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Weird Feelings/Sensations

the urge to literally, and i mean literally, kill something, sloooowlyyyy...

heres one i had earlier today : i was at my Neices (sp?) 3rd birthday and i was playing keepy-ups with a ballon as most of the guests were leaving, then suddenly i fell sick and nauseous. i started to sway and felt like i would drop at any moment unconscious, then i fell on the bed and it went away.

also, one day i spent a full day lazing around playing my DS and when i tried to walk i couldn't concentrate becasue i was suffering from total MINDFUCKERY
When I'm playing my DS in my room with the sound up, after around half an hour I'll start to be too tired to even keep my eyes open and thus turn off the game... but as soon as the game's off I'll stop feeling tired. Huh.

I've got to stop experiencing things kinda like things other people post but slightly different. xD

Sometimes when I'm really, really tired but just can't get to sleep, and I start reading, I start feeling sleepy. When I put the book away and try sleeping I can't sleep again.
I sometimes feel a crashing depression for no particular reason and I just feel like crying. But, it's always a few tearless sobs and nothing more. And it always happens when nothing's wrong. O.o

Also I seem to feel like a werewolf sometimes. It's kind of like wanting to go outside when the moon's bright (even if it's winter). Afterwards, I always want something salty, oddly enough. And that craving is sometimes for a very small proportion of blood. Actually, I sometimes want to taste blood even without that werewolf sensation. I normally play with my cats and see if they scratch my hand or whatever. Then I suck the wound.

Yep, I'm crazy.
Sometimes when I'm really tired and about to fall asleep I begin to feel like I'm spinning. It's like the whole room is spinning kinda slowly and delibratly. Whenever I wake up after this happens I feel really awful.
Whenever I go swimming afterwards I get this wierd sensation in my torso and abdomin that I'm still in water, and floating. It's really nice, but it never lasts long enough.

For fun I sometimes give myself an out of body experience. It's like I contiuosly ask myself "who am I? Why am I here? What if I was a different person?" Eventualy I start to forget who I am and I feel disconnected. Then I have to say my name over and over again to come back down to earth. It's really cool, kinda peaceful really.
I really hate having anyone touch my neck, because I keep thinking they're going to attack or try and strangle me or something.
My hearing is weird. I often have to ask people to repeat what they say about three times before I understand, but I can hear a cell phone ringing next door, and even hear my DS charging. I swear. It's a really high-pitched "sqeeeee" type sound.
:D More of this stuff as I think of it. This thread rocks.

All of that
I feel a little cat-like once in a while, too
One time in the third grade, and I blinked, and it switched from night to morning, and I didn't feel the least bit less tired, even though i had apparently slept 9.5 hours, that night...
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One time in the third grade, and I blinked, and it switched from night to morning, and I didn't feel the least bit less tired, even though i had apparently slept 9.5 hours, that night...

That's happened to me to. I was sitting on the couch one night watching TV, I blinked and suddenly it's morning. Scared the crap out of me. :sweatdrop:
One time in the third grade, and I blinked, and it switched from night to morning, and I didn't feel the least bit less tired, even though i had apparently slept 9.5 hours, that night...

That happened to me, too. Freaked me the hell out.
The other day I was riding the bus from my boyfriend's place when I suddenly felt my finger and thought, "Whoa. Where's my ring?"

The thing is I don't have a ring. I haven't worn a ring of any sort since I was little. But in that moment, and actually ever since that moment to varying degrees, I've felt as if I ought to have a ring on my finger that's missing.

I guess I really want to marry him.
i can never decipher what someone's trying to tell me. once my mom asked me, "What restaurant do you want to go to?" and i serioously thought she said, "What if i shot you and you lived?"

i have a trust issue. i never tell people i'm close to about my problems, but if i'm talking to someone over the internet and they live far away, i spill out everything to them. i feel like i can't get humiliated by the internet person cause they don't know me at all, and i'm scared my friend will tell someone else what i told them.

when i'm lying in my bed, and i'm staring at the ceiling, it looks like everything gets darker.

my dreams have the concept of death most of the time, and they are so real i have to make sure the person that died is still alive. in one dream i died, and when i woke up i thought i was in heaven, and i had to go downstairs and see everything i owned just to make sure i was still alive.

i experience deja vu a lot. and sometimes i dream that i get a 75% on a math test and when i get the test back, i have a 75%.

after realizing all these things, i'm pretty sure something's wrong with me.
Nothing's wrong :D

I dream about what happens in the future all the time. Twice, actually. Once that tCoD was back up after the crash. In the next few days, it was.

