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I prefer mine lightly toasted, with... marmite.

but pa might not

commence the J.T. slapping

Anyway. Light, with peanut butter and honey. Never really liked most jams for some reason.

EDIT: And Tailsy wins another thread.
I like my toast fairly light but not too light. Somewhere between "light" and "golden brown", I guess. I only ever put butter on my toast. Sometimes I'll add in cheese. Occasionally I melt cheese over the toast and then there's no butter.

Only white bread. Never brown. I've had honey once, and it was nice, but never again. No jam, either.
Never less than golden-brown, but I shift around a bunch. Sometimes I'll just char the stuff. As for toppings.. Butter with Cinnamon/Sugar, Peanut Butter and Honey, or often enough just.. plain.
Light to medium toastiness, I guess. Then some butter, and top it off with some jam or eggs. (Usually the latter, I got sick of jam on bred after I was forced to eat it every morning for a year and a half in 6th~7th grade)
Dark brown toasted with cheese, sausage, eggs, and another piece of toast to make a nice breakfast sandwich. Yum.
I haven't had toast in forever, but I like it nice and plain. I'm weird like that.

(Kai, did you make a similar thread on the starmen.net forums because it's a pretty odd coincidence)
Just so long as it isn't black or warm bread I'm happy. Has to be white bread because I don't like brown bread. Granary bread just doesn't do it for me as a toast either. I also like it cold after it has been toasted.

Normally just margerine on the top. Maybe some kind of paté if it's available and if I'm in the mood for it. Then again, I never really seem to eat toast frequently anyway.
I like my toast brown/granary and toasted to the point of almost being burnt. I love pretty much any kind of jam; raspberry or pineapple are my favourites :3
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