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What Games Are You Playing?

i recently purchased Counter Strike Global Offensive and whenever I have downtime, I'll play a bit of Tomodachi Life.
The newest Godzilla game for the PS3. God, I'm such a huge nerd for giant monsters, and this game makes me so happy. <3
I downloaded Osu! for the first time in 5 years. Too bad I don't have a mouse and playing it on a laptop touchpad is probably a terrible idea.
I finished the newest (and sadly, last ever) Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC last night (or more like 2am today) and it was Pretty Damn Cool. I'm probably gonna spend some time playing on my other characters as well because I fucking love this game uhgnhg
finally got around to playing Destiny last week in time for The Taken King. i'll likely be swapping my attention between that and FFXIV Heavensward for a while, at least until Fatal Frame comes out next month.
I picked up Bloodborne again yesterday, figuring I was roughly halfway through.

I just beat the final boss.

Like... I know Souls games don't just give you the plot on a plate but I have absolutely no idea what it was about beyond "go to the place and kill the thing, repeat until credits". :v
I picked up Bloodborne again yesterday, figuring I was roughly halfway through.

I just beat the final boss.

Like... I know Souls games don't just give you the plot on a plate but I have absolutely no idea what it was about beyond "go to the place and kill the thing, repeat until credits". :v

Item descriptions give most of the Soulsborne lore, but beyond that, it's kinda designed to be discovered as a community, so it's best to follow along in the subreddit if you want to get a real good grip on the story. Here's a good explanation of the whole thing.
Also, there's three different final bosses, depending on which ending you got.
The expansion is coming out soon, too, so you might want to keep the game around until then.
Yeah, I was reading item descriptions, so maybe I just didn't pick up the right items? :v I also played a lot blinder than I did with DaS and DaS2, so that's probably something to do with it.

I just watched a plot summary video on YouTube and it turns out there's a lot more going on than I anticipated, so maybe it'll just take a few playthroughs for me to really get it.
This is how you learn the story of a Souls game.

You beat the game, then get confused about the thirty-second ending. You replay the game, take special care in noticing all the little details written in the item descriptions, the level design, and the precious, precious few dialogue available. You then re-beat the game, then still get confused.

You then say fuck it watch all of VaatiVidya's playlist, and there the pieces slowly fal into place.
I finally got around to starting Virtue's Last Reward during the week, finished it last night and oh boy it was a pretty wild ride. I'm so glad that they made replaying/getting all the endings so much easier (thank all the jesuses for the flow chart thingy), but holy dick why isn't there a way to skip the fucking credits??? .___.

I kinda feel like I should try replaying 999 while my brain is still in a puzzle-y mode :O
I've been reading a lot of visual novels recently, but I'm never sure how long to leave it until I play again to get another ending. I don't want to start right away since a lot of the text will be the same and I'll get bored, but I don't want to put it on skip mode because I might miss out on foreshadowing that I didn't notice the first time.

And I don't want to leave it ages because I might not be in the mood for it later on.
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