be on the wrong ship, boy! We're going to Olivine! And I don't recognize yo-" Maraxus punched the Captain in the face, at least four times, in the stomach, then hit his chin with his knee. The Captain fell unconsiouss on the ground.
Good thing this guy has an autopilot. He looked around, and ran back to the cabin. He actually clothslined a sailor on the way. As he slammed the door behind it, locked it, and sealed it with a chair, Xhan looked up from a trunk.
"Back so soon?"
"Where are we?" Maraxus asked, panting slightly from fear more than exhaustion.
"Well, those look like the Sevii Islands, so-"
"Good enough. Come on." They ran out of the cabin, after Maraxus struggled with the chair and lock for a few seconds, and got his backpack, and ran to a life boat. "Get in." Xhan did as commanded, and Maraxus lowered the boat into the water. He grabbed two lifevests, and tossed one down. He held the other tightly as he jumped from the ship, splashing in the water. He crawled on the boat, and Xhan tossed him an oar from the front.
((Geez, Black Yoshi 99, you're strangely strong. Have you been taking steriods?))

"Dialga! Dialga!" Chaos shouted at, or rather, up, the tremendous diety standing before him.
"WHAT IS IT?" Dialga answered in a booming voice. This naturally brought attention to the situation, because Sceptiles don't go up to giant legends with dead bodies.
"This... this human scum tried to steal my food!" Chaos felt bad saying this about Alan, since he had know him since he was a Treecko, which was a long time ago, and calling Alan scum wasn't exactly the best thing to say, but, it was nessacary.
"HMM, REALLY?" Dialga's voice resonated across the town. Most activity had stopped by now. "AND WHAT DID YOU DO ABOUT THIS?"
"Well, I... I..." Chaos fell flat. He didn't know what to say.
"He killed him, Dialga." Enigma suddenly appeared next to Chaos. "I lived near him and saw the whole thing. The boy scum tried to steal his food."
"Uhh... yeah, I killed him." Chaos could tell this would end badly.
"AND YOU THINK I WOULD PUNISH YOU? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Dialga's laugh shook the town. Dialga never laughed.
"HURRY AND TAKE THE BODY AWAY. IT IS STARTING TO RUIN THE PEACE. THOSE HUMANS ARE STARTING TO WORRY." Dialga just chucked to itself as Chaos hurried away to Alan's house, because even though he seemed to act like he was paying him back for "stealing" his stuff, Chaos was just going back to get the supplies Alan had packed. Alan smiled to himself.
This is going perfectly.
Athena looked up. Dialga was speaking, though, she didn't know to who , but realized it was to a pokemon. She stood up and walked out of the green house, Jasmine and Rock following close behind. Sea Queen woke up, she was normally a heavy sleeper and grew used to Dialga's loud voice, but the word 'killed woke her up. She looked over at the green house entrance, just to see if Athena was listening and was ok. Seeing Athena there at the entrance, looking sick now, Sea Queen gave a shiver, she hated seeing any one sick and didn't want to remember the time her real owner, Athena's mother Lillie, was sick and had passed away because of it.
I have to get out of here some how. I can't live like this any more Athena thought, looking pale. Death. She feared it and hated it. But how? Jasmine was sitting next Athena, nudging her pants pocket, knowing a berry was there, she wanted to distract Athena right now. Athena looked down at her. "All right, I'll give you the berry." she said, taking it out and giving it to her. Jasmine eat it happily, and a small plan was forming in Athena's mind....
