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Open The Waning of Humans

Vai looked ahead at the people, poking Tempest in the aura orb and pointing ahead.
You think we should go introduce ourselves? Shade asked, and poked her beak out of the grass. Storm snorted.
What would that do? Other than get us attention from Mew? We'll.. just watch for a little while. A girl and who looked like her mother ran off a nearby boat and walked over to a house dangerously close to where the five hid in the grass.
"We should go look for food," Vai muttered, and Tempest flicked her with his tail.
Shut up, before they notice, he laughed.
((Sorry, I got sick.))

"Uuuhhhh....." Alan awoke moaning from his short unconsciousness. "What happened...?" He looked up. "Aaahhh! People!" He jumped up. Two people, about his age, were staring at him.
They were going to help you, genius. Enigma was behind him. But from your reaction, they probaby have a good reason to stay away.
"Oh, shut up. You don't know anything."
Oh, but I do. Enigma grinned. Chaos knocked you out. It sounded pretty funny.
"You can leave now." Alan knocked the Pokeball on Enigma, and it disappeared in a red light. "Soo..." Alan looked at the two people. "Can I help you?"
Maraxus started slightly at the kid's reaction. "Uh... You were unconcsiouss. Not for long." He assured the kid. "Just for a little while. Like, three minutes. Anyway, my name's Maraxus. I know, it's a really wierd name, but it's MY really wierd name." Maraxus motioned Xhan over. "This is Xhan." Xhan grunted at the kid in greeting. "We were just making sure you were okay."
Mysti noticed the boy woke up, so she signaled Moonlight to follow her, and Lucky tagged along just 'cause he wanted to.
"Hi, I'm Mysti. This is Moonlight, my shiny Umbreon that was, like, my first friend ever, and Lucky, my white Lucario, came along second. Now they're my best, and only, friends in the world besideds my other Pokemon, which are over there." she pointed to her mom and the Pokemon behind her.
I like this rp idea.Can I join?Here's my char;


Age : 11

Gender : Male

Appearance : Short brown hair.He used to wear nothing at all,now started to use simple black clothes his adoptive father found for him to use(See bio for more details)

Personality : Friendly to those he knows,but also shy and distant to strangers.He takes a bit to trust other humans,as he is not used to living around them.He is also prone to act like a pokemon at times,as he's not used to being a human,walking on all fours sometimes and sniffing anything he's given to eat.He also is just learning the human language,so many times he can be heard talking on the Pichu,Pikachu,or Raichu languages.He always talks to his famly using pokemon language.(Again,see bio)

Biography : Rodrigo was born shortly after the Legendaries's take over.His parents abandoned Rodrigo as a baby,as they thought it would be better to him,as their actions got them on the sight of the Legendaries,as they were rebels.

The baby was found by a female Pikachu on the forest.She took the human baby to her famly,composed of her mate,a male Raichu,and their cub,a little Pichu.She decided that she couldn't just leave the baby to die,and suggested their adopted it.Raichu didn't like the idea at first,but ended up accepting it after his mate's pleading.They didn't get out of their forest before that day,because while they knew the Legendaries's actions were to free all pokemon,they couldn't agree with a complete take over,or killing humans.

The years had passed,and Rodrigo was raised by Pikachu and Raichu,with Pichu as his brother.He always wondered why he was different,as he grew in size more tham his famly,didn't have a tail,and his skin was different.And most importantly,he couldn't use any special attacks.When Rodrigo got eleven years old,Pikachu and Raichu thought Rodrigo was ready to learn the truth.

Rodrigo was shocked as he learned he was adopted,but he was not angry at his adoptive parents for hiding it.On his heart,he was still their son....but he knew he couldn't just stay there anymore.He had to free the humans from the Legendary rule.

His adopted famly didn't want Rodrigo to get in such a dangerous quest,even if deep inside they were proud at his descision,but knew they couldn't change his mind.So,after Raichu found some human clothes for Rodrigo to use,they decided to go with Rodrigo on his jorney.


Pikachu,female-Rodrigo's adoptive mother.She's often overprotective of Rodrigo and Pichu,but is also gentle to humans and pokemon around her,unless they obviously are bad.Like Raichu,she doesn't approve of the Legendary Pokemon's vicious methods.

Raichu,male-Rodrigo's adoptive father.As the leader and most powerfull member of his famly,he'll protect his famly with all his power.He's a powerfull Raichu,and has much courage as well.He is stern and stubborn,specially to strangers,and Pikachu many times has to beg him to at least listen to strangers or try to be a bit more friendly,and after a small discussion he'll listen to his mate.

Pichu,male- Rodrigo's adoptive little brother.He still doesn't have much experience on storing eletricity,and as such Pikachu rarely allows him to fight,even if Raichu approves Pichu's determination to get stronger.He is also playfull and cheerfull,and loves to make new friends.He is also too innocent,and that often gets him in trouble,as he tends to see the best of everyone around him.
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((@Pikatrainer: You could put spaces after commas and periods... it makes it easier to read and is proper grammar.

