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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What annoying things happen to you in-game?

Agreed! What happened to the nice idling, with a water Pokemon instantly entering battle instead of you having to hook it. >> It took me forever... T_T

Annoying things: Every time I go through Ilex Forest, no matter what, I encounter something that poisons my Pokemon. Every. Time. And it sets up to a "can't escape" battle, as well. >> Luckily, as soon as I got Fly, I bypassed all of that, but still.

Also, the bug-catching contest? Every time I play, everyone else gets the Scyther, Venonat and so on. I get a Kakuna.
In my Sapphire Monotype, EVERY SINGLE DARN POISON STING has poisoned me so far. And Poison Sting has what, a 10% chance of poison? And I always hurt myself when I'm confused. Always. <___<

Incorrect, it's 1/3. Poison Sting has a very high rate of poison, second only to Smog.
Alright, just went through Union Cave to train up a Wooper to get it close to the rest of my team. After battling a Firebreather, it was low on health so I headed for the exit. And got into battle with five Rattatas, consecutively. >> And for every single one, it was an inescapable battle. Grrr... Luckily, Slam finished off the weaker ones, but why is Quick Attack so strong? >> Or at least, it seems strong this early into the game. XD Poor Quagmire fainted.
In my Firered I have 6 pokemon with pokerus, (caught early in the game-no trades)
and in my Leafgreen i have none, and Green is my main game grrr...
me... la-dee-da I'm off to train my magikarp with tackle into a super strong Gyarados... *walks out of cerulean*...
wild SUICUNE appeared...
me:yah wel... um... screw you!.switches to pidgeot
I was battling the Elite 4 today, about the FIRST TIME I'VE DONE IT WITHOUT TURNING THE POWER OFF AND RESTARTING and i get up to Cynthia and run out of revives! It was that caking Quagsire of Bertha's! It wouldn't stop using dig! And i was pretty sure i could win :sad:
Being poisoned and dieing ONE STEP AWAY from healing my pokemon. Okay that's exagerating, but I was playing yellow. All I had was pikachu. Battle Frontier always hax. Really, I had a Registeel vs. Dusknoir fight. Luckily it couldn't poison me. Six double teams+pressure=struggle. Accidently killing a (I think) shiny Hippototas. Resorting to a Master Ball for Azelf, and lots more.
I spent ages trying to beat Norman in Emerald. Killed off all of my well trained Pokemon. So I take a friends advice, catch a Skarmory and try to train it up. I get bored and fight the gym battle anyway. I won with a level 23 Skarmory. WTF?! I couldn't beat that damn gym with my team (who were all nearly at 30).

I had that problem Fred. Only I had been poisoned just as I was leaving the tunnel that leads to Lavendar Town and if I died, I'd be back at the Pokemon Centre BEFORE the tunnel. >_>

The Safari Zone in Yellow. I could see all the rare Pokemon...and they always got away! ><

Oh yeah, and battling Norman's Spinda. I sent out my Sableye and all it could hope to do to damage it was Teeter Dance. *pulls out Yellow Flute* ><
I was somehow totally unable to defeat Mars at the Valley Windworks. It took five or six attempts, with a Prinplup and Golbat at at least the same level as her Pokémon.
Was this Hippopotas black? It might have just been female. I once mistook a female Doduo for a shiny in the same way.

D/P: The generation where you REALLY need to be paranoid about Shinies

Anyways, it had to be breeding. All the fucking breeding... >.<
Sometimes in R/S/E, I run into a Pelipper or somebody that has a Pelipper and they always uses protect! I don't like it when they use protect!

Also, one time I was training a Togepi in FireRed and a shiny Pidgey popped up! I was like, OMG SHINY! and I swapped Togepi out for something else. BUT THAT THING JUST HAD TO USE WHIRLWIND! I felt cheated.
I wanted to give my Sneasel Ice Punch instead of Ice Beam and EV-training its Special Attack. I then discovered in order to do so it first has to go through about half a dozen other Pokémon, none of which were available to me ;_;
I just added Darkrai and Azelf into my E4 team. I get owned faster than i did b4 with half of my pokemon under lvl 50...

Also, when I'm looking for Feebas, I lways get Barboach and Magikarp. They really need a super rod in D/P
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Poison, every single time, and confusion. Only once my Pokemon didn't hurt itself when it was confused.
Yes. There is a Super Rod, but you can't get it until after the Elite Four, when you've unlocked the Fight Area. :/

This always happens to me:

Wrong Pokemon is out against a Magnemite. I switch to Bluebird (a Geodude, actually.)

Magnemite used Supersonic!

Bluebird is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!

Every. Single. Time. D:
Whenever I'm battling a pokemon with higher speed and mine has low health, if I use a hyper potion, they don't attack. But if I attack, they faint my pokemon.
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