And then, back when we were still excited for the eigth Naruto theme song. I thought it would come on that weekend. I dreamt it was still the seventh. That Saturday, it was.

I'm feeling more lion- and eagle-like now. Earlier, when I was pretending I was flying, I felt like I had wings and a beak. I also thought, spread your primary feathers...

On the above few sentences, I originally typed, "Earlier, when I was flying..."
Not really an unusual sensation, but one that freaked me out nonetheless:

I accidentally slept on my arm a few nights ago and woke up to find it completely numb. I ignored it at first until I tried to turn over. And it just flopped over, thudded against the wall and fell like a piece of meat. And it would not move at all. It was just a dead weight hanging on my shoulder. I'm sure this has happened to a lot of people, but that doesn't stop it from being a really creepy feeling.
So yesterday I was hanging out in the car while my parents were in church (I was ditching) and I was dosing off. I was laying in the back seat, and suddenly I felt like I was in my room on my floor. I knew that I wasn't, but it felt like that. It was a bit strange.
Butterfree said:
The thing is I don't have a ring. I haven't worn a ring of any sort since I was little. But in that moment, and actually ever since that moment to varying degrees, I've felt as if I ought to have a ring on my finger that's missing.

I guess I really want to marry him.

Awww, that's so cute! <3
One time in the third grade, and I blinked, and it switched from night to morning, and I didn't feel the least bit less tired, even though i had apparently slept 9.5 hours, that night...

Same. Except it was three hours. Coz i woke up at 5:30 on morning and i decided to start playing pearl to see if i could catch the sunrise thing on it. I blinked and suddenly, 3 hours later. But i didnt feel tired, even though i probably was, since i dont do early mornings.

This wasn't a feeling or sensation, but one christmas i was up early at like 6 and everyone was still asleep, so i walk into the kitchen, look at the clock and i could of sworn the clock went backwards. So instead of the second hand going clockwise, it went anti-clockwise.

Not trying to sound... whatever, but I kinda can guess at what some of these things might be. For instance...

i have a trust issue. i never tell people i'm close to about my problems, but if i'm talking to someone over the internet and they live far away, i spill out everything to them. i feel like i can't get humiliated by the internet person cause they don't know me at all, and i'm scared my friend will tell someone else what i told them.

That's called something like perfect stranger symptom. You can confide in perfect strangers, but not friends, because you know that a perfect stranger will feel no obligations to you, and therefore won't interfere, tell, or possibly even give advice, whereas a friend will probably do one of these. Also, the likelihood of running into that perfect stranger again is extremely low, so they cannot influence your life in any way.

Um... animal transformation? No idea. Feel free to enjoy you're life as a werewolf/werecat. Or a bird. Just don't eat anyone.

The tensing thing might be that as you focus on one area of you're body, you increase blood flow, causing stress, tingling, and that rushing sound. Also, as you concentrate there, you will be more attentive to the nerves in that area, causing increased sensations.

Night Terrors- this is something that happens when you're asleep. Something occurs, like a dream. However, you're brain interpets it as you being completely awake and you actually experiencing whatever's going on. Therefore, to you, it is completely real.

Precognition- congradulations! You're psychic!

I'm not sure if this stuff helps, or if it's correct diagnosis, but it's my best guess.
So the craziest fucking thing happened last night.

I was walking down the hall to find my boyfriend. I have a textile poster hanging in my doorway as a sort of door, but not really. Anyway, I lifted it up to look in my room, and I felt like someone was behind me, also pulling it up. I got spooked and almost ran back into the kitchen. XD

Then later, about 11:00 PM, I was going from the kitchen to my room to feed my cat when I felt like I was being followed. The feeling stayed as I returned to the kitchen to put the cat food away and when I got back in my room. In fact, it stayed until I sheilded myself, and then I kind of still felt watched. D: But I ignored it and went to sleep.
If I try to read or concentrate on something without my glasses, a sharp pain hits my forehead. :(

Also, I sometimes get the feeling that other people are reading my mind when they stare at me while I'm lost in though. Although I know they can't possibly get through my thick skull to my precious thoughts, I just get the feeling. Then again, I've also pondered if my Playstation 1 could read my mind... I guess I'm paranoid.
One time I was laying in my bed right next to a poster I had hanging on the wall, and then I felt like someone put his hand on my shoulder.

Turned over, there was no person there. And the feeling had gone away.

I went back to my other position and fell asleep, only to awaken the same night and repeat exactly what I had done earlier.
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