@Everyone else: Should I just hurry up and move Ira to the boat?))
I like this rp idea.Can I join?Here's my char;


Age : 11

Gender : Male

Appearance : Short brown hair.He used to wear nothing at all,now started to use simple black clothes his adoptive father found for him to use(See bio for more details)

Personality : Friendly to those he knows,but also shy and distant to strangers.He takes a bit to trust other humans,as he is not used to living around them.He is also prone to act like a pokemon at times,as he's not used to being a human,walking on all fours sometimes and sniffing anything he's given to eat.He also is just learning the human language,so many times he can be heard talking on the Pichu,Pikachu,or Raichu languages.He always talks to his famly using pokemon language.(Again,see bio)

Biography : Rodrigo was born shortly after the Legendaries's take over.His parents abandoned Rodrigo as a baby,as they thought it would be better to him,as their actions got them on the sight of the Legendaries,as they were rebels.

The baby was found by a female Pikachu on the forest.She took the human baby to her famly,composed of her mate,a male Raichu,and their cub,a little Pichu.She decided that she couldn't just leave the baby to die,and suggested their adopted it.Raichu didn't like the idea at first,but ended up accepting it after his mate's pleading.They didn't get out of their forest before that day,because while they knew the Legendaries's actions were to free all pokemon,they couldn't agree with a complete take over,or killing humans.

The years had passed,and Rodrigo was raised by Pikachu and Raichu,with Pichu as his brother.He always wondered why he was different,as he grew in size more tham his famly,didn't have a tail,and his skin was different.And most importantly,he couldn't use any special attacks.When Rodrigo got eleven years old,Pikachu and Raichu thought Rodrigo was ready to learn the truth.

Rodrigo was shocked as he learned he was adopted,but he was not angry at his adoptive parents for hiding it.On his heart,he was still their son....but he knew he couldn't just stay there anymore.He had to free the humans from the Legendary rule.

His adopted famly didn't want Rodrigo to get in such a dangerous quest,even if deep inside they were proud at his descision,but knew they couldn't change his mind.So,after Raichu found some human clothes for Rodrigo to use,they decided to go with Rodrigo on his jorney.


Pikachu,female-Rodrigo's adoptive mother.She's often overprotective of Rodrigo and Pichu,but is also gentle to humans and pokemon around her,unless they obviously are bad.Like Raichu,she doesn't approve of the Legendary Pokemon's vicious methods.

Raichu,male-Rodrigo's adoptive father.As the leader and most powerfull member of his famly,he'll protect his famly with all his power.He's a powerfull Raichu,and has much courage as well.He is stern and stubborn,specially to strangers,and Pikachu many times has to beg him to at least listen to strangers or try to be a bit more friendly,and after a small discussion he'll listen to his mate.

Pichu,male- Rodrigo's adoptive little brother.He still doesn't have much experience on storing eletricity,and as such Pikachu rarely allows him to fight,even if Raichu approves Pichu's determination to get stronger.He is also playfull and cheerfull,and loves to make new friends.He is also too innocent,and that often gets him in trouble,as he tends to see the best of everyone around him.

Well, I guess so... but you have to speak in English enough for the rest of us to understand, because whatever Pokemon that happens to be the translater of any given trainer can't be around all the time. (And like Cryptica said, better grammer and such would help some. I'm not knocking you or anything; but it would be a little easier to read.)

((@Cryptica: Yeah, sure. You might want to hurry through the whole thing, though, because the group is assembling.))

"Mmm... hi." Alan was surprised be the sudden rush of people. It was like he was a famous person, or something. "My name's Alan." He tossed his "Enigma berries" to the ground. They opened up and revealed his Pokemon. "This is my Glaceon, Pyrite, my Sceptile, Chaos, and my horribly annoying Porygon-Z, Enigma. I call him that because no one knows what goes on in its head." He glared at it.
Hey, at least I know what goes on in your head. Enigma did that grin again.
I'm going to put you in a cage. Alan turned to Maraxus. "So, is Xhan your Lucario's really weird name? Because Xhan is kind of weird."
Yeah. Enigma cut in. It reminds me of-
"That's it, you're going back in the ball." He knocked it on Enigma's head, and it disappeared inside of it.
"AND JUST WHAT DOES IT REMIND YOU OF, YOU LITTLE PUNK?!!!" Xhan screamed at the Berry.

Maraxus watched the whole thing, amused. Alan was clever to disguise his Pokeballs as berries. "Yes, that is his wierd name." He amswered simply. Alan was all right, so that meant he could go... Wait, where was he going? Maraxus stood up, shaking his head. "Alright, Xhan, let's go."

"Just let me pound that little son of a b-"

"XHAN." Maraxus was somewhere between a warning and a yell. Xhan grumbled to himself as he walked to Maraxus' side. "So, where are you headed?" He asked Alan.
Rodrigo was walking around with his famly,when he heard some noises.

"Pika,pika,pi pika! (Hey,look!Humans,like me!) " he said.

"Pika pika pikachu pi...pika pika.... (They look like nice people.....maybe you should go there and try to talk with them on their language....)" Pikachu said to him.Maybe,she thought,this would be a nice opportunity for her son to learn more about the humans habits.He did learn something about the human language,by observation,but he still had lots to learn.