Gerin was till walking in silence. "Where are you headed?" He whirled around, Celebi was floating and staring maniacly. A horrible grin was spread across it's face. "I was hoping for some sport. Come Gerin impress me!" Gerin knew Derish couldn't beat Celebi in a Pokemon battle so he yelled, "RUN!!!!" Unforunatly for Gerin this is what Celebi wanted. Gerin went tearing downhill. Derish was far ahead. Celebi had been getting lazy lately and had some trouble but was gaining. The land flatend suddently After about 100 yards it Was going downhill. Gerin Saw Derish go down. He folowed thinking He could outrun Celebi. Celebi all the while was gaining. Gerin was in for one of the scariest moments of his life. What He thought was a steep downhill drop off of flatland was actually a cliff above a small lake. It was a thrity foot drop off that Derish had ust run off of. Derish had sent a large rock into the water when he fell but he landed on a ledge which led into a small cave. Here Derish hid. The rocks however made ripples that could be mistaken for a body. Gerin wasn't so lucky. He rolled down The rocky side for 15 feet until he caught a root jutting out of the cliff wall. He lost his backpack and hoodie which plummeted into the water. He saw the ledge and began to climb for it.
Celebi smirked. He knew the boy would live. That lad was young and his body could take it. His hound however would probably not make it. The sun was rising. Celebi was going to tell the whole world of this escape attempt. Gerin would be hunted by the legendaries.
((Well, if you read the description, Maraxus has some muscles due to shipbuilding for a few years. Also, taken by surpirse, the Captain was hurt more than if he had been prepared. Finally, I should have mentioned that the clothsline was accidental, while Maraxus was rounding a corner. XD))
The two companions worked in harmony with their paddles. Maraxus wanted to get as far inland as possible, starting with the Sevii islands, and taking a boat to Vermillion. Not what I expected, but it'll do. Maybe I could build more ships. He turned and looked back at the ship he had abandoned. He could just bareyl make out the huge lettering on the side. It wasn't the ship he had just finished. He had, stupidly, gone on the wrong ship. He turned his attention back to rowing. Xhan could keep going for many more hours, being a fighting type, and outfitted for strength and endurance. Maraxus could go for maybe another half hour. "You think we'll be safer in Kanto?"
"Nowhere is safe. We might be introduced to new rules, from a new legendary, but they'll be just as strictly upheld, or more so. From what I've heard, Mew is the kindest, and even he is cruel."
"Manaphy's not such a bundle of fun either. Apparently, my parents, who had strong grass-types, didn't even last more than a minute."
"What can you expect from a legendary but the raw power of the earth?"
"Probably insults. Dictatorship. Abuse of their power."
"Just don't try to agrivate any, and we'll be fine. And don't try to upset any wild Pokemon, either. They'll inform the legendaries, then you're better off jumping on my wrists, and giving me a hug."
Serena shook her head. "I hope Regirock doesn't mind that I go on a small walk. Willing to train, little Licky?" She knew he didn't mind his nickname.

