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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

Well I find Rock-Ground and Celestial Blade(I bet you, he was that Turbo that got banned at the last forums) annoying in a very large degree. So yeah.
I must say I like most members here and I already said my favorite so...

[sarcasm]Thanks for remembering me...[/sarcasm]

OFF-TOPIC: Celestial Blade IS Turbo, and it's his location that gives it away. I mean, come on, who else spells it that way?

Back on topic, Mudkip, I think I said this at the old forums, but, I only wish to even come close to your competitive battling skills. Oh, and Hawkfish, I find you annoying too, and not just for criticizing me.
re: verne, surskitty, xikaze


kfien. VERNE you are awesome and have a personality like whoa; totally unique uh when you're not trying to kill yourself or otherwise beat yourself up pls don't k :[. SURSKOOT ilu il your drawings il <surskitty> THINGS I HATE: people & il your fandoms for the most part. XIKAZE you are just. too cool for school. I dunno. but get out of the house there are zombies under your floorboards

re: furret, dewgong, tailsy, opal


FURRET you're great; we're real similar but... it's kinda like, if you and your sibling were separated at birth, then when you met them and you didn't know they were your sibling you'd get married cause you were so similar? but if you weren't separated then you'd just fight all the time. I have no clue I'm not making sense oh well. DEWGONG the raddest most jailbaitiest fellow death note lover japanophile I've met :3. TAILSY why are you everyone's mother. I mean seriously. it's like your back must be in terrible condition considering how many of your kids would step on crack(s) during the day. OPAL huge music fan, um really quite useful to have around, and you always seem older than you are :V.

re: eevee, zhorken, butterfree


EEVEE you are like my role model in programming and snark. ZHORKEN you are way too [smart|gay|fuzzy] for your own good. BUTTERFREE I love you and the things you've done <3 but it seems like you're older than you are in a different way than opal. Like you do things that older people would do or something. idk.

re: cryssie, g8tr, harlequin, charteon, newt


you're all great just super yeah a++

re: anyone else (unless I forgot)

≤ 7

eta: right so my scale is 'how much I would want to meet you irl'
Last edited:
re: verne, surskitty, xikaze


re: furret, dewgong, tailsy, opal


re: eevee, zhorken, butterfree


re: cryssie, g8tr, harlequin, charteon, newt


re: anyone else (unless I forgot)

≤ 7

eta: right so my scale is 'how much I would want to meet you irl'

Thanks, Midnight ; ; What a pal
SURSKOOT ilu il your drawings il <surskitty> THINGS I HATE: people & il your fandoms for the most part.
MIDNOOT you are a wonderful foil and you know ilu2 although sometimes you don't seem to get interpersonal things that well and that's always sad :'[ not that I'm one to talk but er COME TO ME I WOULD PLAY VIDEO GAMES AND SQUEE WITH YOU ON VARIOUS SUBJECT MATTERS AND INTRODUCE YOU TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALSO THE TYPE THAT I TEND TO GET ALONG WITH REALLY WELL SO THEN WE CAN BRING PAIN AND HORROR AND SQUEEING TO ALL OF SKOOTSVILLE

also come live in my room I have an air mattress at mom's and a bunk bed at dad's and your parents kinda suck MIDNOOTS~~ also mine would totally not mind THERE IS NO ISSUE HERE IS THERE
*joins thread*

Altmer, I can't say I know you very well but a lot of your snarky comments are funny although I think you can be a bit mean sometimes.
*joins thread*

Altmer, I can't say I know you very well but a lot of your snarky comments are funny although I think you can be a bit mean sometimes.

I'm not mean

people are stupid

also if I rate people out of 10 in this thread it is probably not meant seriously, just fyi
I don't have too many personal connections here, but what the hell, I'll post.

Shadow Serenity is an awesome friend, he's funny, and I would love to meet him one day. Same with LudiestOfAllColos. I love those two guys, they've been my friends since I started ASB on the previous forums <3

And Kindling Queen. I still remember that first PM she sent me asking me to ref her battle =P A great friendship sprouted from that one message. Also, she's now my partner in a certain project we're working on.

zaxly100 is interestingly funny. I love Geico! =P

And everyone else...is interesting. Some funny people, some annoying people, some people that make me want to tear my hair out. But mostly people that are just plain awesome =]
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