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I like my toast brown, not black.

Sometimes my family asks me to make them some. Thinking I'm a professional chef, I go to the kitchen with a manly confidence. Sadly, I usually burn the toast. I grab a butter knife and scrape the black away. They have yet to notice my sins.
Toast is awesome, because it's so versatile. I prefer medium toasted, but then you can put almost anything on it :) Except for vegetables. Vegetables are for untoasted bread.
Lightly toasted, but not too lightly. The ideal slice would be light brown all over, no white spots (or different shade of brown if it were brown bread), and no black spots either. Sadly I doubt I'll never get to have such a thing.
I like it with butter on. If it's warm enough to melt in then I like it so there's enough that even after it's fully melted there's still some runny butter on top. If it's not warm enough, I like it covered with yellow (as unhealthy and sick sounding that must be).

That would be how I prefer toast, but I don't mind cheese, spaghetti, jam, marmalade or margarine on it.
I prefer it really lightly toasted (meaning that it spends like 30 seconds in the toaster) with some butter.
I like my toast in between warm bread and burnt. I really have no preference on degree of toasted. I like to put peanut butter on it as soon as it's out.
Nutella! Yeah! Toast with nutella is awesome.

But, if I don't have nutella, I prefer lightly toasted (slightly yellow, a tiny bit of brown) with loads of salted butter.
Medium toasted, either drenched in jam, butter or cheese and butter.
Oooooh, or if my sweet tooth is screaming, with lots of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Yum ^^
Medium/darkish brown with butter that's been allowed to soak into the bread a bit. Just like Grandma used to make. No jam, though. Unless it's apple butter. Mmm...apple butter...
Very lightly toasted with cinnamon, peanut butter, or honey. One time I actually threw all three of those things on one piece of toast and it really wasn't half bad :D
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