"Wighikung," he replied, creating a path of drool wherever he went, like a stream.

Serena chuckled. "Does the grass taste good, my friend?"

Because he had a good sense of humor, Lickitung did his best to laugh, but ended up falling backwards. But, as always, his tongue was useful, and he used it to stand up again, countering the weight of his thick tail.

"All right. Hope you're not becoming too strong. I'd need to make you somehow tell Regirock that I'm just heading to the next Route to avoid it getting angry. Hopefully someday, though, you'll be powerful enough..."

Lickitung had the same wistful look in his black eyes as his trainer did in her emerald ones.
Vai smiled at the makeshift map Blaze had scratched in the sand.
"Ah, you know everything, don't you?" Blaze grunted, and pointed to a spot. Storm came forwards and nodded.
"So we'll be going there?" Blaze nodded. "Mmm. I don't get a say, do I?" Tempest laughed, or close to it.
((@Cryptica- Yes?))
Maraxus lay back in the boat. Xhan faced the back of the boat now, ppaddling two oars. Maraxus stared at the sky, feeling like his arms were about to pop off.
"You know, this is... Alot easier... When you're... Helping."
"Sorry, but my arms are going to burst into flame if I do much more."
"How close are we to shore?"
Maraxus looked up. "A long way off." He groaned, falling back into the boat. The boat tilted, tilted, tilted, and...
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" Xhan swam after Maraxus furiosly. The strong ocean currents seriously interfered with Maraxus' swimming skills. Xhan, however, was about to catch him. Maraxus swam behind the boat, and grabbed an oar. He held onto the piece of wood, which barely supported him in the water, and looked around the area. Xhan was just... Gone?
Where did that scruffy old fart go? Suddenly, the boat flopped in the water. Maraxus could hear Xhan cursing from the other side. There he is. Chaniging his attention as fast as Celebi travels time. Maraxus went to the other side of the boat, where Xhan was sticking his paw. Apparently, he was too bus to hear Maraxus, because when Maraxus asked, "Need help?" Xhan 'jumped' and hit his head on the boat.
"Augh.... YES, I need help." The two flipped the boat over, and began to crawl inside. As Xhan crawled in, however, he slipped, and his left-hand spike jabbed into the bottom of the boat. Water seeped into the boat when Xhan removed the spike, and the two gave eachother a look that said, Oh.... CRAP.
((Augh, spaced this. I am at school, should I go somewhere else? Like, maybe make it dismissal time but not describe school, since it's not as important?))
((What exactly am I trying to do? Meeting up with the group? I wasn't paying attention... I think I forgot about this... XP ))
The plan was simple. Rock will lead Athena out, who is caring a basket of berries, looking frighten. Rock will be mumbling this, "Stupid girl, always taking to much berries on her walks. She better plant them back, OR else."And Sea Queen and Jasmine will be in there balls, each hidden, though, Sea Queen's in view and no one would know. Though, neither Athena nor her companions knew if this plan would work. At least Athena will die trying. The plan would take action tommorow.
Athena sighed as she was now back in the green house. She had went to her room and told the plan to Sea Queen, Rock, and Jasmine, they all understood their part, at least Athena hoped. Rock had went to go take a nap, Sea Queen too, Jasmine was sitting with Athena, looking at the plants. Athena was looking at them too, so healthy and so independent too.
Just standing around for a whole day, however, seemed very boring in everyone's opinion. Even Asnan agreed that the honking of the cars in the street and the neverstopping babble would keep him from meditating very long. So they went back on Route 203 just a bit to look for any other trainers. Thankfully, they found success.
Acuity watched as the younger boy sent the Turtwig at his side onto the battlefield. Acuity decided on Pip, as she needed to get some of the eternal energy out of her system, grimacing as she bounced all around on her side. Oh God, Pip, she thought, don't screw this up.
The opposition ordered the Turtwig to use a Tackle. Obviously a beginner. Probably hadn't even earned his first badge yet.
Pip was faster, if not by much, and managed to pull off a Sing just in time. She cheered out loud as the Turtwig dropped to the ground, fast asleep.
"Piiiiip," Acuity moaned, half to herself. She then said, louder, "Use a Doubleslap!" Pip seemed to always hit high on multiple-hit moves, although she might just be lucky, and put down the Turtwig with a lucky five.
The beginner raced out onto the field and carried his Turtwig back, giving Acuity a moment to think how trainers recalled their Pokemon without Poke Balls when they got too heavy, like a Golem or Snorlax or something. Then he sent out the only other Pokemon, a Starly.
Psssh, a Starly, Acuity thought. Lucky thing I didn't grow up down here; all these Pokemon are somewhat lame... at first, she silently added, thinking of Staraptor and Luxray.
The Starly had fainted with just one Doubleslap, no Sing needed this time. Of course, it had been faster (or, rather, she had been, judging by the size of the white ovular shape on its forehead), so Pip had gotten a nasty Quick Attack. Except, Acuity had to remember, Quick Attack always hit first, unless both opponents attacked with it, in which case the faster went first, just like normal. Pip stared glumly at the small wound in her stubby arm, looking to be on the verge of tears.
Even though she could be annoying at times, it took a lot out of everyone, even Nya, to see Pip so down. This was her first real trainer battle; the only other she had ever been in was the fight in which she had been captured, not counting the several times Nya had slashed her across the face. But she had gotten used to Nya's attitude quickly.
"Aw, Pip," she said, "don't be sad. This kind of thing is normal in battles. You'll get used to it. It shouldn't hurt too much for you, since you're a Clefairy, which are pretty tough... especially with non-physical attacks. 'Least you're not me. My defenses are crud. I focus on my claws."
Pip really did look surprised at this. Nya, comforting someone? Impossible. Yet she bounced into her arms anyway, nibbling affectionately at Nya's feather.
"Aagh!" she cried, her moment of sympathy over. "That wasn't an invitation to jump on me, twerp!" She shoved her off.