"Rai,Rai,Raichu.Rai rai rai. (Just be on your guard.If they do something to you,I'll protect you.)" Raichu said,looking at the humans sternly.He never trusted anyone he just met.

Rodrigo nodded and went to the humans with his famly.....on his fours,as he still had some trouble walking around on two legs,as he didn't practice enough on this.
((Pikatrainer, try it like this;

Rodrigo was walking around with his family, when he heard some noises.

"Pika, pika! Pi pika!" (Hey, look! Humans, like me!) he said.

"Pika pika pikachu pi... pika pika," (They look like nice people..... maybe you should go there and try to talk with them in their language.) Pikachu said to him. Maybe, she thought, this would be a nice opportunity for her son to learn more about the humans habits. He did learn something about the human language, by observation, but he still had lots to learn.

"Rai Rai Raichu. Rai rai rai," (Just be on your guard.If they do something to you,I'll protect you.) Raichu said, looking at the humans sternly. He never trusted anyone he just met.

Rodrigo nodded and went to the humans with his family on his fours, as he still had some trouble walking around on two legs, as he didn't practice enough on this.
And that is a correct post, though I may have missed something. Note the spaces after puntuation and how "family" is spelled))
((Okay, I'll just do this...))

Ira made it through Mt. Coronet and boarded the ship, which he asked to take him to Pallet Town. It had reached the other regions swiftly, and the Pokémon Trainer got off. He saw a group of about two or three other Trainers, and started towards them, hoping he would be able to start small talk if these guys were friendly.
((Sorry, kinda dropped out for a while. :/))
Mark woke up.

How long was I out? he thought, glancing at his watch. It had been several hours since he released his pokémon into this Secret Base and fell asleep on one of the beds.

Man, I need to get an alarm.
"C'mon, guys, back in the berries!" he said, pulling out the bag he kept the assorted berry-pokéballs in.

Mark crawled out of the trapdoor exit to his Secret Base, moving the bush over the spot again. He spotted a group in the distance, and set off towards it. As he approached the group seemingly composed entirely of pokémon and young people, Mark waved in greeting.

"Hey!" he said, while petting the Buneary on his shoulder.
Serena had gotten so tired she hadn't noticed land getting closer. She looked at Lickitung, who was still swimming strong. "Almost there!" She told him.

Finally, they reached the stone path. There was one other who had just arrived on a boat, and a few others. She stayed silent, waiting to make sure they weren't any badly-intentioned teams or anything.
Vai looked up at Blaze.

"Well, it doesn't look like they're going to report us or anything, they have Pokeballs," she hissed.

Why not? You want me to make an entrance? Storm nudged her in the back, and the bushes around the five rustled.

Stop! Well, if you want to introduce yourself, we should surround you. To make you look dominant or whatever humans feel strongly, Blaze suggested. Tempest snickered.

Ha, likely, and Vai flicked him again. Would you stop that? Vai rolled her eyes.

"Uh, sure. Let's go then.." With another rustling of grass and bushes, she stepped out with the four Pokemon around her, awkwardly. "Uh... Hi?" The group seemed to be made up of humans and a few Pokemon, and Vai looked around. "Are you against the Legendaries?" Awkward, she cursed herself.
Gerin was still watching the group from the shadows of the alley. Although you could see him you would have to focus a little harder to make out his body. Under any other circumstance he would have ran out to meet the group, But a fifteen year bleeding from the head in a pair of cuffs isn't great for a first impression. Besides Derish was wandering somewhere and Gerin needed to find him.
"Well, I been thinking about..." Alan paused he was checking around for Mew. If it heard him, he would be dead. "About...um...*cough* killing *cough* Mew."
Yeah, like you're going to get away with that.
"Dang it Enigma, if you let yourself out again, I'm going to kill you!" Alan was screaming at the Porygon-Z. It just smiled.
"Well, sorry about Enigma. It likes too-" He glared over at Enigma. "Be annoying." Alan released Pyrite and Chaos. "Do either of you have any ideas?"
No, they don't. Enigma answered for them. Do what are you going to do?
Maraxus' jaw dropped at the idea of killing legendaries. Xhan seemed to supress a laugh. "Are you serious?!" Either Alan had lost his sanity, or Maraxus needed a hearing aid.

"I think he is." Xhan chuckled.

"Well..." Maraxus stopped to think of it for a moment. "Maybe it would be possible... But we would need a lot more of us..."

Xhan stopped lauhging, and seemed shcoked at what had just been said. "Wait does that mean we're going to go with HIM?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yup." Maraxus shrugged.

"Am I the only thing alive that isn't insane with power, or just plain insane?" Xhan muttered to himself.
"Killing legendaries?" asked Ira. "I form no opinion on that. If they were dead, there's a good point and a bad point. If they're alive, there's a good point and a bad point. Both of the bad points of which are worse than the good points are decent.
"If they're dead, the good point is that we'll be free from then. The bad point is that their nonexistence may cause the universe to be thrown out of whack.
"If they're alive, however, the good point is that they'll have a smaller chance of destroying all the existing universes. The bad point is that they'll keep us under their watch."

He looked a bit sulky after he finished.
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