((Scene over because I'm still lazy :P))
((@ Cryptica: Yeah, pretty much. You can drag it out some if you want. But not too much ;D ))
Alan was "creeping" through the forest that lay just before Floaroma. He was going to try and go to Oreburgh. He had all the nessacary equipment in his bag, which Chaos "stole" after he "killed" Alan.
"So... now what?" Alan sat down. He wasn't sure what he would do after he got to Oreburgh. Enigma answered him; it was able to communicate by telepathy after Alan had recently taught it Psychic.
Well, that depends. We'll have to find a way around Palkia, because Dialga probably told it about the human, you, that got killed.
"Palkia? Oh, crap, I completely forgot about that."
Maraxus desperately clawed at the boat, trying to pry a few boards off. Xhan jabbed circles of holes, making circles in the wood, only for them to be too small to handle. Come one... YE-CRAP!!! Maraxus cursed himself (And partially Xhan) as he clawed at the boat. Soon, though, the boat was sinking to the ocean floor. The two floundered in the water for a moment, their breathing heavy. Maraxus took og his backpack, thankful he had gotten a custom airtaight leather one, instead of the cheaper nylon backpacks he had seen. He opened it slighty at the top, so it didn't get water inside it, and puffed it up with his hands. "Okay, take this. I'll follow."
Xhan gave Maraxus a look of disbelief. Nu-uh. I'm a stronger swimmer."
"Too bad. I'm not letting you die... Especially in in the ocean."
"I DO hate the ocean with a passion..." Xhan considered. "... No. I'd want to kill myself if you didn't make it, and that wouldn't be very hard." Xhan gestured his spikes on his wrists.
"I said TOO BAD. Deal with it."
Nuh-u-AAAAHH!!!! Maraxus kicked Xhan off, sending him toward the land, moving with the current. Maraxus swam after him, thankful for his long days of swimming on the beaches of Sunyshore. His face turned red before long, though, and could swear that once he saw the dorsal fin of a Sharpedo. Xhan paddled ahead of him, occasionally asking if he wanted to switch. Maraxus denied him stubornly every time.
It took Gerin an hour and a half to reach the ledge. He crawled into the cave to take a rest. He saton Derish. Gerin smiled at the hound's astounding ability to survive. He was lucky to have such a pokemon as Derish. Gerin began to clean his arm. During his roll down the hill his left arm was gouged from the elbow to the shoulder. His hound licked the wound clean which turned out not to be very deep.. He looked up at Derish, "We've got to get that backpack."
As far as Ira knew, Cresselia only gave the members of Canalave a very early curfew. If he hurried, he would be able to make it out of the area before that happened. "Okay guys, we're heading out."

His Machoke and Machamp were standing still behind him, loyal as they could be.

Spark was, well, sparking.

Icicle seemed to be cooling down a lot.

Spear was clamped in his shell, only his eyes peeking out creepily from the dark space.

Ice Fang was next to Icicle. They were apparently sharing body cold.

Ira knew the reason they were all being so feisty: they were ready to protect their Trainer if they needed to. They followed him as he slowly headed towards the exit from Canalave.
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